/* This file is part of libcapwap. libcapwap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libcapwap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ #include #include "conn.h" #include "sock.h" #include "capwap.h" #include "cw_log.h" int conn_send_cwmsg(struct conn * conn, struct cwmsg * cwmsg) { uint32_t val; /* second dword of message control header - msg length and seqnum */ val = (cwmsg->seqnum<<24)|((cwmsg->pos+3)<<8); /* Zyxel doesn't count msg element length from behind seqnum */ if (conn->capwap_mode == CWMODE_ZYXEL){ val-=3; } *((uint32_t*)(cwmsg->ctrlhdr+4))=htonl(val); // int msglen = cwmsg->ctrlhdr-cwmsg->buffer+cwmsg->pos; int msglen = cwmsg->pos+8; uint8_t * ptr = cwmsg->buffer; int fragoffset = 0; int hlen = cwmsg->hlen*4; // printf("Hlen is %i\n",hlen); // printf("Msg len is %d\n",msglen); int preamble = CW_VERSION | 0; int wbid=CWTH_WBID_IEEE80211; int packetlen = msglen+hlen; int mtu = conn->mtu; while (packetlen>mtu){ val = (preamble << 24) | ((hlen/4)<<19) | (cwmsg->rid<<14) |(wbid<<9) | /*CWTH_FLAGS_T |*/ CWTH_FLAGS_F | cwmsg->flags; *((uint32_t*)ptr)=htonl(val); // printf("setting frag id : %i\n",conn->fragid); val = conn->fragid<<16 | fragoffset<<3; // printf("VAAL: %08X\n",val); *((uint32_t*)(ptr+4))=htonl(val); // printf("Offset = %d\n",fragoffset); // if (conn_send_packet(conn,ptr,mtu)<0) // return -1; { char h[200]; hdr_print(h,ptr,mtu); cw_dbg(DBG_CW_PKT,"Sending capwap packet to %s:\n%s",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr),h); } cw_dbg_dmp(DBG_CW_PKT_DMP,ptr,mtu,"Sending packet ..."); if (conn->write(conn,ptr,mtu)<0) return -1; ptr +=mtu-hlen; fragoffset+=(mtu-hlen)/8; packetlen-=mtu-hlen; // printf("Packelen=%d\n",packetlen); if (hlen>8) memcpy(ptr+8,cwmsg->ctrlhdr+8,hlen-8); } val = (preamble << 24) | ((hlen/4)<<19) | (cwmsg->rid<<14) |(wbid<<9) | /*CWTH_FLAGS_T|*/ cwmsg->flags; //printf("VAL = %08x, %08x\n",val,cwmsg->flags); //printf("FRag offset :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %d\n",fragoffset); if (fragoffset){ val |= CWTH_FLAGS_F | CWTH_FLAGS_L; } // printf("Setting first byte %08X\n",val); *((uint32_t*)ptr)=htonl(val); val = conn->fragid<<16 | fragoffset<<3; *((uint32_t*)(ptr+4))=htonl(val); { char h[1024]; hdr_print(h,ptr,msglen-fragoffset*8+hlen); cw_dbg(DBG_CW_PKT,"Sending capwap packet to %s:\n%s",sock_addr2str(&conn->addr),h); } cw_dbg_dmp(DBG_CW_PKT_DMP,ptr,msglen-fragoffset*8+hlen,"Sending packet ..."); return conn->write(conn,ptr,msglen-fragoffset*8+hlen); }