/* This file is part of libcapwap. libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ /* * This file implements a simple fragment management system * for the capwap protocol. * * Usage goes as follows. * * First create a FRAGMAN object: * * FRAGMAN * fm = fragman_create() * * Now you can add received fragmented packets to the fragment manager: * * fragman_add(fm,packet,len) * * if you have got all fragments fragman_add will return the the * reasembled packet in a struct frag. if not all packets are recieved * fragman_add will return NULL. To check if there was an error you have * to consult errno. errno will be set if fragman_add returns NULL and there * was another problem storing the received packet. * * After you have got a reassembled packet and processed it yout must * free the memory by calling fragman_free() */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "capwap.h" #include "fragman.h" /* * check if we keep already fragments belonging to the * specified fragment id */ static struct frag * frag_get(struct frag * frags, int fragid) { int i; for (i=0;iFRAG_TTL) ){ // printf("******************************new frag, %p\n",frags[i].buffer); frags[i].buffer=realloc(frags[i].buffer,FRAG_MAXSIZE); if (frags[i].buffer==NULL) return NULL; frags[i].t=t; frags[i].fragid=fragid; frags[i].bytesreceived=0; frags[i].bytesneeded=0; return &frags[i]; } } return NULL; } /* void fragman_free(FRAGMAN * frags,struct frag * f) { int i; for (i=0; ifragid==f->fragid){ frags[i]=NULL; break; } } free(f); } */ uint8_t * fragman_add(FRAGMAN * frags, uint8_t *packet, int hlen, int payloadlen) { struct frag * f; uint32_t val0,val1; /* read the transport header dword 0, * contains hlen*/ val0 = ntohl(*((uint32_t*)packet)); // int hlen = (val0 >> 19) & 0x1f; /* read the transport header dword 1, * contains fragid and fragoffset */ val1 = ntohl(*(((uint32_t*)packet)+1)); int fragid = val1>>16; int fragoffset=(val1 >>3) & 0x1fff; // printf("Fragid = %i, offset = %i\n",fragid,fragoffset); /* determine size of payload */ /* int payloadlen = len - hlen*4; if (payloadlen<0){ errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } */ /* find / create cfragment */ f = frag_get(frags,fragid); if (!f){ f = frag_new(frags,fragid); } if (!f){ errno = ENOMEM; /* out of fragmentation space */ return NULL; } errno = 0; int dst = fragoffset*8; /* copy fragment*/ if (dst + payloadlen < FRAG_MAXSIZE) { memcpy( f->buffer+4+dst,packet+hlen,payloadlen); f->bytesreceived+=payloadlen; } if (val0 & CWTH_FLAGS_L){ f->bytesneeded=dst+payloadlen; } int ti; for (ti=0; ti<16; ti++){ // printf("%02X ",(f->buffer+4)[ti]); } if (f->bytesneeded>0 && f->bytesneeded<=f->bytesreceived){ uint8_t * r=f->buffer; f->buffer=0; // printf("last bytes need %i\n",f->bytesneeded); *((uint32_t*)(r))=f->bytesneeded; return r; } // printf("Fragman bytes needed: %i, received %i\n",f->bytesneeded,f->bytesreceived); return NULL; } FRAGMAN * fragman_create() { FRAGMAN * frags; frags = malloc(sizeof(struct frag)*FRAG_MAXIDS); if (frags == NULL ) return NULL; memset (frags,0,(sizeof (struct frag ))*FRAG_MAXIDS); return frags; } void fragman_destroy(FRAGMAN * frags) { int i; for (i=0;i