/* This file is part of libcapwap. libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ #include #include "dtls_openssl.h" #include "conn.h" #include "cw_log.h" static BIO_METHOD bio_methods = { BIO_TYPE_DGRAM, "cw packet", dtls_openssl_bio_write, dtls_openssl_bio_read, dtls_openssl_bio_puts, NULL, // dgram_gets dtls_openssl_bio_ctrl, dtls_openssl_bio_new, dtls_openssl_bio_free, NULL, }; static unsigned int psk_server_cb(SSL *ssl,const char *identity, unsigned char * psk, unsigned int max_psk_len) { BIO * b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl); struct conn * conn = b->ptr; int l = conn->dtls_psk_len < max_psk_len ? conn->dtls_psk_len : max_psk_len; memcpy(psk,conn->dtls_psk,l); return l; } int dtls_openssl_accept(struct conn * conn) { if (!conn->dtls_data) conn->dtls_data = dtls_openssl_data_create(conn,DTLSv1_server_method(),&bio_methods); struct dtls_openssl_data * d = (struct dtls_openssl_data*)conn->dtls_data; if (!d) return 0; if (conn->dtls_psk) SSL_set_psk_server_callback( d->ssl, psk_server_cb); int rc; // do{ int i; for (i=0; i<5; i++){ rc = SSL_accept(d->ssl); printf("Accept returns %d\n",rc); if (rc!=1){ int e; e = SSL_get_error(d->ssl,rc); switch (e){ case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: printf("syscall EOF!\n"); break; } // printf ("UI! error?\n"); char errstr[256]; e = ERR_get_error(); while (e!=0){ ERR_error_string(e,errstr); cw_log(LOG_ERR,"SSL_accept - %s",errstr); e = ERR_get_error(); } continue; } if (rc == 1) { conn->read = dtls_openssl_read; conn->write = dtls_openssl_write; return 1; } } return 0; // } while (rc == 0 ); if (rc != 1){ char errstr[256]; int e = ERR_get_error(); ERR_error_string(e,errstr); cw_log(LOG_ERR,"SSL_accept %s",errstr); return 0; } return 1; /* struct dtls_openssl_data * data = dtls_openssl_data_new(); if (!data) return 0; SSL_CTX * ctx = dtls_openssl_create_ctx(DTLSv1_server_method()); if (!ctx){ free (data); return 0; } // dtls_init(conn,DTLSv1_server_method()); struct dtls_data * dtls_data = conn->dtls_data; SSL * ssl = dtls_data->ssl; //i printf("bio connected\n"); // BIO_ctrl(SSL_get_rbio(ssl), BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_CONNECTED, 0, NULLi //&pinfo->client_addr.ss); // printf("bio connected done\n"); int rc; printf("doing accepz\n"); // do { rc = SSL_accept(ssl); printf("accept again\n"); // } while(rc==0); perror ("ERRP"); printf("SSL accept rc %i\n",rc); int e = ERR_get_error(); printf ("THE E: %i\n",e); char es[499]; ERR_error_string(e,es); printf ("ES: %s\n",es); rc = SSL_get_error(ssl,rc); printf("ERROR RC: %08X\n",rc); exit(9); */ }