/* This file is part of libcapwap. libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ #include "capwap.h" #include "capwap_ieee80211.h" const char * cw_msgelemtostr(int elem) { switch (elem){ case CWMSGELEM_AC_DESCRIPTOR: return "ac descriptor"; /* AC IPv4 List 2 AC IPv6 List 3 */ case CWMSGELEM_AC_NAME: return "ac name"; /* AC Name with Priority 5 AC Timestamp 6 Add MAC ACL Entry 7 Add Station 8 Reserved 9 */ case CWMSGELEM_CONTROL_IPV4_ADDRESS: return "ctrl ipv4 addr"; case CWMSGELEM_CONTROL_IPV6_ADDRESS: return "ctrl ipv6 addr"; case CWMSGELEM_CAPWAP_LOCAL_IPV4_ADDRESS: return "capwap local ipv4 addr"; case CWMSGELEM_CAPWAP_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS: return "capwap local ipv6 addr"; /* CAPWAP Timers 12 CAPWAP Transport Protocol 51 Data Transfer Data 13 Data Transfer Mode 14 Decryption Error Report 15 Decryption Error Report Period 16 Delete MAC ACL Entry 17 Delete Station 18 Reserved 19 */ case CWMSGELEM_DISCOVERY_TYPE: return "discovery type"; /* Duplicate IPv4 Address 21 Duplicate IPv6 Address 22 */ case CWMSGELEM_ECN_SUPPORT: return "ecn support"; /* Idle Timeout 23 Image Data 24 Image Identifier 25 Image Information 26 Initiate Download 27 */ case CWMSGELEM_LOCATION_DATA: return "location data"; case CWMSGELEM_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH: return "max msg len"; case CWMSGELEM_MTU_DISCOVERY_PADDING: return "mtu discovery padding"; /* Radio Administrative State 31 Radio Operational State 32 */ case CWMSGELEM_RESULT_CODE: return "result code"; /* Returned Message Element 34 */ case CWMSGELEM_SESSION_ID: return "session id"; /* Statistics Timer 36 */ case CWMSGELEM_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_PAYLOAD: return "vendor specific payload"; case CWMSGELEM_WTP_BOARD_DATA: return "wtp board data"; case CWMSGELEM_WTP_DESCRIPTOR: return "wtp descriptor"; /* WTP Fallback 40 */ case CWMSGELEM_WTP_FRAME_TUNNEL_MODE: return "frame tunnel mode"; /* Reserved 42 */ /* Reserved 43 */ case CWMSGELEM_WTP_MAC_TYPE: return "mac type"; case CWMSGELEM_WTP_NAME: return "wtp name"; /* Unused/Reserved 46 WTP Radio Statistics 47 WTP Reboot Statistics 48 WTP Static IP Address Information 49 */ case CWMSGELEM_IEEE80211_WTP_RADIO_INFO: return "802.11: wtp radio info"; } return "unknown"; }