# # AC-Tube default config file # # --------------------------------------------------- # General settings # --------------------------------------------------- # ac_name # The ac name reported by AC-Tube # If ommited ac_name is build from macaddress. # # Default: ac_name = # ac_id # A unique id for this AC # If not specified, an id is build from macaddress. # # Default: # ac_id = # --------------------------------------------------- # Network related # --------------------------------------------------- # ipv4 # Use IPv4 protocol # # Default: # ipv4=true # ipv6 # Use IPv6 protocol # # Default: # ipv6=true # listen - Listen addresses # If ommited, AC-Tube tries to find listen addresses by itself. # # Defalut: # listen = # --------------------------------------------------- # SSL related stuff # --------------------------------------------------- # dtls_psk # Specify a dtls pre-shared key # # Default: dtls_psk = # ssl_key # Certificate key file # # Default: # ssl_key= # ssl_key_pass # Password to unlock key file # # Default: # ssl_key_pass = # ssl_cert # SSL certificate that will be sent to the client # # Default: # ssl_cert= # dtls_verify_peer # Verfify peer's certificate # # Default: # dtls_verify_peer=true