#!/usr/bin/php open($sqlfile); } } $db = new DB(); function ls_acs() { global $db; echo "List of ACs\n"; echo "===========\n"; $results = $db->query("SELECT acid as id, acname as name, lastseen>datetime('now','-10 second') as active FROM acs ORDER by active,id,name;" ); while ($row = $results->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $o = $row['active'] ? "yes" : "no"; echo "ID: $row[id], Name: $row[name] - Online: $o\n"; } } function ls_wtps() { global $db; echo "List of WTPs\n"; echo "============\n"; $result = $db->query("SELECT wtpid as wtpid, wtps.acid as acid, acs.acname as acname FROM wtps LEFT join acs USING(acid) "); while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $j = $row['acid'] ? "Joined to $row[acid]" : "Not joined"; echo "ID: $row[wtpid], $j\n"; } } function print_help() { echo "acshell \n"; echo "\n"; echo "acshell lsacs - list acs\n"; echo "acshell lswtp - list wtps\n"; } //ls_wtps(); // //var_dump($argv); if (count($argv)==1){ print_help(); exit(0); } if( $argv[1] == "lsacs" ) ls_acs(); if( $argv[1] == "lswtps" ) ls_wtps();