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This commit is contained in:
7u83 2024-05-03 23:11:40 +02:00
parent ebd9afd63e
commit ad80ab8502
6 changed files with 410 additions and 0 deletions

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
SDCC ?= sdcc
SDAR ?= sdar
SDCCOPTS ?= -mmcs51 --iram-size 512 --code-size $(STCCODESIZE) --xram-size 0 --disable-warning 126 --disable-warning 59
SDCCREV ?= -Dstc15f204ea
STCGAL ?= stcgal
STCGALPORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
FLASHFILE ?= main.ihx
SYSCLK ?= 12000
LIBSRC = ports.c adc.c
LIBOBJ =$(patsubst %.c,%.rel, $(LIBSRC))
PRGSRC = main.c
PRGOBJ =$(patsubst %.c,%.rel, $(PRGSRC))
#// @ tail -n 5 build/main.mem | head -n 2
#// @ tail -n 1 build/main.mem
# cp build/$@.ihx $@.hex
# make uart2.ihx
%.rel: %.c
$(SDCC) $(SDCCOPTS) $(SDCCREV) -o $@ -c $<
sed -ne '/:..1/ { s/1/0/2; p }' main.hex > eeprom.hex
flash: $(FLASHFILE)
rm -f *.ihx *.hex *.bin *.rst
rm -f *.map
rm -f *.rel
rm -f *.lst
rm -f *.sym
rm -f *.asm
rm -f *.lk
rm -f *.mem
rm -f *.lib
cpp: main

adc.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/* --- STC MCU International Limited -------------------------------------
/* --- STC 15 Series MCU A/D Conversion Demo -----------------------
/* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 --------------------------------------------
/* --- Fax: 86-755-82944243 -------------------------------------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-755-82948412 -------------------------------------------------
/* --- Web: www.STCMCU.com --------------------------------------------
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the ---*/
/* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC ---
#include "stc15.h"
#include "adc.h"
Initial ADC sfr
void InitADC(uint8_t chan)
P1ASF |= 1 << chan; //enable channel ADC function
ADC_RES = 0; //Clear previous result
//Delay(2); //ADC power-on and delay
Get ADC result - 10 bit
uint16_t getADCResult(uint8_t chan)
uint8_t upper8;
upper8 = getADCResult8(chan);
return upper8 << 2 | (ADC_RESL & 0b11) ; //Return ADC result, 10 bits
uint8_t getADCResult8(uint8_t chan)
_nop_; //Must wait before inquiry
while (!(ADC_CONTR & ADC_FLAG)); //Wait complete flag
return ADC_RES; //Return ADC result, 8 bits

adc.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
/* --- STC MCU International Limited -------------------------------------
/* --- STC 15 Series MCU A/D Conversion Demo -----------------------
/* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 --------------------------------------------
/* --- Fax: 86-755-82944243 -------------------------------------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-755-82948412 -------------------------------------------------
/* --- Web: www.STCMCU.com --------------------------------------------
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the ---*/
/* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC ---
#include "stc15.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#define _nop_ __asm nop __endasm;
/*Define ADC operation const for ADC_CONTR*/
#define ADC_POWER 0x80 //ADC power control bit
#define ADC_FLAG 0x10 //ADC complete flag
#define ADC_START 0x08 //ADC start control bit
#define ADC_SPEEDLL 0x00 //540 clocks
#define ADC_SPEEDL 0x20 //360 clocks
#define ADC_SPEEDH 0x40 //180 clocks
#define ADC_SPEEDHH 0x60 //90 clocks
Initialize ADC sfr
void InitADC(uint8_t chan);
Get ADC result - 10 bits
uint16_t getADCResult(uint8_t chan);
Get ADC result - 8 bits
uint8_t getADCResult8(uint8_t chan);

main.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#include "mctools.h"
#define FOSC 12000000L //system frequency
#define BAUD 9600L //baud-rate
#define DLED P2_6
#define ILED P2_7
#define T0_1MS (65536-FOSC/12/1000)
static void timer0_isr() __interrupt(1)
static int count=1;
if (count--)
count = 1;
void timer0_init() {
TL0 = T0_1MS; // Initial timer value
TH0 = T0_1MS>>8; // Initial timer value
TF0 = 0; // Clear overflow flag
TR0 = 1; // Timer0 start run
ET0 = 1; // Enable timer0 interrupt
/* AUXR &=0x7F; // T0 in 12T mode
TMOD = 0x00; // T0 16-bit-auto-reload
TL0 = T0_1MS; // Initial timer value
TH0 = T0_1MS>>8; // Initial timer value
TF0 = 0; // Clear overflow flag
TR0 = 1; // Timer0 start run
ET0 = 1; // Enable timer0 interrupt
void main()

mctools.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef MCTOOLS_H_
#define MCTOOLS_H_
#include "stc15.h"
#define stc15_timer0_set_mode_16bitauto() TMOD &= 0xFC;
#define stc15_timer0_set_mode_1() TMOD &= 0xFC; TMOD|=0x01;
#define stc15_timer0_set_mode_8bitauto() TMOD &= 0xFC; TMOD|=0x02;
#define stc15_timer0_set_mode_stop() TMOD|=0x03;
#define stc15_timer0_set_sysclk12() AUXR &= 0x7F;
#define stc15_timer0_set_sysclk1() AUXR |= 0x80;
#define stc15_timer2_set_sysclk12() AUXR &= 0xFB;
#define stc15_timer2_set_sysclk1() AUXR |= 0x04;
#define stc15_timer2_set_clk_internal() AUXR &=0xF7; // T2 use internal clck

stc15.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
#ifndef _STC15_H_
#define _STC15_H_
#include <8051.h>
#ifdef REG8051_H
#undef REG8051_H
/* P4 */
__sfr __at (0xC0) P4 ;
__sbit __at (0xC0) P4_0 ;
__sbit __at (0xC1) P4_1 ;
__sbit __at (0xC2) P4_2 ;
__sbit __at (0xC3) P4_3 ;
__sbit __at (0xC4) P4_4 ;
__sbit __at (0xC5) P4_5 ;
__sbit __at (0xC6) P4_6 ;
__sbit __at (0xC7) P4_7 ;
__sfr __at 0x94 P0M0;
__sfr __at 0x93 P0M1;
__sfr __at 0x92 P1M0;
__sfr __at 0x91 P1M1;
__sfr __at 0x96 P2M0;
__sfr __at 0x95 P2M1;
__sfr __at 0xB2 P3M0;
__sfr __at 0xB1 P3M1;
__sfr __at 0xB4 P4M0;
__sfr __at 0xB3 P4M1;
__sfr __at 0xCA P5M0;
__sfr __at 0xC9 P5M1;
__sfr __at 0xCC P6M0;
__sfr __at 0xCB P6M1;
__sfr __at 0xE2 P7M0;
__sfr __at 0xE1 P7M1;
__sfr __at 0x8E AUXR;
__sfr __at 0xA2 AUXR1;
__sfr __at 0xA2 P_SW1;
__sfr __at 0x97 CLK_DIV;
__sfr __at 0xA1 BUS_SPEED;
__sfr __at 0x9D P1ASF;
__sfr __at 0xBA P_SW2;
/* IE */
__sbit __at 0xAE ELVD;
__sbit __at 0xAD EADC;
/* IP */
__sbit __at 0xBF PPCA;
__sbit __at 0xBE PLVD;
__sbit __at 0xBD PADC;
__sfr __at 0xAF IE2;
__sfr __at 0xB5 IP2;
__sfr __at 0x8F INT_CLKO;
__sfr __at 0xD1 T4T3M;
__sfr __at 0xD1 T3T4M;
__sfr __at 0xD2 T4H;
__sfr __at 0xD3 T4L;
__sfr __at 0xD4 T3H;
__sfr __at 0xD5 T3L;
__sfr __at 0xD6 T2H;
__sfr __at 0xD7 T2L;
__sfr __at 0xAA WKTCL;
__sfr __at 0xAB WKTCH;
__sfr __at 0xC1 WDT_CONTR;
__sfr __at 0x9A S2CON;
__sfr __at 0x9B S2BUF;
__sfr __at 0xAC S3CON;
__sfr __at 0xAD S3BUF;
__sfr __at 0x84 S4CON;
__sfr __at 0x85 S4BUF;
__sfr __at 0xA9 SADDR;
__sfr __at 0xB9 SADEN;
__sfr __at 0xBC ADC_CONTR;
__sfr __at 0xBD ADC_RES;
__sfr __at 0xBE ADC_RESL;
__sfr __at 0xCD SPSTAT;
__sfr __at 0xCE SPCTL;
__sfr __at 0xCF SPDAT;
__sfr __at 0xC2 IAP_DATA;
__sfr __at 0xC3 IAP_ADDRH;
__sfr __at 0xC4 IAP_ADDRL;
__sfr __at 0xC5 IAP_CMD;
__sfr __at 0xC6 IAP_TRIG;
__sfr __at 0xC7 IAP_CONTR;
__sfr __at 0xD8 CCON;
__sbit __at 0xDF CF;
__sbit __at 0xDE CR;
__sbit __at 0xDA CCF2;
__sbit __at 0xD9 CCF1;
__sbit __at 0xD8 CCF0;
__sfr __at 0xD9 CMOD;
__sfr __at 0xE9 CL;
__sfr __at 0xF9 CH;
__sfr __at 0xDA CCAPM0;
__sfr __at 0xDB CCAPM1;
__sfr __at 0xDC CCAPM2;
__sfr __at 0xEA CCAP0L;
__sfr __at 0xEB CCAP1L;
__sfr __at 0xEC CCAP2L;
__sfr __at 0xF2 PCA_PWM0;
__sfr __at 0xF3 PCA_PWM1;
__sfr __at 0xF4 PCA_PWM2;
__sfr __at 0xFA CCAP0H;
__sfr __at 0xFB CCAP1H;
__sfr __at 0xFC CCAP2H;
__sfr __at 0xE6 CMPCR1;
__sfr __at 0xE7 CMPCR2;
__sfr __at 0xf1 PWMCFG;
__sfr __at 0xf5 PWMCR;
__sfr __at 0xf6 PWMIF;
__sfr __at 0xf7 PWMFDCR;
#define PWMC (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xfff0)
#define PWMCH (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xfff0)
#define PWMCL (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xfff1)
#define PWMCKS (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xfff2)
#define PWM2T1 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff00)
#define PWM2T1H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff00)
#define PWM2T1L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff01)
#define PWM2T2 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff02)
#define PWM2T2H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff02)
#define PWM2T2L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff03)
#define PWM2CR (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff04)
#define PWM3T1 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff10)
#define PWM3T1H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff10)
#define PWM3T1L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff11)
#define PWM3T2 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff12)
#define PWM3T2H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff12)
#define PWM3T2L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff13)
#define PWM3CR (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff14)
#define PWM4T1 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff20)
#define PWM4T1H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff20)
#define PWM4T1L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff21)
#define PWM4T2 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff22)
#define PWM4T2H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff22)
#define PWM4T2L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff23)
#define PWM4CR (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff24)
#define PWM5T1 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff30)
#define PWM5T1H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff30)
#define PWM5T1L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff31)
#define PWM5T2 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff32)
#define PWM5T2H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff32)
#define PWM5T2L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff33)
#define PWM5CR (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff34)
#define PWM6T1 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff40)
#define PWM6T1H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff40)
#define PWM6T1L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff41)
#define PWM6T2 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff42)
#define PWM6T2H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff42)
#define PWM6T2L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff43)
#define PWM6CR (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff44)
#define PWM7T1 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff50)
#define PWM7T1H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff50)
#define PWM7T1L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff51)
#define PWM7T2 (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)0xff52)
#define PWM7T2H (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff52)
#define PWM7T2L (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff53)
#define PWM7CR (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)0xff54)