#include #include #include #include "format.h" static struct cw_FormatDumpSettings CW_FORMAT_DUMP_SETTINGS = { 32, /* row_len */ 8, /* marker_distance */ '|', /* marker_char */ 1, /* ascii */ 0, /* inv_len */ '*', /* inv_char */ "\n\t", /* dump_prefix */ " ", /* ascii_prefix */ "\n\t" /* newline */ }; void cw_format_get_dump_defaults(struct cw_FormatDumpSettings * settings) { memcpy(settings, &CW_FORMAT_DUMP_SETTINGS, sizeof(struct cw_FormatDumpSettings)); } static int cw_format_dump_row(char *dst, const uint8_t * data, int len, struct cw_FormatDumpSettings * settings){ char *pdst, marker; int i; pdst = dst; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { marker = ((i+1)% settings->marker_distance==0 && imarker_char : ' '; pdst += sprintf(pdst, "%02X%c", data[i] & 0xff, marker); } if (settings->ascii){ for(i=len; irow_len; i++){ pdst += sprintf(pdst," "); } pdst+=sprintf(pdst,"%s",settings->ascii_prefix); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { int c = data[i] & 0xff; if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7f) c = '.'; pdst+=sprintf(pdst,"%c",c); } } pdst+=sprintf(pdst,"%s",settings->newline); return pdst-dst; } /** * Create an ASCII hex dump of binary data * * @param data data to dump * @param len number of bytes to dump (size of data) * @return a character string with the created data ASCII * dump (must be released with free).If memory cannot be allocated * the return value is NULL. */ char *cw_format_dump(const uint8_t * data, int len, struct cw_FormatDumpSettings *settings) { int row,rows,size; char *dst, *pdst; if (!settings) settings = &CW_FORMAT_DUMP_SETTINGS; rows = len / settings->row_len; if (len % settings->row_len) rows++; size = strlen(settings->dump_prefix) + rows * strlen(settings->newline) + (settings->ascii ? rows*settings->row_len*3 : len * 3); if (settings->ascii){ size += len + rows*strlen(settings->ascii_prefix); } dst = malloc(size+1); if (!dst) return NULL; pdst = dst; pdst += sprintf(pdst, "%s",settings->dump_prefix); for (row=0; rowrow_len; if (len - pos > settings->row_len){ rlen = settings->row_len; } else{ rlen = len-pos; } pdst += cw_format_dump_row(pdst,data+pos, rlen, settings); } return dst; }