actube/src/cw/mavl_add.c 847781bf7c moved unsied files, compiles w/o waringins with clang
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2018-03-25 08:07:39 +00:00

234 lines
4.2 KiB

* @file
* @brief Implementation of mavl_add
#include "mavl.h"
static struct mavlnode *mavlnode_create ( struct mavl *t, const void *data )
struct mavlnode *n = malloc ( sizeof ( struct mavlnode ) + t->data_size );
if ( !n )
return NULL;
n->left = n->right = NULL;
n->bal = 0;
/*n->data = *data;*/
memcpy ( mavlnode_dataptr ( n ), data, t->data_size );
return n;
static int mavl_add0 ( struct mavl *t, struct mavlnode **parent, const void ** data )
struct mavlnode *tmp;
struct mavlnode *n = *parent;
int rc = t->cmp ( *data, mavlnode_dataptr ( n ) );
int bal;
if ( rc == 0 ) {
/* *data = &n->data;*/
/* memcpy(data,mavlnode_dataptr(n),t->data_size);*/
*data = mavlnode_dataptr ( n );
return 2;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
if ( n->left ) {
bal = mavl_add0 ( t, &n->left, data );
if ( bal > 1 )
return bal;
n->bal -= bal;
if ( n->bal == 0 )
return 0;
if ( n->bal == -2 ) {
if ( n->left->bal == -1 ) {
n->bal = 0;
n->left->bal = 0;
*parent = n->left;
tmp = n->left->right;
n->left->right = n;
n->left = tmp;
return 0;
if ( n->left->bal == 1 ) {
*parent = n->left->right;
if ( ( *parent )->bal == 1 ) {
n->bal = 0;
n->left->bal = -1;
} else if ( ( *parent )->bal == -1 ) {
n->bal = 1;
n->left->bal = 0;
} else {
n->bal = 0;
n->left->bal = 0;
( *parent )->bal = 0;
n->left->right = ( *parent )->left;
( *parent )->left = n->left;
tmp = ( *parent )->right;
( *parent )->right = n;
n->left = tmp;
return 0;
return bal;
/* n->left is 0 */
n->left = mavlnode_create ( t, *data );
*data = mavlnode_dataptr(n->left);
if ( !n->left )
return 3;
if ( n->right == 0 ) {
n->bal = -1;
return 1;
n->bal = 0;
return 0;
} else {
if ( n->right ) {
bal = mavl_add0 ( t, &n->right, data );
if ( bal > 1 )
return bal;
n->bal += bal;
if ( n->bal == 0 )
return 0;
if ( n->bal == 2 ) {
if ( n->right->bal == 1 ) {
n->bal = 0;
n->right->bal = 0;
*parent = n->right;
tmp = n->right->left;
n->right->left = n;
n->right = tmp;
return 0;
} else if ( n->right->bal == -1 ) {
*parent = n->right->left;
if ( ( *parent )->bal == -1 ) {
n->bal = 0;
n->right->bal = 1;
} else if ( ( *parent )->bal == 1 ) {
n->bal = -1;
n->right->bal = 0;
} else {
n->bal = 0;
n->right->bal = 0;
( *parent )->bal = 0;
n->right->left = ( *parent )->right;
( *parent )->right = n->right;
tmp = ( *parent )->left;
( *parent )->left = n;
n->right = tmp;
return 0;
return bal;
/* n->right is 0 */
n->right = mavlnode_create ( t, *data );
*data = mavlnode_dataptr(n->right);
if ( !n->right )
return 3;
if ( n->left == 0 ) {
n->bal = 1;
return 1;
n->bal = 0;
return 0;
* @brief mavl add function
* Add an element to an AVL tree
* @param t mavl
* @param data pointer to the element to add
* @param exists pointer to an interger vairable which wil be set to 1, if
* the element to add already exists in the tree. If the element did't
* exist, the variable ist to 0.
* @return A pointer to the element in the tree. If the element was added,
* it the pointer to newly created element. If the element had already existed,
* the pointer points to the existing element. mavl_add returns thero, if
* something else went wrong. Therefore consult errno.
void *mavl_add ( struct mavl *t, const void *data, int *exists )
const void * d;
int rc;
if ( t->root == NULL ) {
t->root = mavlnode_create ( t, data );
if ( t->root )
/* return &t->root->data; */
if (exists != NULL)
return mavlnode_dataptr(t->root);
d = data;
rc = mavl_add0 ( t, &t->root, &d );
if ( rc >= 3 )
return NULL;
if ( exists != NULL){
if (rc==2)
return (void*)d;