/*! \mainpage LIBCAWAP Documentation \section IBCAPWAPInstall Installing To install libcapwap you need the following things: A computer, a keyboard, some software and time. \section MsgHandling Extending CAPWAP Probably the easies way to explain, how to extend the CAPWAP, is to show an example.\n Here we go ... \subsection SimpleExample A Simple Example Imagine you whant to implement a new vendor specific message element called "WTP LED Status and Color". In the real world this could be a message element, that is used by a WTP to indicate it's LED status, and sent by the AC to set the WTP's LED status.\n There might be a specification where the message element is idefined as follows: \code Vendor Specific Element - WTP LED Status and Color 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Status | Color | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Type: 17 Length: 2 Status: 0=off 1=on 2=flashing Color: 0=blue 1=red 2=gren \endcode The first thing we have now to do, ist to define an item ID, that is interlnally used by AC-Tube to store and find data associated with this message element. This ID is simply a system-wide unique string constant.\n So let's create a file "mycapwap.c" and define the ID. \code const char CW_MYITEM_WTP_LED_STATUS_AND_COLOR[]="wtp_led_status_and_color"; \endcode The item ID is also used to identify message element data stored in a SQL database or in json objects.\n Next we should provide some information about our item, which is done by creating an item definition, described by structure #cw_itemdef.\n Looking at the specification of our message element we see that the value is built of two bytes, which can be represented as word. There is a pre-defined type MBAG_WORD which we will use. \code #include "capwap/mbag.h" const char CW_MYITEM_WTP_LED_STATUS_AND_COLOR[]="wtp_led_status_and_color"; struct cw_itemdef_t myitemdefs[] = { {CW_MYITEM_WTP_LED_STATUS,CW_ITEM_NONE,MBAG_WORD} }; \endcode \section ItemsElements Items, Elements, Messages ... \subsection asd fdglksd This is the text for the subsection. */