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This file is part of libcapwap.
libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @brief Connection object stuff
#ifndef __CONN_H
#define __CONN_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include "fragman.h"
2022-08-13 10:19:06 +02:00
//#include "cwmsg.h"
/*#include "action.h"*/
/*#include "mbag.h"*/
#include "bstr.h"
#include "msgset.h"
#include "mod.h"
struct cw_action_in;
#define CONN_MAX_MSG_LENGTH 65536
#include "connlist.h"
* Connection Object
2022-08-09 22:35:47 +02:00
struct cw_Conn {
int sock;
struct sockaddr_storage addr;
struct connlist * connlist;
int data_sock;
struct sockaddr_storage data_addr;
struct netconn * data_nc;
int recv_timeout;
2022-08-17 18:41:17 +02:00
cw_Cfg_t * global_cfg; /**< This should set the global cfg of the program
which is using this conn object.
Teh global_cfg has to be treated read-only. */
cw_Cfg_t * local_cfg; /**< local_cfg contains overrides for global_cfg
wich are related to this conn object. */
2022-08-17 18:41:17 +02:00
mavl_t remote_cfg; /**< contains the configuration we now from the
device this conn object ist connected to.
Typically this is what we have got from discovery
response or join response in WTP mode.
And in AC mode this contains date receive from
configuration status request. */
mavl_t update_cfg;
bstr16_t session_id;
int role;
/** base_mac */
bstr_t base_rmac;
/** Wireless Binding ID of this connection */
uint8_t wbid;
/** Actionsdefs - this defines the possible actions for
this conn object, so in the end this is the specification
of the protocoll */
uint8_t capwap_prevstate;
/** Current CAPWAP state */
uint8_t capwap_state;
/** The framgent manager used on this connection */
frag_t *fragman;
/** Current Fragment ID */
int fragid;
int seqnum;
int last_seqnum_received;
int last_message_id_received;
/** Buffer for outgoing request messages */
uint8_t req_buffer[CONN_MAX_MSG_LENGTH];
/** Buffer for outgoing response messages */
uint8_t resp_buffer[CONN_MAX_MSG_LENGTH];
/** Max mtu, could be changed during discovery */
int mtu;
/* 0 mtu discovery turned off, 1 discovery tuned on */
int mtu_discovery;
/* receive and send methods */
2022-08-09 22:35:47 +02:00
int (*recv_packet) (struct cw_Conn*, uint8_t *, int);
int (*recv_packet_peek) (struct cw_Conn*, uint8_t *, int);
int (*send_packet) (struct cw_Conn*, const uint8_t *, int);
int (*readfrom) (struct cw_Conn*, uint8_t *, int, struct sockaddr_storage *);
int (*read) (struct cw_Conn*, uint8_t *, int);
int (*write) (struct cw_Conn*, const uint8_t *, int);
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/* optional packet queue */
uint8_t **q;
int qsize;
int qrpos;
int qwpos;
sem_t q_sem;
uint8_t *cur_packet;
int cur_packet_len;
int cur_packet_pos;
/* dtls stuff */
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int (*dtls_start) (struct cw_Conn*);
int (*dtls_accept) (struct cw_Conn*);
bstr16_t dtls_psk;
int dtls_psk_enable;
int dtls_dhbits;
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int (*dtls_get_psk)(struct cw_Conn*,const char *user,uint8_t**psk, int *len);
struct cw_Mod *cmod, *bmod;
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const char *dtls_cert_file;
const char *dtls_key_file;
const char *dtls_key_pass;
void *dtls_data;
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const char *dtls_cipher;
int dtls_error;
uint8_t dtls_cookie[8];
int dtls_verify_peer;
int dtls_mtu;
uint8_t dtls_buffer[4096];
int dtls_buffer_len;
int dtls_buffer_pos;
/* capwap timers */
int retransmit_interval;
int max_retransmit;
int wait_dtls;
int wait_join;
/* used to link the conn obj with other objects */
void *data;
/** Mode */
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// int capwap_mode;
/** CAWAP mode for outgoing messages */
int capwap_mode_out;
int strict_capwap;
int strict_hdr;
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int (*process_packet)(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,struct sockaddr *from);
int (*process_message)(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int rawlen,
struct sockaddr *from);
int detected;
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struct cw_MsgSet * msgset;
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void (*setup_complete)(struct cw_Conn *conn);
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struct mavl * msg_callbacks;
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2022-08-09 22:35:47 +02:00
int (*msg_start)(struct cw_Conn*conn,struct cw_action_in *a,uint8_t*data,int len,struct sockaddr *from);
int (*msg_end)(struct cw_Conn*conn,struct cw_action_in *a,uint8_t*elem,int len,struct sockaddr *from);
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int (*elem_end)(struct cw_Conn*conn,struct cw_action_in *a,int afrc,uint8_t*elem,int len,struct sockaddr *from);
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2022-08-09 22:35:47 +02:00
typedef struct cw_Conn cw_Conn_t;
#define conn_is_strict_capwap(conn) (conn->strict_capwap)
struct cw_Conn* cw_conn_create(int sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int qsize);
struct cw_Conn* conn_create_noq(int sock, struct sockaddr *addr);
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//extern int conn_send_cwmsg(struct cw_Conn*conn, struct cwmsg *cwmsg);
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//extern int conn_process_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,
// int (*cb) (void *, uint8_t *,int len), void *cbarg);
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extern int conn_process_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,struct sockaddr *from);
extern int process_message(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * rawmsg, int rawlen,
struct sockaddr *from);
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extern uint8_t *conn_get_message(struct cw_Conn*conn);
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extern int conn_send_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn, const uint8_t * buffer, int len);
extern int conn_send_data_packet(struct cw_Conn* conn, const uint8_t * buffer, int len);
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extern void conn_destroy(struct cw_Conn*conn);
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uint8_t *conn_q_get_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn);
extern int conn_q_recv_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * buffer, int len);
extern int conn_q_recv_packet_peek(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * buffer, int len);
2022-08-09 22:35:47 +02:00
extern int conn_recv_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * buf, int len);
extern int conn_recv_packet_peek(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * buf, int len);
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//extern int conn_send_response(struct cw_Conn*conn, struct cwmsg *cwmsg, int seqnum);
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extern struct cwrmsg *conn_get_response(struct cw_Conn*conn);
#define conn_get_next_seqnum(conn) (conn->seqnum=((conn->seqnum+1)&0xff))
#define conn_get_last_seqnum(conn) (conn->seqnum&0xff)
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void conn_q_add_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * packet, int len);
struct image_identifier;
struct cwimage_data;
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extern void conn_prepare_request(struct cw_Conn*conn, int type);
extern int conn_prepare_image_data_request(struct cw_Conn*conn, struct cwimage_data *,
struct image_identifier *id);
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//extern void conn_detect_capwap(struct cw_Conn*conn, struct wtpinfo *wtpinfo);
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struct cwrmsg *conn_send_request(struct cw_Conn*conn);
struct cwrmsg *conn_wait_for_message(struct cw_Conn*conn, time_t timer);
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struct cwrmsg *conn_wait_for_request(struct cw_Conn*conn, int *msglist, time_t timer);
//int conn_q_wait_packet(struct cw_Conn* conn, int seconds);
#define conn_is_error(conn) (conn->dtls_error)
void cw_conn_init(struct cw_Conn*conn);
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extern int cw_read_messages(struct cw_Conn*conn);
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extern int conn_recvfrom_packet(struct cw_Conn*conn, uint8_t * buf, int len,
struct sockaddr_storage *from);
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int conn_send_msg(struct cw_Conn* conn, uint8_t *rawmsg);
int cw_read_from(struct cw_Conn* conn, struct sockaddr_storage * from);
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int conn_send_msg(struct cw_Conn *conn, uint8_t * rawmsg);
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void conn_clear_upd(struct cw_Conn*conn, int merge);
int cw_conn_set_msg_cb(struct cw_Conn *conn, int type, cw_MsgCallbackFun fun);
cw_MsgCallbackFun cw_conn_get_msg_cb(struct cw_Conn *conn, int type);
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int cw_decode_element(struct cw_ElemHandlerParams *params, int proto,
int vendor, int elem_id, uint8_t * data, int len);
int cw_decode_elements(struct cw_ElemHandlerParams * params, uint8_t * elems_ptr, int elems_len);
#endif /* __CONN_H */