/* This file is part of libcapwap. libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ #include "capwap.h" #include "dbg.h" #include "sock.h" #include "log.h" #include "strlist.h" #include "format.h" #include "capwap.h" #include "capwap_cisco.h" #include "lwapp_cisco.h" void (*cw_dbg_cb) (int level, const char *format, ...) = CW_LOG_DEFAULT_LOG; void (*cw_dbg_vcb) (int level, const char *fromat, va_list args) = CW_LOG_DEFAULT_VLOG; uint32_t cw_dbg_opt_display = 0; uint32_t cw_dbg_opt_level = 0; static struct cw_str color_on[] = { { DBG_PKT_IN, "\x1b[33m" }, { DBG_MSG_IN, "\x1b[34m" }, { DBG_ELEM, "\x1b[39m" }, { DBG_MSG_ERR, "\x1b[31m" }, { DBG_PKT_ERR, "\x1b[31m" }, { DBG_RFC, "\x1b[31m" }, { DBG_X, "\x1b[31m" }, { CW_STR_STOP, "" } }; static struct cw_str color_ontext[] = { { DBG_ELEM_DMP, "\x1b[30m"}, { CW_STR_STOP, "" } }; static struct cw_str color_off[] = { { CW_STR_STOP, "\x1b[22;39m\x1b[23m" } }; static struct cw_str prefix[] = { { DBG_INFO, " Info -" }, { DBG_PKT_IN, " Pkt IN -" }, { DBG_MSG_IN, " Msg IN -" }, { DBG_ELEM, " Msg Element -" }, { DBG_MSG_ERR," Msg Error -" }, { DBG_PKT_ERR," Pkt Error -" }, { DBG_RFC, " RFC Violation -" }, { DBG_X, "XXXXX - "}, { CW_STR_STOP, "" } }; static const char * get_dbg_color_on(int level){ if ( ! (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_COLORS ) ) return ""; return cw_strlist_get_str(color_on,level); } static const char * get_dbg_color_off(int level){ if ( ! (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_COLORS ) ) return ""; return cw_strlist_get_str(color_off,level); } static const char * get_dbg_prefix(int level){ return cw_strlist_get_str(prefix,level); } static const char * get_dbg_color_ontext(int level){ if ( ! (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_COLORS ) ) return ""; return cw_strlist_get_str(color_ontext,level); } /** * Put a list of missing mandatory message elements to debug output */ void cw_dbg_missing_mand(int level, struct conn *conn, cw_action_in_t ** ml, int n, cw_action_in_t * a) { // if (!cw_dbg_is_level(DBG_MSG_ERR) || n == 0) // return; if ( !cw_dbg_is_level(level) || n==0) return; char buffer[2000]; char *p = buffer; int i; char *delim = ""; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { p += sprintf(p, "%s", delim); delim = ", "; p += sprintf(p, "%s", cw_strelemp(conn->actions, ml[i]->elem_id)); } cw_dbg(level, "Missing mandatory elements: [%s]", buffer); } int cw_format_pkt(char *dst,int level,struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len) { char *s=dst; switch (level) { case DBG_PKT_IN: s+=sprintf(s,"From %s",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr)); break; case DBG_PKT_OUT: s+=sprintf(s,"To %s",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr)); break; } s+=sprintf(s," l=%d: ",len); int preamble = cw_get_hdr_preamble(packet); if (preamble==01){ s+=sprintf(s," (encrypted)"); return s-dst; } if (len<4) goto abort; if (cw_get_hdr_flag_f(packet)){ s+=sprintf(s," (fragmented)"); } int hlen = cw_get_hdr_hlen(packet); int rid = cw_get_hdr_rid(packet); int wbid = cw_get_hdr_wbid(packet); s+=sprintf(s," H:%d R:%02d W:%02d",hlen,rid,wbid); s+=sprintf(s," Flgs:"); s+=cw_format_hdr_flags(s,packet); if (len<8) goto abort; int frag_id = cw_get_hdr_fragid(packet); int frag_offs = cw_get_hdr_fragoffset(packet); s+=sprintf(s," Frag/Offs:%d/%d",frag_id,frag_offs); if (cw_get_hdr_flag_m(packet)) { /* rmac is present, print the rmac */ int rmac_len=cw_get_hdr_rmac_len(packet); int plen=rmac_len; if (rmac_len+8>len) plen=len-8; if (rmac_len>10) plen=10; s+=sprintf(s," R-MAC:"); s+=cw_format_mac(s,cw_get_hdr_rmac_data(packet),plen); if (rmac_len>10){ s+=sprintf(s," ... (len=%d)",rmac_len); } } return s-dst; abort: s+=sprintf(s," Incomplete..."); return s-dst; } char * make_dmp( const uint8_t * data, int len) { int maxtlen = 2048; int i; int rowlen = CW_LOG_DUMP_ROW_LEN; int rows = len / rowlen; int tlen = 0; int md; if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) md = 2; else md = 1; char *dst = malloc(2*(md * (len * 3 + (rows * 2) + 8 + maxtlen))); if (!dst) return NULL; /* if (format != NULL) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); tlen = vsnprintf(dst, maxtlen, format, args); va_end(args); } */ if (len % CW_LOG_DUMP_ROW_LEN) rows++; char *pdst = dst + tlen; sprintf(pdst, "\n\t"); pdst += 2; char asc_buffer[128]; char *ascdst = asc_buffer; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { sprintf(pdst, "%02X ", data[i] & 0xff); if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) { int c = data[i] & 0xff; if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7f) c = '.'; *ascdst = c; ascdst++; } pdst += 3; if ((i + 1) % rowlen == 0) { int l; if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) { *ascdst = 0; l = sprintf(pdst, " | %s\n\t", asc_buffer); ascdst = asc_buffer; } else { l = sprintf(pdst, "\n\t"); } pdst += l; } } if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) { *ascdst = 0; if (strlen(asc_buffer)) pdst += sprintf(pdst, " | %s", asc_buffer); } // cw_log_cb(LOG_DEBUG, "%s",dst); return dst; } void cw_dbg_pkt(int level,struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len) { if (!cw_dbg_is_level(level)) return; char buf[1024]; cw_format_pkt(buf,level,conn,packet,len); if (cw_dbg_is_level(DBG_PKT_DMP)){ char *dmp = make_dmp(packet,len); cw_dbg(level,"%s%s",buf,dmp); free(dmp); } else cw_dbg(level,"%s",buf); } void cw_dbg_msg(int level,struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len) { if (!cw_dbg_is_level(level)) return; char buf[1024]; char *s = buf; uint8_t * msgptr = cw_get_hdr_msg_ptr(packet); // int pplen = len - (msgptr-packet); int msg_id=cw_get_msg_id(msgptr); s+=sprintf(s,"%s Message (type=%d) ",cw_strmsg(msg_id),msg_id); s+=sprintf(s,"from %s ",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr)); s+=sprintf(s,", Seqnum: %d ElemLen: %d",cw_get_msg_seqnum(msgptr),cw_get_msg_elems_len(msgptr)); //abort: cw_dbg(level,"%s",buf); } /* void cw_dbg_packet_m(struct conn *conn, uint8_t * packet, int len) { if (!cw_dbg_is_level(DBG_PKT_IN | DBG_PKT_OUT)) return; char hdr[200]; hdr_print(hdr, packet, len); if (!cw_dbg_is_level(DBG_PKT_DMP)) { cw_dbg(DBG_PKT_IN, "Processing capwap packet from %s, len=%d\n%s", sock_addr2str(&conn->addr), len, hdr); return; } cw_dbg_dmp(DBG_PKT_DMP, packet, len, "Processing packet from %s, len=%d\n%s\n\tDump:", sock_addr2str(&conn->addr), len, hdr); } */ void ycw_dbg_dmp_(int level, const char *file, int line, const uint8_t * data, int len, const char *format, ...) { if (!(level & cw_dbg_opt_level)) return; int maxtlen = 2048; int i; int rowlen = CW_LOG_DUMP_ROW_LEN; int rows = len / rowlen; int tlen = 0; int md; if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) md = 2; else md = 1; char *dst = malloc(2*(md * (len * 3 + (rows * 2) + 8 + maxtlen))); if (!dst) return; if (format != NULL) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); tlen = vsnprintf(dst, maxtlen, format, args); va_end(args); } if (len % CW_LOG_DUMP_ROW_LEN) rows++; char *pdst = dst + tlen; sprintf(pdst, "\n\t"); pdst += 2; char asc_buffer[128]; char *ascdst = asc_buffer; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { sprintf(pdst, "%02X ", data[i] & 0xff); if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) { int c = data[i] & 0xff; if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7f) c = '.'; *ascdst = c; ascdst++; } pdst += 3; if ((i + 1) % rowlen == 0) { int l; if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) { *ascdst = 0; l = sprintf(pdst, " | %s\n\t", asc_buffer); ascdst = asc_buffer; } else { l = sprintf(pdst, "\n\t"); } pdst += l; } } if (cw_dbg_opt_display & DBG_DISP_ASC_DMP) { *ascdst = 0; if (strlen(asc_buffer)) pdst += sprintf(pdst, " | %s", asc_buffer); } cw_log_cb(LOG_DEBUG, "%s",dst); free(dst); return; } static int cw_format_vendor(char *dst, uint32_t vendor_id, int elem_id, const uint8_t * elem_data) { switch (vendor_id) { case CW_VENDOR_ID_CISCO: { if (elem_id != CW_CISCO_SPAM_VENDOR_SPECIFIC) { return sprintf(dst, "%d - %s", elem_id, cw_cisco_id_to_str(elem_id)); } /* dive into LWAPP vendor specific decoding */ uint32_t lw_elem_id = lw_get_word(elem_data + 4 + 6); return sprintf(dst, "%d/LWAPP Vendor: %d - %s", elem_id, lw_elem_id, lw_cisco_id_to_str(lw_elem_id)); break; } default: { return sprintf(dst, "%d", elem_id); } } return 0; } /** * print debug info for message elements */ void cw_dbg_elem_colored(int level, struct conn *conn, int msg, int msgelem, const uint8_t * msgbuf, int len) { if (!cw_dbg_is_level(level)) return; const char *elemname; char vendorname[256]; char vendor_details[265]; *vendor_details = 0; if (msgelem == CW_ELEM_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_PAYLOAD) { uint32_t vendor_id = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) msgbuf)); int type = ntohs(*((uint16_t *) (msgbuf + 4))); cw_format_vendor(vendor_details, vendor_id, type, msgbuf); sprintf(vendorname, "%s/%s/%s", cw_strelemp(conn->actions, msgelem), (char *) lw_vendor_id_to_str(vendor_id), vendor_details); elemname = vendorname; } else { elemname = cw_strelemp(conn->actions, msgelem); } if (!cw_dbg_is_level(DBG_ELEM_DMP)) cw_dbg(DBG_ELEM, "%d (%s), len=%d", msgelem, elemname, len); else{ char *dmp = make_dmp(msgbuf,len); cw_dbg(DBG_ELEM, "%d (%s), len=%d%s%s", msgelem, elemname, len, get_dbg_color_ontext(DBG_ELEM_DMP), dmp); free(dmp); } } void cw_dbg_colored(int level, const char *file, int line, const char *format, ...) { if (!(cw_dbg_is_level(level))) return; char fbuf[1024]; sprintf(fbuf, "DBG:%s%s %s%s%s", get_dbg_color_on(level), get_dbg_prefix(level), get_dbg_color_ontext(level), format, get_dbg_color_off(level) ); va_list args; va_start(args, format); cw_log_vcb(level,fbuf,args); va_end(args); }