moved unsied files, compiles w/o waringins with clang
FossilOrigin-Name: 1189a474bfcc28195d888d7967ccfc50c812f194e1ee19e99d3cb244d666a19a
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
<File Name="src/cw/mavliter_seek.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dot11.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_clear_upd.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_getport.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_gnutls_get_peers_cert.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_process_packet.c"/>
@ -44,25 +43,19 @@
<File Name="src/cw/conn_init.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/strheap.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_join_req.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_put_radio_operational_states.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_wait_for_message.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_util.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/radio.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_read_image_data_request.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_read_wtp_descriptor_versions.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_wtp_descriptor.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap80211_types.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_openssl_accept.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_wtp_board_data.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_prepare_request.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_put_ac_status.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_wait_for_request.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_strings_msg.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/bstr_replace.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_receive.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_80211_actions.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mbag_get_upd.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/acpriolist.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_hwaddrtostr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavliter_next.c"/>
@ -70,21 +63,16 @@
<File Name="src/cw/lw_put_cisco_path_mtu.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_get_message.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_readelem_maximum_message_length.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_radio_administrative_state_wtp.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_read_descriptor_subelems.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/log_file.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_radio_generic.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_strings_elem80211.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_strlist_get_str.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw_readelem_wtp_name.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_cisco.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_wtp_reboot_statistics.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/netconn.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_capwap_local_ipv6_address.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_capwap_local_ip_address.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_wtp_descriptor.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_action_helpers.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_send_data_packet.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_capwap_control_ip_address.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_radio_set_admin_state.c"/>
@ -101,13 +89,10 @@
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_disc_req.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/fragman.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_prepare_configuration_status_request.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_send_echo_response.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw_cisco_id_to_str.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/bstr_create_from_cfgstr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_getifhwaddr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_send_packet.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_join_resp.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_80211_mac_operation.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_strings_board.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_80211_actions_ac.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_addrlen.c"/>
@ -117,7 +102,6 @@
<File Name="src/cw/cw_setstr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_readelem_radio_operational_state.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_q_get_packet.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_read_80211_mac_operation.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_img_data_req_ac.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/log.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_init_session_id.c"/>
@ -125,10 +109,8 @@
<File Name="src/cw/format.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/intavltree.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_cmpaddr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_radio_administrative_state.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cwmsg_addelem_80211_add_wlan.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dot11.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_generic_resp.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavl_foreach_lr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavl_get.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_setport.c"/>
@ -136,28 +118,22 @@
<File Name="src/cw/sock.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/aciplist.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/log_syslog.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/radio.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw_put_ac_descriptor.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_destroy.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavl_merge.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_readelem_cisco_wtp_radio_cfg.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_put_msg.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_disc_resp.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavl_add.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_gnutls_get_cipher.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_cipwap_join_req.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/vendors.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_read_wtp_descriptor_7.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dbg.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_addrtostr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_80211_supported_rates.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_openssl.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_addelem_vendor_specific_payload.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_radio_generic.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_cfg_update_req.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_msg_init.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/bstr16_create_from_cfgstr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cisco.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_read_wtp_descriptor.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mlist.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_set_recvtimeout.c"/>
@ -169,20 +145,16 @@
<File Name="src/cw/cw_addelem_capwap_local_ip_addr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_generic.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw_addelem.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw_in_vendor_specific.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_q_add_packet.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_getbroadcastaddr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_save_file.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/bstr_create_from_str.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_strings_vendor.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_capwap_control_ip_addr_list.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/bstrv_create_from_str.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_wtp_ip_address.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_openssl_bio.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_generic.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_rand.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_80211.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap80211_type_rateset.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_image_data.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_readelem_80211_wtp_radio_info.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/connlist.h"/>
@ -191,7 +163,6 @@
<File Name="src/cw/fragman.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lwmsg.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_check_missing_mand.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/format_dot11_fc.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dbg_strings.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_gnutls.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_prepare_configuration_update_request.c"/>
@ -201,27 +172,22 @@
<File Name="src/cw/conn_create.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_check_img_data_req_wtp.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_radio_administrative_states.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dot11_beacon.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_send_image_file.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/strlist.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_gnutls_accept.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dtls_openssl.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cwmsg_addelem_mtu_discovery_padding.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/bstr16cfgstr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/file.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_in_capwap_local_ipv4_address.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_create.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw_readelem_wtp_board_data.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cwmsg_addelem_vendor_cisco_mwar_addr.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_get_primary_if.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/netconn.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_strings_elem.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/connlist.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw_put_80211_wtp_wlan_radio_configuration.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_put_image_data.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_util.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_create_noq.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_addelem_cisco_wtp_radio_cfg.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavl_del.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavl_create.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/lw.h"/>
@ -235,15 +201,12 @@
<File Name="src/cw/lwapp_cisco.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_init_data_keep_alive_msg.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_strings_item.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_ac_name_with_priority.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/conn_send_request.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/mavl_del_all.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_wtp_reboot_statistics.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/sock_getifinfo.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_crypto.h"/>
<File Name="src/cw/capwap_strings_state.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_out_radio_info.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_filename.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_type_byte.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_type_word.c"/>
@ -290,7 +253,6 @@
<File Name="src/cw/cw_ktv_get_word.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_ktv_get_byte.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_ktv_std_types.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/dbg_help_strings.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_dbg_set_level.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/cw_dbg_set_level_from_str.c"/>
<File Name="src/cw/ansi_colors.h"/>
@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
uint8_t * bstr_create_from_str(const char *s)
int l = strlen(s);
int msize;
uint8_t * mem;
int l;
l= strlen(s);
if (s[0]!='.')
return bstr_create((uint8_t*)s,l);
@ -19,10 +22,10 @@ uint8_t * bstr_create_from_str(const char *s)
/* the string starts with ".x" - read hexbytes */
int msize=l/2;
uint8_t * mem = malloc(1+msize);
mem = malloc(1+msize);
return mem;
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
This file is part of actube.
actube is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar. If not, see <>.
* @file
#include "bstr.h"
#include "format.h"
* Create a bstrv variable from string.
* @param vendor_id Vendor ID
* @param s string
* @return the created bstrv variable or NULL if the
* operation was not sucessfull
uint8_t * bstrv_create_from_str(uint32_t vendor_id,const char *s)
/*int l = strlen(s);
if (s[0]!='.')
return bstrv_create(vendor_id,(uint8_t*)s,l);
if (l<=2)
return bstrv_create(vendor_id,(uint8_t*)s,l);
if (s[1]=='.')
return bstrv_create(vendor_id,(uint8_t*)s+1,l-1);
if (s[1]!='x')
return bstrv_create(vendor_id,(uint8_t*)s,l);
// the string starts with ".x" - read hexbytes
int msize=l/2;
uint8_t * mem = malloc(bstrv_size(msize));
return NULL;
return mem;
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __CAPWAP80211_TYPES_H
#define __CAPWAP80211_TYPES_H
extern const struct mbag_typedef capwap80211_type_rateset;
#define CAPWAP80211_TYPE_RATESET (&capwap80211_type_rateset)
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#include "capwap.h"
int cw_in_set_state_none(struct conn *conn,struct cw_action_in * a,uint8_t *data,int len)
return 1;
struct mbag_item *cw_out_get_outgoing(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_out *a)
return mbag_get(conn->outgoing, a->item_id);
struct mbag_item *cw_out_get_incomming(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_out *a)
return mbag_get(conn->incomming, a->item_id);
struct mbag_item *cw_out_get_local(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_out *a)
return mbag_get(conn->local,a->item_id);
struct mbag_item *cw_out_get_config(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_out *a)
// printf("cw get config (%d %d %s) %p\n",a->msg_id, a->elem_id,a->item_id, conn->config);
return mbag_get(conn->config,a->item_id);
#include "capwap.h"
#include "capwap_items.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "rand.h"
struct mbag_item * cw_out_get_session_id(struct conn *conn,struct cw_action_out * a)
uint8_t session_id[16];
int slen;
if ( conn->capwap_mode == CW_MODE_CISCO){
int l = cw_rand(session_id,slen);
if ( l!=slen ) {
cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Can't init session ID.");
return NULL;
return mbag_set_bstrn(conn->local,CW_ITEM_SESSION_ID,session_id,slen);
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ struct cw_action_in;
#define CONN_MAX_MSG_LENGTH 65536
#include "netconn.h"
#include "connlist.h"
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ struct conn * conn_create(int sock, struct sockaddr * addr, int qsize)
conn->send_packet = conn_send_packet;
// conn->send_data_packet = conn_send_data_packet;
/* conn->send_data_packet = conn_send_data_packet;*/
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ struct conn * conn_create(int sock, struct sockaddr * addr, int qsize)
conn->write = conn->send_packet;
conn->read = conn->recv_packet;
// conn->write_data = conn->send_data_packet;
/* conn->write_data = conn->send_data_packet; */
conn->dtls_mtu = 1500;
@ -218,7 +218,11 @@ static int process_elements(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int len,
mlist_t unrecognized;
struct cw_MsgData search;
struct cw_MsgData * message;
int result_code;
int *i;
uint8_t *elems_ptr;
uint8_t *elem;
char sock_buf[SOCK_ADDR_BUFSIZE]; /**< to hold str from sockaddr2str */
/*struct cw_action_in as, *af, *afm;*/
@ -287,7 +291,7 @@ static int process_elements(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int len,
message = mavl_find(conn->msgset->msgdata,&search);
int result_code = 0;
result_code = 0;
if (!message){
/* Message is unknown */
@ -315,7 +319,7 @@ static int process_elements(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int len,
/* Check if current state is in state of message */
int *i = message->states;
i = message->states;
for (i=message->states; *i; i++){
@ -346,8 +350,8 @@ static int process_elements(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int len,
uint8_t *elems_ptr = cw_get_msg_elems_ptr(msg_ptr);
uint8_t *elem;
elems_ptr = cw_get_msg_elems_ptr(msg_ptr);
/* Create an avltree to catch the found mandatory elements */
/* //conn->mand = stravltree_create();*/
@ -503,6 +507,8 @@ int process_message(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int rawlen,
struct sockaddr *from)
char sock_buf[SOCK_ADDR_BUFSIZE];
uint8_t seqnum;
int s1,s2,sd;
uint8_t *msgptr = rawmsg + cw_get_hdr_msg_offset(rawmsg);
@ -517,11 +523,11 @@ int process_message(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int rawlen,
/* It's a request message, check if seqnum is right and if
* we have already sent a response message*/
uint8_t seqnum = cw_get_msg_seqnum(msgptr);
seqnum = cw_get_msg_seqnum(msgptr);
int s1 = conn->last_seqnum_received;
int s2 = seqnum;
int sd = s2 - s1;
s1 = conn->last_seqnum_received;
s2 = seqnum;
sd = s2 - s1;
if ((sd > 0 && sd < 128) || (sd < 0 && sd < -128) || s1 < 0) {
/* seqnum is ok, normal message processing */
@ -557,7 +563,7 @@ int process_message(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int rawlen,
cw_dbg(DBG_MSG_ERR, "Retransmitting response message to %s, seqnum=%d",
sock_addr2str(&conn->addr, sock_buf), s2);
// XXX untested
/*// XXX untested*/
conn_send_msg(conn, conn->resp_buffer);
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
@ -574,7 +580,10 @@ int conn_process_packet2(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,
struct sockaddr *from)
char sock_buf[SOCK_ADDR_BUFSIZE];
int preamble;
int offs;
int payloadlen;
if (len < 8) {
/* packet too short */
@ -584,7 +593,7 @@ int conn_process_packet2(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,
return -1;
int preamble = cw_get_hdr_preamble(packet);
preamble = cw_get_hdr_preamble(packet);
if ((preamble & 0xf0) != (CAPWAP_VERSION << 4)) {
/* wrong version */
@ -606,10 +615,10 @@ int conn_process_packet2(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,
int offs = cw_get_hdr_msg_offset(packet);
offs = cw_get_hdr_msg_offset(packet);
int payloadlen = len - offs;
payloadlen = len - offs;
if (payloadlen < 0) {
/* Eleminate messages with wrong header size */
@ -637,6 +646,8 @@ int conn_process_packet2(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,
if (cw_get_hdr_flag_f(packet)) {
/* fragmented, add the packet to fragman */
uint8_t *f;
int rc;
f = fragman_add(conn->fragman, packet, offs, payloadlen);
if (f == NULL) {
errno = EAGAIN;
@ -645,18 +656,18 @@ int conn_process_packet2(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,
cw_dbg_pkt(DBG_PKT_IN, conn, f + 4, *(uint32_t *) f, from);
// cw_dbg_msg(DBG_MSG_IN, conn, f + 4, *(uint32_t *) f, from);
/*// cw_dbg_msg(DBG_MSG_IN, conn, f + 4, *(uint32_t *) f, from);*/
// XXX: Modify fragman to not throw away CAPWAP headers
/* // XXX: Modify fragman to not throw away CAPWAP headers*/
int rc = conn->process_message(conn, f + 4, *(uint32_t *) f, from);
rc = conn->process_message(conn, f + 4, *(uint32_t *) f, from);
return rc;
/* not fragmented, we have a complete message */
// cw_dbg_msg(DBG_MSG_IN, conn, packet, len, from);
/*// cw_dbg_msg(DBG_MSG_IN, conn, packet, len, from);*/
return conn->process_message(conn, packet, len, from);
@ -713,6 +724,7 @@ int cw_read_messages(struct conn *conn)
int cw_read_from(struct conn *conn)
int n;
struct sockaddr_storage from;
uint8_t buf[2024];
int len = 2024;
@ -726,7 +738,7 @@ int cw_read_from(struct conn *conn)
int n = conn->readfrom(conn, buf, len, &from);
n = conn->readfrom(conn, buf, len, &from);
if (n < 0)
return n;
@ -44,12 +44,13 @@ int conn_recv_packet_(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * buf, int len, int flags)
int conn_recvfrom_packet(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * buf, int len,
struct sockaddr_storage *from)
int n;
socklen_t al;
al = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
memset(from, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
int n;
while ((n = recvfrom(conn->sock, (char *) buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)from, &al)) < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR) {
if (errno == EAGAIN)
@ -66,14 +67,16 @@ int conn_recvfrom_packet(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * buf, int len,
int conn_recv_packet_x(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * buf, int len, int flags)
int port;
socklen_t al;
int n;
struct sockaddr_storage from;
al = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
memset(&from, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
int n;
while ((n = recvfrom(conn->sock, (char *) buf, len, flags, (struct sockaddr*)&from, &al)) < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR) {
if (errno == EAGAIN)
@ -85,10 +88,10 @@ int conn_recv_packet_x(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * buf, int len, int flags)
// cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Received a packet from %s, len = %d\n",sock_addr2str_p(&from),n);
/*// cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Received a packet from %s, len = %d\n",sock_addr2str_p(&from),n);*/
int port = sock_getport((struct sockaddr*)&from);
port = sock_getport((struct sockaddr*)&from);
if (port == 5247){
conn->process_packet(conn,buf,n,(struct sockaddr*)&from);
@ -32,12 +32,13 @@
* released using free.
char * cw_filename(const char * path, const char * name, const char * ext){
int name_len;
int ext_len;
int size=0;
int path_len;
char c;
char * result;
char * slash="";
path_len = strlen(path);
@ -49,10 +50,10 @@ char * cw_filename(const char * path, const char * name, const char * ext){
int name_len = strlen (name);
name_len = strlen (name);
int ext_len;
if (ext != NULL){
if (ext[0]=='.'){
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ char * cw_filename(const char * path, const char * name, const char * ext){
size = (path_len) + name_len + (ext_len+1) + 1;
char * result = malloc(size);
result = malloc(size);
if (!result)
return NULL;
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#include "capwap.h"
#include "intavltree.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "bstr.h"
#include "sock.h" //tube
#include "vendors.h"
void cw_get_wtp_name(struct conn *conn,struct sockaddr *addr)
int cw_set_capwap_mode(struct conn *conn,int mode)
char sock_buf[SOCK_ADDR_BUFSIZE];
cw_dbg(DBG_INFO,"Setting CAPWAP mode to %d for %s",mode,sock_addr2str(&conn->addr,sock_buf));
return 1;
int cw_detect_capwap(struct conn *conn)
mbag_t is = conn->incomming;
mbag_item_t * item = mbag_get(is,CW_ITEM_WTP_SOFTWARE_VERSION);
if (item) {
bstrv_t s = item->;
uint32_t v = bstrv_get_vendor_id(s);
switch(v) {
return 0;
int cw_in_check_cipwap_join_req(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_in *a, uint8_t * data,
int len,struct sockaddr *from)
int rc = cw_in_check_join_req(conn,a,data,len,from);
if ( rc==0 ) {
return rc;
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include "capwap.h"
#include "intavltree.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "sock.h"
int cw_in_check_disc_resp(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_in *a, uint8_t * data,
int len,struct sockaddr *from)
cw_action_in_t *mlist[20];
// int n = cw_check_missing_mand(mlist, conn, a);
//cw_dbg(DBG_INFO,"This response came from: %s",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr));
// if mandatory elements are missing, ignore this response
if (n && conn->strict_capwap) {
cw_dbg_missing_mand(DBG_MSG_ERR, conn, mlist, n, a);
"Ignoring Discovery Response from %s - missing mandatory elements.",
errno = EAGAIN;
return -1;
if (n) {
cw_dbg_missing_mand(DBG_RFC, conn, mlist, n, a);
// we have all AC information in the incomming buffer
mbag_t discs;
discs = mbag_get_mavl_c(conn->remote, CW_ITEM_DISCOVERIES,
if ( !discs ) {
cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Can't allocate store for disc resp");
errno = ENOMEM;
return -1;
conn->incomming = mbag_create();
return 0;
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include "capwap.h"
#include "intavltree.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "log.h"
int cw_in_check_generic_resp(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_in *a, uint8_t * data,
int len,struct sockaddr *from)
//Check if the message contains a result code and
if it indicates an errror //
mbag_item_t * result = mbag_get(conn->incomming,CW_ITEM_RESULT_CODE);
if (result ) {
if (!cw_result_is_ok(result->u2.dword)){
return result->u2.dword;
cw_action_in_t * mlist[60];
// Check for mandatory elements
int n = cw_check_missing_mand(mlist,conn,a);
if (n && conn->strict_capwap) {
if (n){
// if we hava a result code, return it
if ( result ) {
return result->u2.dword;
return 0;
@ -99,16 +99,19 @@ int cw_get_hdr_msg_total_len(uint8_t * rawmsg)
int cw_set_hdr_rmac(uint8_t * th, bstr_t rmac)
int rmac_len;
int hlen;
if (!rmac) {
cw_set_hdr_flags(th, CAPWAP_FLAG_HDR_M, 0);
cw_set_hdr_hlen(th, 2);
return 0;
int rmac_len = bstr_len(rmac);
rmac_len = bstr_len(rmac);
memcpy(cw_get_hdr_rmac(th), rmac, rmac_len + 1);
cw_set_hdr_flags(th, CAPWAP_FLAG_HDR_M, 1);
int hlen = 4 + rmac_len / 4;
hlen = 4 + rmac_len / 4;
if (rmac_len % 4 != 0) {
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#include "cw.h"
#include "capwap.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "dbg.h"
int cw_read_wtp_descriptor_versions(mbag_t mbag, uint8_t * data, int len)
int i = 0;
while (i < len) {
if (i + 8 > len) {
"WTP descriptor subelement to long, length=%d>%d",
i + 8, len);
return 0;
uint32_t vendor_id = cw_get_dword(data + i);
uint32_t val = cw_get_dword(data + i + 4);
int subtype = (val >> 16) & 0xffff;
int sublen = val & 0xffff;
i += 8;
if (sublen + i > len) {
"WTP Descriptor sub-element too long, length = %d",
return 0;
char *dmp;
char *dmpmem = NULL;
if (cw_dbg_is_level(DBG_SUBELEM_DMP)) {
dmpmem = NULL; //cw_dbg_mkdmp(data + i, sublen);
dmp = dmpmem;
} else
dmp = "";
cw_dbg(DBG_SUBELEM, "WTP Descriptor subtype=%d,len=%d%s", subtype,
sublen, dmp);
if (dmpmem)
switch (subtype) {
i += sublen;
return 1;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static int len ( struct cw_KTV * data ){
const struct cw_Type cw_type_ipaddress = {
"IPAddress", /* name */
NULL, /* del */
del, /* del */
put, /* put */
get, /* get */
to_str, /* to_str */
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void cw_dbg_ktv_dump(mavl_t ktv, uint32_t dbglevel,
#define cw_dbg_is_level(level)\
(cw_dbg_opt_level & (1<<level))
int cw_dbg_is_level(int level);
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
int dtls_bio_read(struct conn *conn, char *out, int maxlen)
int ret;
if (conn->dtls_buffer_len == 0) {
int len = conn->recv_packet(conn, conn->dtls_buffer, 2048);
if (len < 4)
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ int dtls_bio_read(struct conn *conn, char *out, int maxlen)
memcpy(out, conn->dtls_buffer + conn->dtls_buffer_pos, conn->dtls_buffer_len);
int ret = conn->dtls_buffer_len;
ret = conn->dtls_buffer_len;
conn->dtls_buffer_len = 0;
cw_dbg(DBG_DTLS_BIO, "SSL BIO read: (maxlen = %d), read %d, remain %d", maxlen,
ret, conn->dtls_buffer_len);
@ -77,9 +78,10 @@ int dtls_bio_read(struct conn *conn, char *out, int maxlen)
int dtls_bio_write(struct conn *conn, const char *data, int len)
uint8_t buffer[2048];
int rc;
*((uint32_t *) buffer) = htonl(1 << 24);
memcpy(buffer + 4, data, len);
int rc = conn->send_packet(conn, buffer, len + 4);
rc = conn->send_packet(conn, buffer, len + 4);
if (rc >= 0)
rc -= 4;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
@ -105,6 +106,8 @@ static int verify_cert(gnutls_session_t sess)
static void dtls_log_cb(int level, const char * str)
char buf[2048];
char *c;
if (!cw_dbg_is_level(DBG_DTLS_DETAIL))
@ -120,15 +123,18 @@ static void dtls_log_cb(int level, const char * str)
char buf[2048];
char *c = strchr(buf,'\n');
c = strchr(buf,'\n');
struct dtls_gnutls_data *dtls_gnutls_data_create(struct conn *conn,int config)
const char *errpos;
int rc;
int bits;
struct dtls_gnutls_data *d = malloc(sizeof(struct dtls_gnutls_data));
if (!d)
return 0;
@ -139,7 +145,7 @@ struct dtls_gnutls_data *dtls_gnutls_data_create(struct conn *conn,int config)
int rc;
/* Set credentials */
@ -157,7 +163,7 @@ struct dtls_gnutls_data *dtls_gnutls_data_create(struct conn *conn,int config)
int bits;
bits = gnutls_sec_param_to_pk_bits(GNUTLS_PK_DH, GNUTLS_SEC_PARAM_INSECURE);
@ -175,7 +181,7 @@ struct dtls_gnutls_data *dtls_gnutls_data_create(struct conn *conn,int config)
/* Set ciphers */
const char *errpos;
rc = gnutls_priority_init(&d->priority_cache, conn->dtls_cipher, &errpos);
if (rc < 0) {
cw_log(LOG_ERR, "DTLS - Can't init ciphers '%s' at '%s' : %s", conn->dtls_cipher,
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
int dtls_gnutls_connect(struct conn *conn)
int rc;
char sock_buf[SOCK_ADDR_BUFSIZE];
struct dtls_gnutls_data *d;
d = dtls_gnutls_data_create(conn,
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ int dtls_gnutls_connect(struct conn *conn)
if (!d)
return 0;
// gnutls_dh_set_prime_bits(d->session, 512);
/*// gnutls_dh_set_prime_bits(d->session, 512);*/
/*#if GNUTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x030100
gnutls_handshake_set_timeout(d->session, GNUTLS_DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT);
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ int dtls_gnutls_connect(struct conn *conn)
gnutls_dtls_set_mtu(d->session, 1500);
int rc;
cw_dbg(DBG_DTLS,"Starting handshake");
do {
rc = gnutls_handshake(d->session);
@ -26,18 +26,20 @@
int dtls_openssl_accept(struct conn *conn)
struct dtls_openssl_data *d;
char sock_buf[SOCK_ADDR_BUFSIZE];
int i, rc;
if (!conn->dtls_data)
conn->dtls_data =
dtls_openssl_data_create(conn, DTLSv1_server_method(),
struct dtls_openssl_data *d = (struct dtls_openssl_data *) conn->dtls_data;
d = (struct dtls_openssl_data *) conn->dtls_data;
if (!d)
return 0;
int i, rc;
for (i = 0; i < conn->wait_dtls; i++) {
rc = SSL_accept(d->ssl);
if (rc == 1) {
@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ int lw_addelem(uint8_t*dst, uint8_t type, uint8_t *msgelem, uint16_t len)
int lw_addelem_vendor_specific(uint8_t *dst,uint32_t vendor_id,uint16_t elem_id, uint8_t *value, int len)
int l ;
int l = len+9;
l= len+9;
return l;
@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
int lw_put_image_data(uint8_t *dst,FILE *infile)
uint16_t checksum;
int bytes;
if ( feof(infile)){
return 1;
int bytes = fread(dst+3,1,LWAPP_BLOCKSIZE_IMAGE_DATA,infile);
bytes = fread(dst+3,1,LWAPP_BLOCKSIZE_IMAGE_DATA,infile);
if ( ferror(infile)) {
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ int lw_put_image_data(uint8_t *dst,FILE *infile)
uint16_t checksum = lw_checksum(dst+3,bytes);
checksum = lw_checksum(dst+3,bytes);
return bytes+3;
@ -231,13 +231,3 @@ void *mavl_add ( struct mavl *t, const void *data, int *exists )
return (void*)d;
void *mavl_add ( struct mavl *t, const void *data)
return mavl_add_exists(t,data,NULL);
@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ void *mavl_del(struct mavl *t, const void *data)
if (!t->root)
return NULL;
d = data;
d = (void*)data;
rc = mavl_del0(t, &t->root, d);
if (rc == 2)
return NULL;
return data;
return (void*)data;
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "mlist.h"
struct mlistelem * mlist_replace(mlist_t list, void *data)
@ -11,4 +13,4 @@ struct mlistelem * mlist_replace(mlist_t list, void *data)
memcpy(mlistelem_dataptr(e), data,list->data_size);
return e;
@ -14,17 +14,22 @@
int conn_send_data_msg(struct conn * conn, uint8_t *rawmsg,int len)
int packetlen = len;
int fragoffset;
int hlen;
uint8_t * ptr;
int mtu;
cw_dbg_msg(DBG_MSG_OUT, conn,rawmsg, packetlen,(struct sockaddr*)&conn->addr);
uint8_t * ptr = rawmsg;
ptr = rawmsg;
int fragoffset = 0;
fragoffset = 0;
int hlen = cw_get_hdr_hlen(rawmsg)*4;
hlen = cw_get_hdr_hlen(rawmsg)*4;
int mtu = conn->mtu;
mtu = conn->mtu;
while (packetlen>mtu){
@ -32,10 +37,10 @@ int conn_send_data_msg(struct conn * conn, uint8_t *rawmsg,int len)
cw_dbg_pkt(DBG_PKT_OUT,conn,ptr,mtu,(struct sockaddr*)&conn->addr);
// if (conn->write_data(conn,ptr,mtu)<0)
/* if (conn->write_data(conn,ptr,mtu)<0)*/
return -1;
// XXX Fragmentation stuff..
/* // XXX Fragmentation stuff..*/
ptr +=mtu-hlen;
@ -54,9 +59,9 @@ int conn_send_data_msg(struct conn * conn, uint8_t *rawmsg,int len)
cw_dbg_pkt(DBG_PKT_OUT,conn,ptr,packetlen,(struct sockaddr*)&conn->addr);
// return conn->write_data(conn,ptr,packetlen-0);
/*// return conn->write_data(conn,ptr,packetlen-0);*/
return 0;
@ -67,6 +72,9 @@ int conn_send_data_msg(struct conn * conn, uint8_t *rawmsg,int len)
int cw_send_request(struct conn *conn,int msg_id)
time_t timer;
int i;
int rc;
char sock_buf[SOCK_ADDR_BUFSIZE];
cw_init_request(conn, msg_id);
if ( cw_put_msg(conn, conn->req_buffer) == -1 ){
@ -76,13 +84,13 @@ int cw_send_request(struct conn *conn,int msg_id)
conn_send_msg(conn, conn->req_buffer);
int i;
int rc=-1;
for (i=0; i<conn->max_retransmit && rc<0; i++){
if ( i>0 ){
cw_log(LOG_WARNING,"Retransmitting request ... %d",i);
time_t timer = cw_timer_start(conn->retransmit_interval);
timer = cw_timer_start(conn->retransmit_interval);
while (!cw_timer_timeout(timer) && rc<0){
rc =cw_read_messages(conn);
@ -112,7 +120,7 @@ int cw_send_request(struct conn *conn,int msg_id)
// XXX find a better name for this function
/*// XXX find a better name for this function */
int cw_send_custom_request_2(struct conn *conn,int msg_id)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
char *sock_addrtostr(const struct sockaddr *sa, char *s, size_t maxlen, int addport)
char d[maxlen];
char d[512];
int port;
@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
int sock_getbroadcastaddr(const struct sockaddr * addr,struct sockaddr * broadcastaddr)
struct ifaddrs *ifap,*ifa;
int rc;
if ( getifaddrs(&ifap)==-1)
return 0;
int rc=0;
for (ifa = ifap; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
if (sock_cmpaddr(addr,ifa->ifa_addr,0))
@ -28,11 +28,12 @@
int sock_getifaddr(const char * ifname,int family, int type,struct sockaddr * sa)