#include "cw.h" #include "val.h" #include "dbg.h" #include "log.h" static int read_struct(cw_Cfg_t * cfg,const cw_ValStruct_t * stru, const char *pkey, const uint8_t * data, int len) { char key[CW_CFG_MAX_KEY_LEN]; int pos, i,l; pos=0; i=0; while (stru[i].type != NULL){ if(stru[i].position!=-1) pos=stru[i].position; if (stru[i].key!=NULL) sprintf(key,"%s/%s",pkey,stru[i].key); else sprintf(key,"%s",pkey); switch (stru[i].len){ case CW_STRUCT_LEN_BYTE: /* read len from next byte */ l = cw_get_byte(data+pos); pos ++; break; case CW_STRUCT_LEN_WORD: /* read len from next word */ l = cw_get_word(data+pos); pos ++; break; case -1: l = len-pos; break; default: l = stru[i].len; if (pos+l > len){ l = len-pos; } } l=stru[i].type->read(cfg,key,data+pos,l,stru[i].valguard); // printf("READ STRUCT (%d): %s: %s\n",pos,key,dbstr); if (stru[i].len==-1){ ///l = result->type->len(result); } else { l = stru[i].len; } if(stru[i].position == -1) pos+=l; i++; } return pos; } static int bread(cw_Cfg_t *cfg, const char * key, const uint8_t *src, int len, const void *param) { cw_ValStruct_t * stru = (cw_ValStruct_t *) param; read_struct(cfg,stru,key,src,len); return 1; } static int write_struct(cw_Cfg_t ** cfgs, const cw_ValStruct_t * stru, const char *pkey, uint8_t * dst) { char key[CW_CFG_MAX_KEY_LEN]; int pos, i; const char * result; int wrlen; int rc; cw_Val_t val; memset(&val,0,sizeof(cw_Val_t)); pos=0; i=0; for(i=0; stru[i].type != NULL;i++){ if (stru[i].position!=-1){ pos=stru[i].position; } if (stru[i].len!=-1) memset(dst+pos,0,stru[i].len); if (stru[i].key!=NULL) sprintf(key,"%s/%s",pkey,stru[i].key); else sprintf(key,"%s",pkey); // result = cw_cfg_get_l(cfgs,key,NULL); rc = cw_cfg_base_exists_l(cfgs,key); // printf("Base? :%s, %d\n",key,rc); if(result) { // char s[2048]; // result->type->to_str(result,s,2048); // printf("Content: '%s'\n",s); } if (!rc){ int l; cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Can't put %s, no value found, filling with zeros.",key); l = stru[i].len; if (l==-1) l = 0; memset(dst+pos,0,l); wrlen=l; } else{ struct cw_Type * type; type = (struct cw_Type *)stru[i].type; wrlen = type->write(cfgs,key,dst+pos,stru[i].valguard); /* result->valguard=stru[i].valguard; if (cw_ktv_cast(result,stru[i].type)==NULL){ cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Can't cast key '%s' from %s to %s",key,result->type->name,stru[i].type->name); } result->type->put(result,dst+pos);*/ } if (stru[i].len!=-1) pos+=stru[i].len; else pos+=wrlen; //result->type->len(result); } return pos; } static int bwrite(cw_Cfg_t **cfgs, const char *key, uint8_t *dst, const void * param) { return write_struct(cfgs,param,key,dst); stop(); /* int start; int len; cw_Val_t search; const char *result; if (!handler->type){ cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Can't handle element: %s, no type defined",handler->name); return 0; } search.key = (char*)handler->key; result = mavl_get_first(params->cfg,&search); if (result == NULL ){ if (params->elemdata->mand) cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Can't put mandatory message element %s, no data available",handler->name); return 0; } if (strncmp(result->key,handler->key, strlen(handler->key))!=0){ if (params->elemdata->mand) cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Can't put mandatory message element %s, no data available",handler->name); return 0; } start = params->msgset->header_len(handler); len = cw_ktv_write_struct(params->cfg, params->cfg, handler->type,handler->key,dst+start); return params->msgset->write_header(handler,dst,len); */ } const struct cw_Type cw_type_struct = { "Struct", /* name */ NULL, /* del */ NULL, /* put */ NULL, /* get */ NULL, /* to_str */ NULL, /* from_str */ NULL, /* len */ NULL, /* data */ NULL, /* get_type_name */ NULL, bread, bwrite };