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This file is part of libcapwap.
libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @brief
#ifndef __DBG_H
#define __DBG_H
#include "conn.h"
#include "cw.h"
#define CW_LOG_DUMP_ROW_LEN 32
*@defgroup DBG DBG
void cw_dbg_elem_(struct conn * conn, int msg, int msgelem, const uint8_t * msgbuf, int len);
void cw_dbg_missing_mand(int level,struct conn *conn,cw_action_in_t ** ml,int n,cw_action_in_t *a);
void cw_dbg_packet(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len);
void cw_dbg_pkt(int level,struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,struct sockaddr *from);
void cw_dbg(int level, const char *format, ...);
void cw_dbg_dmp(int level, const uint8_t * data, int len, const char *format, ...);
#define DBGX(f,...) cw_dbg(DBG_X,f,__VA_ARGS__) //cw_dbg(DBG_X, f ,__VA_ARGS__)
//#define DBGX(f,...) cw_dbg(DBG_X, f)
//#define DBGX(f,...) printf("hallo\n")
#define cw_dbg_elem(level,conn,msgtype,msgelemtype,msgbuf,msglen)\
* @defgroup DbgOptions Debug Options
* @{
#include "debug.h"
/* driver specific debugs */
#define DBG_DRV 0x00010000
#define DBG_DRV_ERR 0x00020000
/* DTLS debugs */
#define DBG_DISP_LINE_NUMBERS (1<<0)
#define DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP (1<<1)
#define DBG_DISP_COLORS (1<<2)
#define DBG_DETAIL_ALL 0xffffffff
extern uint32_t cw_dbg_opt_display;
extern uint32_t cw_dbg_opt_level;
extern struct cw_strlist_elem cw_dbg_strings[];
#define cw_dbg cw_dbg_colored
#define cw_dbg_dmp(type,...) cw_dbg_dmp_(type,__FILE__,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__)
#define cw_dbg_dmp cw_dbg_dmp_
void cw_dbg_dmp_(int level, const uint8_t * data, int len, const char *format, ...);
extern void cw_dbg_elem(int level, struct conn *conn, int msg, struct cw_ElemHandler * handler,
const uint8_t * msgbuf, int len);
void cw_dbg_pkt_nc(int level,struct netconn *nc, uint8_t * packet, int len,struct sockaddr *from);
void cw_dbg_msg(int level,struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len,struct sockaddr *from);
char * cw_dbg_mkdmp(const uint8_t * data, int len);
void cw_dbg_version_subelem(int level, const char *context, int subtype,
uint32_t vendor_id, const uint8_t * vstr, int len);
* Set debug level
* @param level debug level to set, allowed values are enumberated in #cw_dbg_levels structure.
* @param on 1: turns the specified debug level on, 0: turns the specified debug level off.
#define cw_dbg_set_level(level,on)\
(on ? cw_dbg_opt_level |= (1<<(level)) : (cw_dbg_opt_level &= (-1)^(1<<(level))))
* Check if a specific debug level is set.
* @param level Level to check
* @return 0 if leveln is not set, otherwise level is set
#define cw_dbg_is_level(level)\
(cw_dbg_opt_level & (1<<level))