#include #include #include #include #include #include "wtplist.h" #include "capwap/capwap.h" #include "capwap/sock.h" #include "socklist.h" #include "capwap/conn.h" #include "wtpman.h" #include "conf.h" #include "capwap/log.h" #include "capwap/timer.h" #include "conf.h" #include "capwap/lwmsg.h" #include "capwap/lwapp.h" #include #include "capwap/capwap_80211.h" #include "capwap/capwap_cisco.h" #include "capwap/cw_util.h" #include "capwap/capwap_items.h" #include "ac.h" #include "capwap/dtls.h" #include "capwap/dbg.h" extern struct cw_actiondef capwap_actions; /* macro to convert our client ip to a string */ //#define CLIENT_IP (sock_addrtostr((struct sockaddr*)&wtpman->conn->addr, (char[64]){0},64)) #define CLIENT_IP (sock_addr2str(&wtpman->conn->addr)) void conn_handle_change_state_event_request(struct conn *conn) { } /* struct rh_param { struct conn *conn; int *msglist; }; static int conn_rh(void *param) { struct rh_param *p = (struct rh_param *) param; int i; int *msglist = p->msglist; printf("Param %p\n", param); for (i = 0; msglist[i] != -1; i++) { if (msglist[i] == p->conn->cwrmsg.type) return 0; } cw_log(LOG_ERR, "Unexpected message from %s", sock_addr2str(&p->conn->addr)); cwsend_unknown_response(p->conn, p->conn->cwrmsg.seqnum, p->conn->cwrmsg.type); return 1; } */ /* struct ac_info *get_acinfo(); */ static void wtpman_remove(struct wtpman *wtpman) { wtplist_lock(); wtplist_remove(wtpman); wtplist_unlock(); wtpman_destroy(wtpman); } int check_discovery(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_in *a, uint8_t * data, int len) { printf("Discovery END!!!\n"); conn->capwap_state = CW_STATE_NONE; return 0; } static void wtpman_run_discovery(void *arg) { struct wtpman *wtpman = (struct wtpman *) arg; struct cwrmsg *cwrmsg; time_t timer = cw_timer_start(10); extern cw_actionlist_in_t the_tree; wtpman->conn->capwap_state = CW_STATE_DISCOVERY; wtpman->conn->actions = &capwap_actions; /* cw_actionlist_in_set_msg_end_callback(capwap_actions.in, CW_STATE_DISCOVERY, CW_MSG_DISCOVERY_REQUEST, check_discovery); */ wtpman->conn->local = ac_config; wtpman->conn->outgoing = cw_itemstore_create(); wtpman->conn->incomming = cw_itemstore_create(); while (!cw_timer_timeout(timer) && wtpman->conn->capwap_state == CW_STATE_DISCOVERY) { cw_read_messages(wtpman->conn); } struct cw_item *wn = cw_itemstore_get(wtpman->conn->incomming, CW_ITEM_WTP_NAME); if (wn) { //printf("WTP Name: %s\n", wn->data); } wtpman_remove(wtpman); return; timer = cw_timer_start(10); cwrmsg = wtpman_wait_for_message(wtpman, timer); if (!cwrmsg) { cw_dbg(DBG_MSG_ERR, "No complete message from %s received after %d seconds", CLIENT_IP, 10); wtpman_remove(wtpman); return; } if (cwrmsg->type != CW_MSG_DISCOVERY_REQUEST) { cw_dbg(DBG_MSG_ERR, "Invalid message in discovery state from %s, type=%s - %s ", CLIENT_IP, cwrmsg->type, cw_msgtostr(cwrmsg->type)); wtpman_remove(wtpman); return; } cwread_discovery_request(&wtpman->wtpinfo, cwrmsg->msgelems, cwrmsg->msgelems_len); // printf("RMAC-LEN:%d\n",cwrmsg->rmac[0]); //printf("HW: %s\n",sock_hwaddr2str(bstr_data(cwrmsg->rmac),bstr_len(cwrmsg->rmac))); conn_detect_capwap(wtpman->conn, &wtpman->wtpinfo); char wtpinfostr[8192]; wtpinfo_print(wtpinfostr, &wtpman->wtpinfo); cw_dbg(DBG_INFO, "Discovery request gave us the follwing WTP Info:\n%s", wtpinfostr); struct radioinfo radioinfo; radioinfo.rid = cwrmsg->rid; radioinfo.rmac = 0; //&cwrmsg->rmac; // memcpy(radioinfo.rmac, cwrmsg->rmac,8); // radioinfo.rmac[0]=0; struct ac_info *acinfo = get_acinfo(); /* char wtpinfostr[8192]; wtpinfo_print(wtpinfostr,&wtpman->wtpinfo); cw_dbg(DBG_INFO,"Discovery request gave us the follwing WTP Info:\n%s",wtpinfostr); */ cwsend_discovery_response(wtpman->conn, cwrmsg->seqnum, &radioinfo, acinfo, &wtpman->wtpinfo); wtpman_remove(wtpman); } static void wtpman_run_run(void *arg) { } static int wtpman_establish_dtls(void *arg) { struct wtpman *wtpman = (struct wtpman *) arg; /* setup cipher */ wtpman->conn->dtls_cipher = conf_sslcipher; /* setup DTSL certificates */ int dtls_ok = 0; if (conf_sslkeyfilename && conf_sslcertfilename) { wtpman->conn->dtls_key_file = conf_sslkeyfilename; wtpman->conn->dtls_cert_file = conf_sslcertfilename; wtpman->conn->dtls_key_pass = conf_sslkeypass; wtpman->conn->dtls_verify_peer = conf_dtls_verify_peer; cw_dbg(DBG_DTLS, "Using key file %s", wtpman->conn->dtls_key_file); cw_dbg(DBG_DTLS, "Using cert file %s", wtpman->conn->dtls_cert_file); dtls_ok = 1; } /* setup DTLS psk */ if (conf_dtls_psk) { wtpman->conn->dtls_psk = conf_dtls_psk; wtpman->conn->dtls_psk_len = strlen(conf_dtls_psk); dtls_ok = 1; } if (!dtls_ok) { cw_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't establish DTLS session, neither psk nor certs set in config file."); return 0; } /* try to accept the connection */ if (!dtls_accept(wtpman->conn)) { cw_dbg(DBG_DTLS, "Error establishing DTLS session with %s", CLIENT_IP); return 0; } cw_dbg(DBG_DTLS, "DTLS session established with %s, cipher=%s", CLIENT_IP, dtls_get_cipher(wtpman->conn)); /* DTLS handshake done */ int cert_len; struct dtls_ssl_cert cert; FILE *f; f = fopen("pcert.der", "wb"); cert = dtls_get_peers_cert(wtpman->conn, 0); // printf("Have Peers Cert: %p, %d\n", cert.data, cert.size); // fwrite(cert.data, 1, cert.size, f); fclose(f); return 1; } static int wtpman_join(void *arg, time_t timer) { struct wtpman *wtpman = (struct wtpman *) arg; extern cw_actionlist_in_t the_tree; wtpman->conn->actions = &capwap_actions; wtpman->conn->capwap_state = CW_STATE_JOIN; wtpman->conn->capwap_state = CW_STATE_JOIN; wtpman->conn->actions = &capwap_actions; // wtpman->conn->itemstore = cw_itemstore_create(); wtpman->conn->outgoing = cw_itemstore_create(); wtpman->conn->incomming = cw_itemstore_create(); wtpman->conn->local = ac_config; struct conn * conn = wtpman->conn; cw_dbg(DBG_INFO,"Join State - %s",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr)); while (!cw_timer_timeout(timer) && wtpman->conn->capwap_state == CW_STATE_JOIN) { int rc = cw_read_messages(wtpman->conn); if (rc < 0) { break; } } if (wtpman->conn->capwap_state == CW_STATE_JOIN) { cw_dbg(DBG_MSG_ERR, "No join request from %s after %d seconds, WTP died.", sock_addr2str(&wtpman->conn->addr), wtpman->conn->wait_dtls); return 0; } return 1; } /* static int wtpman_send_image_file(struct wtpman *wtpman, struct cwrmsg *cwrmsg) { struct cwimage_data data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct cwimage_data)); uint8_t id[1025]; data.identifier = id; char filename[2048]; id[0] = 0; cw_read_image_data_request(&data, cwrmsg->msgelems, cwrmsg->msgelems_len); if (!strlen(id)) { cw_dbg(DBG_MSG_ERR, "No image identifier in image data request"); cw_send_image_data_response(wtpman->conn, cwrmsg->seqnum, CW_RESULT_FAILURE); return 0; } sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", conf_image_dir, id); FILE *infile; infile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (infile) { cw_send_image_data_response(wtpman->conn, cwrmsg->seqnum, CW_RESULT_SUCCESS); cw_log(LOG_INFO, "Sending image file %s to %s", filename, sock_addr2str(&wtpman->conn->addr)); cw_send_image_file(wtpman->conn, infile); return 1; } cw_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open image file %s:%s", filename, strerror(errno)); cw_send_image_data_response(wtpman->conn, cwrmsg->seqnum, CW_RESULT_FAILURE); return 0; } */ static void wtpman_run(void *arg) { struct wtpman *wtpman = (struct wtpman *) arg; struct cwrmsg *cwrmsg; // = conn_get_message(wtpman->conn); wtpman->conn->seqnum = 0; /* reject connections to our multi- or broadcast sockets */ if (socklist[wtpman->socklistindex].type != SOCKLIST_UNICAST_SOCKET) { cw_dbg(DBG_DTLS, "Dropping connection from %s to non-unicast socket.", CLIENT_IP); wtpman_remove(wtpman); return; } time_t timer = cw_timer_start(wtpman->conn->wait_dtls); /* establish dtls session */ if (!wtpman_establish_dtls(wtpman)) { wtpman_remove(wtpman); return; } /* dtls is established, goto join state */ if (!wtpman_join(wtpman, timer)) { wtpman_remove(wtpman); return; } /* here the WTP has joined, now we assume an image data request or an configuration status request. Nothing else. State is Image update */ int rc = 0; while (!cw_timer_timeout(timer) && wtpman->conn->capwap_state == CW_STATE_CONFIGURE) { rc = cw_read_messages(wtpman->conn); if (rc < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) break; } } if (!rc) { cw_dbg(DBG_INFO, "WTP Problem: %s", cw_strrc(rc)); } struct conn *conn = wtpman->conn; if (conn->capwap_state == CW_STATE_IMAGE_DATA) { /* Image upload */ const char *filename = cw_itemstore_get_str(conn->outgoing, CW_ITEM_IMAGE_FILENAME); if (!filename) { cw_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't send image to %s. No Image Filename Item found.", sock_addr2str(&conn->addr)); return; } cw_dbg(DBG_INFO, "Sending image file '%s' to '%s'.", filename, sock_addr2str(&conn->addr)); FILE *infile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (infile == NULL) { cw_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open image %s: %s", sock_addr2str(&conn->addr), strerror(errno)); return; } cw_itemstore_set_const_ptr(conn->outgoing, CW_ITEM_IMAGE_FILEHANDLE, infile); DEFINE_CLOCK(clk); cw_clock_start(&clk); int rc=0; while (conn->capwap_state == CW_STATE_IMAGE_DATA && !feof(infile) && rc==0) { rc = cw_send_request(conn, CW_MSG_IMAGE_DATA_REQUEST); } if (rc) { cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Error sending image to %s: %s",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr),cw_strrc(rc)); } else { cw_dbg(DBG_INFO,"Image '%s' sucessful sent to %s in %0.1f seconds.", filename,sock_addr2str(&conn->addr),cw_clock_stop(&clk)); conn->capwap_state=CW_STATE_NONE; } fclose(infile); } return; } void wtpman_destroy(struct wtpman *wtpman) { if (wtpman->conn) conn_destroy(wtpman->conn); free(wtpman); } struct wtpman *wtpman_create(int socklistindex, struct sockaddr *srcaddr) { struct wtpman *wtpman; wtpman = malloc(sizeof(struct wtpman)); if (!wtpman) return 0; memset(wtpman, 0, sizeof(struct wtpman)); int sockfd = socklist[socklistindex].reply_sockfd; wtpman->conn = conn_create(sockfd, srcaddr, 100); if (!wtpman->conn) { wtpman_destroy(wtpman); return NULL; } return wtpman; } void wtpman_addpacket(struct wtpman *wtpman, uint8_t * packet, int len) { conn_q_add_packet(wtpman->conn, packet, len); } void wtpman_lw_addpacket(struct wtpman *wtpman, uint8_t * packet, int len) { // uint8_t * m = packet+12; // int l = LWTH_GET_LENGTH(packet+6); uint8_t *msg = packet + 12; int msgtype = LWMSG_GET_TYPE(msg); int msglen = LWMSG_GET_LEN(msg); printf("Type is %d, Len is %d\n", msgtype, msglen); uint8_t *msgdata = LWMSG_GET_DATA(msg); /* int c=0; while (c < msglen){ int eltype = LWMSGELEM_GET_TYPE(data); int ellen = LWMSGELEM_GET_LEN(data); printf ("ELEM TYPE: %d, LEN: %d\n",eltype,ellen); c+=ellen+3; data=data+ellen+3; } */ uint8_t *data; /* lw_foreach_msgelem(data,msgdata,msglen){ int eltype = LWMSGELEM_GET_TYPE(data); int ellen = LWMSGELEM_GET_LEN(data); uint8_t * eldata = LWMSGELEM_GET_DATA(data); wtpinfo_lwreadelem_wtp_descriptor(&wtpman->wtpinfo,eltype,eldata,ellen); printf ("ELEM TYPE: %d, LEN: %d\n",eltype,ellen); } */ char wi[4096]; wtpinfo_print(wi, &wtpman->wtpinfo); printf("WTPINFO: \n%s\n", wi); // char buffer[2048]; // struct lwmsg lwmsg; // lwmsg_init(&lwmsg, buffer,conf_macaddress,LWMSG_DISCOVERY_RESPONSE,conn_get_next_seqnum(wtpman->conn)); // conn_send_packet(wtpman->conn,buffer,60); } void wtpman_start(struct wtpman *wtpman, int dtlsmode) { if (dtlsmode) { cw_dbg(DBG_INFO, "Starting wtpman in DTLS mode"); pthread_create(&wtpman->thread, NULL, (void *) &wtpman_run, (void *) wtpman); } else { cw_dbg(DBG_INFO, "Starting wtpman in non-dtls mode"); pthread_create(&wtpman->thread, NULL, (void *) &wtpman_run_discovery, (void *) wtpman); } } void wtpman_lw_start(struct wtpman *wtpman) { }