#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "capwap/capwap.h" #include "capwap/cw_log.h" #include "wtp_conf.h" #include "capwap/cw_log.h" static struct uci_section * get_anon_section(struct uci_package * pkg, const char *type) { struct uci_element * e; struct uci_list * l = &pkg->sections; uci_foreach_element(l,e){ struct uci_section *s = (struct uci_section*)e; if (!s->anonymous) continue; if (strcmp(s->type,type)==0){ return s; } } return NULL; } int read_config(const char * filename){ struct uci_context * ctx; ctx = uci_alloc_context(); if (!ctx){ cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Fatal: Can't create uci ctx, can't read config file"); return 0; } struct uci_package * pkg; if (filename == NULL){ filename = "wtp_uci.conf"; } cw_dbg(DBG_ALL,"Reading config file %s",filename); int rc = uci_load(ctx, filename, &pkg ); if (rc == UCI_ERR_NOTFOUND){ cw_dbg(DBG_CW_INFO,"Config file '%s' not found, running without config",filename); return 1; } if (rc) { char * errstr; uci_get_errorstr(ctx, &errstr, ""); cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Fatal: Can't read config file: %s",errstr); return 0; } struct uci_section * section = get_anon_section(pkg,"wtp"); if (!section) { cw_dbg(DBG_CW_INFO,"No 'wtp' section found, running withou config"); return 1; } const char *str; str = uci_lookup_option_string(ctx,section,"name"); if (str) conf_wtpname = strdup(str); str = uci_lookup_option_string(ctx,section,"mtu"); if (str) conf_mtu = atoi(str); str = uci_lookup_option_string(ctx,section,"mtu_discovery"); if (str) conf_mtu_discovery = atoi(str); return 1; } /* char * conf_primary_if=0; char * conf_wtpname=0; char * conf_dtls_psk=0; char * conf_preferred_ac=0; char * conf_dtls_cipher=0; struct sockaddr_storage * conf_preferred_ac_sa=0; char ** conf_ac_list; int conf_ac_list_len; char * conf_control_port=0; uint8_t conf_macaddress[12]; uint8_t conf_macaddress_len=0; long conf_max_discovery_interval=CONF_DEFAULT_MAX_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL; long conf_discovery_interval=CONF_DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL; long conf_silent_interval=CONF_DEFAULT_SILENT_INTERVAL; long conf_max_discoveries=CONF_DEFAULT_MAX_DISCOVERIES; long conf_echo_interval=CONF_DEFAULT_ECHO_INTERVAL; long conf_max_retransmit=CONF_DEFAULT_MAX_RETRANSMIT; long conf_retransmit_interval=CONF_DEFAULT_RETRANSMIT_INTERVAL; long conf_debug_level=CONF_DEFAULT_DEBUG_LEVEL; int wtpconf_init() { if (conf_preferred_ac){ conf_preferred_ac_sa=malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if (sock_strtoaddr(conf_preferred_ac,conf_preferred_ac_sa)!=1) { cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Preferred AC, invalid address: %s",conf_preferred_ac); free(conf_preferred_ac_sa); conf_preferred_ac_sa=0; } else{ if (sock_getport(conf_preferred_ac_sa)==0){ sock_setport(conf_preferred_ac_sa,conf_control_port); } } if (conf_preferred_ac_sa!=0){ char str[100]; sock_addrtostr(conf_preferred_ac_sa,str,100); cw_log(LOG_INFO,"Preferred AC: %s\n",str); } } } #include char * get_prim(int family) { struct ifaddrs *ifap,*ifa; char * r = 0; getifaddrs(&ifap); for (ifa = ifap; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK){ continue; } if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != family) continue; r = malloc(strlen(ifa->ifa_name)+1); if (r) strcpy(r,ifa->ifa_name); break; } freeifaddrs(ifap); return r; } wtpconf_primary_if() { if (!conf_primary_if){ #ifdef WITH_IPV6 conf_primary_if = get_prim(AF_INET6); if (!conf_primary_if) conf_primary_if = get_prim(AF_INET); #else conf_primary_if = get_prim(AF_INET); #endif if (!conf_primary_if){ cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Fatal: Unable to detect primary interface"); return 0; } } if (!sock_getifhwaddr(conf_primary_if,conf_macaddress,&conf_macaddress_len)){ cw_log(LOG_ERR,"Fatal: Unable to detect link layer address for %s\n",conf_primary_if); return 0; }; #ifdef WITH_CW_LOG_DEBUG char str[128]; sock_hwaddrtostr(conf_macaddress,conf_macaddress_len,str); cw_log_debug0("Using primary interface: %s",conf_primary_if); cw_log_debug0("Using primary mac address: %s",str); #endif return 1; } char * default_ac_list[] = { "", "", }; wtpconf_ac_list() { if (conf_ac_list) return 1; int i; int len=0; int bcrc; struct sockaddr_storage bcaddr; bcrc = sock_getifaddr(conf_primary_if,AF_INET,IFF_BROADCAST,&bcaddr); if (bcrc) len++; int deflen = sizeof(default_ac_list)/sizeof(char*); len += deflen; conf_ac_list = malloc(len*sizeof(char*)); if (!conf_ac_list) return 0; for (i=0; i0) { conf_ac_list=malloc(sizeof(char*)*n); if (!conf_ac_list) goto errX; conf_ac_list_len=0; for (i=0; i