#include "cw/lw.h" #include "cw/cw.h" #include "cw/dbg.h" #include "cw/cfg.h" #include "capwap_cisco.h" #include "mod_cisco.h" int cisco_out_lw_path_mtu(struct cw_ElemHandler * eh, struct cw_ElemHandlerParams * params, uint8_t * dst) { char key[CW_CFG_MAX_KEY_LEN]; int len,max; int hl = params->msgset->header_len(eh); /* get the current length of message */ int cl = dst-params->rawmsg; int wl = 1400-cl-hl; printf("HL:%d CL:%d WL: %d\n",hl,cl,wl); if (wl<=40) return 0; sprintf(key,"%s/%s",eh->key,"len"); len = cw_cfg_get_word_l(params->cfg_list,key,0); if (len == 0) return 0; sprintf(key,"%s/%s",eh->key,"max"); max = cw_cfg_get_word_l(params->cfg_list,key,0); lw_set_word(dst+hl,max); lw_set_word(dst+hl+2,wl); memset(dst+hl+4,0,wl-4); len = wl; return params->msgset->write_header(eh,dst,len); }