
143 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#ifndef __LW_H
#define __LW_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "conn.h"
#include "bstr.h"
* @defgroup LW LWAPP Functions
* @{
* Put a byte to to an output buffer
* @param dst destination buffer
* @param b byte to put
* @return 1 (number of bytes put)
#define lw_put_byte(dst,b) \
* Put a word to to an output buffer. The word
* is converted to network byte order.
* @param dst destination buffer
* @param w word to put
* @return 2 (number of bytes put)
#define lw_put_word(dst,w)\
(*((uint16_t*)(dst)) = htons(w),2)
* Put a dword to to an output buffer. The dword
* is converted to network byte order.
* @param dst destination buffer
* @param dw dword to put
* @return 4 (number of bytes put)
#define lw_put_dword(dst,dw)\
(*((uint32_t*)(dst)) = htonl(dw),4)
* Same as #lw_set_byte, but w/o return value
#define lw_set_byte(dst,b) \
* Same as #lw_set_word, but no return value
#define lw_set_word(dst,w) \
(*((uint16_t*)(dst)) = htons(w))
* Same as #lw_put_dword, but the return value
* is unspecified.
#define lw_set_dword(dst,dw)\
(*((uint32_t*)(dst)) = htonl(dw))
* Read a byte from input buffer
* @param src Pointer to input buffer
* @return the byte red
#define lw_get_byte(src)\
* Read a word from input buffer and convert it from
* network format to local format.
* @param src Pointer to input buffer
* @return word
#define lw_get_word(src) \
(ntohs( *((uint16_t*)(src))))
* Read a dword from input buffer and convert it from
* network format to local
* @param src Pointer to input bufffer
* @return the dword red
#define lw_get_dword(src) \
(ntohl( *((uint32_t*)(src))))
/* the following functions are defined as static inline and not as
macro to avoid any side effects */
int lw_put_data(uint8_t*dst,const uint8_t*data,uint16_t len);
int lw_put_bstr(uint8_t * dst, const bstr_t b);
int lw_put_bstr16(uint8_t * dst, const bstr16_t b);
int lw_put_str(uint8_t*dst,const uint8_t *str);
int lw_put_elem_hdr(uint8_t *dst,uint8_t type,uint16_t len);
int lw_put_vendor(uint8_t * dst, uint32_t vendorid,
uint16_t elemid, uint16_t len);
* @defgroup LWAPP_IN_HANDLER Input Handlers
* @{
int lw_in_vendor_specific(struct conn *conn, struct cw_action_in *a,
uint8_t * data, int len, struct sockaddr *from);
* @}
* @defgroup LWAPP_MISC Misc Functions
* @{
extern uint16_t lw_checksum(uint8_t *d,int len);
extern int lw_put_sockaddr(uint8_t *dst, struct sockaddr_storage *addr);
* @}
* @}