/* This file is part of actube. libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "capwap/capwap.h" #include "capwap/sock.h" #include "conf.h" #include "capwap/log.h" #include "capwap/dbg.h" #include "capwap/cw_util.h" #include "capwap/action.h" uint8_t conf_macaddress[12]; uint8_t conf_macaddress_len=0; long conf_strict_capwap=1; long conf_strict_headers=0; char * conf_capwap_mode_str=NULL; int conf_capwap_mode=CW_MODE_CAPWAP; const char * conf_acname = NULL; int conf_acname_len = 0; char * conf_acid = NULL; char * conf_primary_if = NULL; long conf_max_wtps = CONF_DEFAULT_MAXWTPS; char * conf_logfilename=CONF_DEFAULT_LOGFILENAME; struct sockaddr_storage * conf_salist=NULL; char ** conf_listen_addrs; int conf_listen_addrs_len=0; char ** conf_mcast_groups=0; int conf_mcast_groups_len=0; char ** conf_bcast_addrs=0; int conf_bcast_addrs_len; struct sockaddr_storage * conf_bsalist=NULL; int conf_salist_len=0; int conf_bsalist_len=0; struct sockaddr * conf_ac_ips; int conf_ac_ips_len; char * conf_sslcertfilename=NULL; char * conf_sslkeyfilename=NULL; char * conf_sslkeypass=NULL; char * conf_sslcipher=NULL; char * conf_dtls_psk=NULL; //char * conf_ac_hardware_version=NULL; //char * conf_ac_software_version=NULL; int conf_security=0; long conf_vendor_id=CONF_DEFAULT_VENDOR_ID; bstr_t conf_hardware_version=NULL; bstr_t conf_software_version=NULL; bstr_t conf_cisco_hardware_version=NULL; bstr_t conf_cisco_software_version=NULL; //int conf_hardware_version_len=0; //int conf_software_version_len=0; int conf_use_loopback = 0; long conf_debug_level=-1; char * conf_db_file =0; int conf_ipv4=1; #ifdef WITH_IPV6 int conf_ipv6=1; #endif #ifdef WITH_LWAPP int conf_lwapp=1; char * conf_lw_control_port=0; #endif char * conf_image_dir=0; char * conf_control_port=0; int conf_dtls_verify_peer=1; static int init_acname() { if (conf_acname == NULL){ char *s=malloc(strlen(CONF_DEFAULT_ACNAME)+strlen(conf_acid)+1); sprintf(s,"%s%s",CONF_DEFAULT_ACNAME,conf_acid); conf_acname=s; } conf_acname_len=strlen(conf_acname); return 1; } static int init_acid() { if (conf_acid != NULL) return 1; #ifdef WITH_IPV6 conf_primary_if = sock_get_primary_if(AF_INET6); if (!conf_primary_if) conf_primary_if = sock_get_primary_if(AF_INET); #else conf_primary_if = get_primary_if(AF_INET); #endif if (!conf_primary_if){ cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Fatal: Unable to detect primary interface, needed to set ac_id. Pleas use confiPleas u to set ac_id"); return 0; } if (!sock_getifhwaddr(conf_primary_if,conf_macaddress,&conf_macaddress_len)){ cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Fatal: Unable to detect link layer address for %s\n",conf_primary_if); return 0; }; int i; conf_acid = malloc(2*conf_macaddress_len+1); char *s = conf_acid; for (i=0; i static int init_listen_addrs() { if (conf_listen_addrs!=0) return 1; struct ifaddrs * ifap,*ifa; int rc = getifaddrs(&ifap); if (rc==-1) return 0; /* count the addresses */ int ctr=0; for (ifa=ifap; ifa!=0; ifa=ifa->ifa_next){ if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET && conf_ipv4) ctr++; #ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET6 && conf_ipv6) ctr++; #endif } conf_listen_addrs = malloc(sizeof(char*)*ctr); if (!conf_listen_addrs){ rc=0; goto errX; } memset(conf_listen_addrs,0,sizeof(char*)*ctr); ctr=0; /* get the addresses */ for (ifa=ifap; ifa!=0; ifa=ifa->ifa_next){ char str[100]; /** ignore loopback interfaces if configured*/ if(!conf_use_loopback){ if ((ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)){ continue; } } if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET && conf_ipv4){ sock_addrtostr(ifa->ifa_addr,str,100); *strchr(str,':')=0; conf_listen_addrs[ctr]=(char*)cw_setstr((uint8_t**)&conf_listen_addrs[ctr],(uint8_t*)str,strlen(str)); if (conf_listen_addrs[ctr]) ctr++; } #ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET6 && conf_ipv6){ sock_addrtostr(ifa->ifa_addr,str,100); if (strncmp(str,"fe80:",5)==0){ strcat(str,"%"); strcat(str,ifa->ifa_name); } conf_listen_addrs[ctr]=(char*)cw_setstr((uint8_t**)&conf_listen_addrs[ctr],(uint8_t*)str,strlen(str)); if (conf_listen_addrs[ctr]) ctr++; } #endif } conf_listen_addrs_len=ctr; rc=1; errX: freeifaddrs(ifap); return rc; } static char * conf_default_mcast_groups_ipv4[] = { "", }; #ifdef WITH_IPV6 static char * conf_default_mcast_groups_ipv6[] = { /* "ff01:0:0:0:0:0:0:18c", "ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:18c%em0", "ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:18c", "ff04:0:0:0:0:0:0:18c", "ff05:0:0:0:0:0:0:18c", "ff06:0:0:0:0:0:0:18c" */ }; #endif //#include "avltree" #include "capwap/stravltree.h" static int add_bcast_addr(void *priv, void * addr) { char *s = (char*)addr; conf_bcast_addrs[conf_bcast_addrs_len]=strdup(s); if (conf_bcast_addrs[conf_bcast_addrs_len]!=0) conf_bcast_addrs_len++; return 1; } /* * Initialize broadcast addresses (ipv4 only) */ int init_bcast_addrs() { if (conf_bcast_addrs) return 1; if (!conf_ipv4) return 1; struct avltree *t = stravltree_create(); if (!t) return 0; /* add the default broadast address */ stravltree_add(t,""); /* add all other local broadcast addresses */ struct ifaddrs * ifa0,*ifa; int rc = getifaddrs(&ifa0); if (rc==-1) return 0; for (ifa=ifa0; ifa!=0; ifa=ifa->ifa_next){ struct sockaddr * sa; if (!(ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST)) continue; if(!conf_use_loopback){ if ((ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) continue; } sa = ifa->ifa_addr; if(sa->sa_family != AF_INET) continue; char str[100]; if (ifa->ifa_broadaddr){ sock_addrtostr(ifa->ifa_broadaddr,str,100); *strchr(str,':')=0; stravltree_add(t,str); } } conf_bcast_addrs=malloc(t->count*sizeof(char*)); stravltree_foreach_asc(t,add_bcast_addr,0); stravltree_destroy(t); freeifaddrs(ifa0); return 1; } int init_mcast_groups() { if (conf_mcast_groups) return 1; int n = 0; int n4=0,n6=0; if (conf_ipv4){ n4=sizeof(conf_default_mcast_groups_ipv4)/sizeof(char*); } #ifdef WITH_IPV6 if (conf_ipv6){ n6=sizeof(conf_default_mcast_groups_ipv6)/sizeof(char*); } #endif n=n4+n6; if (n==0) return 1; conf_mcast_groups=malloc(sizeof(char*)*n); if (!conf_mcast_groups) return 0; memset(conf_mcast_groups,0,n*sizeof(char*)); int ctr=0; int i; for(i=0; i