Add support for new BSL 7.x STC15 parts
These use a somewhat modified protocol with support for external clock. This should get all STC/IAP15F2/L2 etc. work correctly. Only parts with BSL 7.1 were tested, although BSL 7.2 should work as well. The functionality is encapsulated in the new protocol "stc15x".
This commit is contained in:
@ -1421,6 +1421,142 @@ class Stc15Option(BaseOption):
self.msr[12] |= 0x01 if not val else 0x00
class Stc15XOption(BaseOption):
def __init__(self, msr):
assert len(msr) == 4
self.msr = bytearray(msr)
self.options = (
("reset_pin_enabled", self.get_reset_pin_enabled, self.set_reset_pin_enabled),
("watchdog_por_enabled", self.get_watchdog, self.set_watchdog),
("watchdog_stop_idle", self.get_watchdog_idle, self.set_watchdog_idle),
("watchdog_prescale", self.get_watchdog_prescale, self.set_watchdog_prescale),
("low_voltage_reset", self.get_lvrs, self.set_lvrs),
("low_voltage_threshold", self.get_low_voltage, self.set_low_voltage),
("eeprom_lvd_inhibit", self.get_eeprom_lvd, self.set_eeprom_lvd),
("eeprom_erase_enabled", self.get_ee_erase, self.set_ee_erase),
("bsl_pindetect_enabled", self.get_pindetect, self.set_pindetect),
("power_on_reset_delay", self.get_por_delay, self.set_por_delay),
("rstout_por_state", self.get_p33_state, self.set_p33_state),
("uart_passthrough", self.get_uart_passthrough, self.set_uart_passthrough),
("uart_pin_mode", self.get_uart_pin_mode, self.set_uart_pin_mode),
def get_reset_pin_enabled(self):
return not bool(self.msr[2] & 16)
def set_reset_pin_enabled(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val);
self.msr[2] &= 0xef
self.msr[2] |= 0x10 if not bool(val) else 0x00
def get_watchdog(self):
return not bool(self.msr[0] & 32)
def set_watchdog(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val);
self.msr[0] &= 0xdf
self.msr[0] |= 0x20 if not val else 0x00
def get_watchdog_idle(self):
return not bool(self.msr[0] & 8)
def set_watchdog_idle(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val);
self.msr[0] &= 0xf7
self.msr[0] |= 0x08 if not val else 0x00
def get_watchdog_prescale(self):
return 2 ** (((self.msr[0]) & 0x07) + 1)
def set_watchdog_prescale(self, val):
val = Utils.to_int(val)
wd_vals = {2: 0, 4: 1, 8: 2, 16: 3, 32: 4, 64: 5, 128: 6, 256: 7}
if val not in wd_vals.keys():
raise ValueError("must be one of %s" % list(wd_vals.keys()))
self.msr[0] &= 0xf8
self.msr[0] |= wd_vals[val]
def get_lvrs(self):
return not bool(self.msr[1] & 64)
def set_lvrs(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val);
self.msr[1] &= 0xbf
self.msr[1] |= 0x40 if not val else 0x00
def get_eeprom_lvd(self):
return bool(self.msr[1] & 128)
def set_eeprom_lvd(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val);
self.msr[1] &= 0x7f
self.msr[1] |= 0x80 if val else 0x00
def get_low_voltage(self):
return self.msr[1] & 0x07
def set_low_voltage(self, val):
val = Utils.to_int(val)
if val not in range(0, 8):
raise ValueError("must be one of %s" % list(range(0, 8)))
self.msr[1] &= 0xf8
self.msr[1] |= val
def get_ee_erase(self):
return bool(self.msr[3] & 2)
def set_ee_erase(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val);
self.msr[3] &= 0xfd
self.msr[3] |= 0x02 if val else 0x00
def get_pindetect(self):
return not bool(self.msr[3] & 1)
def set_pindetect(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val);
self.msr[3] &= 0xfe
self.msr[3] |= 0x01 if not val else 0x00
def get_por_delay(self):
delay = bool(self.msr[2] & 128)
return "long" if delay else "short"
def set_por_delay(self, val):
delays = {"short": 0, "long": 1}
if val not in delays.keys():
raise ValueError("must be one of %s" % list(delays.keys()))
self.msr[2] &= 0x7f
self.msr[2] |= delays[val] << 7
def get_p33_state(self):
return "high" if self.msr[2] & 0x08 else "low"
def set_p33_state(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val)
self.msr[2] &= 0xf7
self.msr[2] |= 0x08 if val else 0x00
def get_uart_passthrough(self):
return bool(self.msr[2] & 0x40)
def set_uart_passthrough(self, val):
val = Utils.to_bool(val)
self.msr[2] &= 0xbf
self.msr[2] |= 0x40 if val else 0x00
def get_uart_pin_mode(self):
return "push-pull" if bool(self.msr[2] & 0x20) else "normal"
def set_uart_pin_mode(self, val):
delays = {"normal": 0, "push-pull": 1}
if val not in delays.keys():
raise ValueError("must be one of %s" % list(delays.keys()))
self.msr[2] &= 0xdf
self.msr[2] |= 0x20 if val else 0x00
class StcBaseProtocol:
"""Basic functionality for STC BSL protocols"""
@ -1452,7 +1588,7 @@ class StcBaseProtocol:
def dump_packet(self, data, receive=True):
if self.debug:
print("%s Packet data: %s" % (("<-" if receive else "->"),
Utils.hexstr(data, " ")))
Utils.hexstr(data, " ")), file=sys.stderr)
def modular_sum(self, data):
"""modular 16-bit sum"""
@ -2430,6 +2566,219 @@ class Stc15Protocol(Stc12Protocol):
print("Target UID: %s" % Utils.hexstr(self.uid))
class Stc15XProtocol(Stc15Protocol):
"""Protocol handler for later STC 15 series"""
def __init__(self, port, handshake, baud, trim):
Stc15Protocol.__init__(self, port, handshake, baud, trim)
self.trim_value = None
def initialize_options(self, status_packet):
"""Initialize options"""
# create option state
self.options = Stc15XOption(status_packet[5:8] + status_packet[12:13])
def initialize_status(self, packet):
"""Decode status packet and store basic MCU info"""
self.mcu_magic, = struct.unpack(">H", packet[20:22])
self.mcu_clock_hz, = struct.unpack(">I", packet[8:12])
bl_version, bl_stepping = struct.unpack("BB", packet[17:19])
self.mcu_bsl_version = "%d.%d%s" % (bl_version >> 4, bl_version & 0x0f,
self.bsl_version = bl_version
def choose_range(self, packet, response, target_count):
"""Choose appropriate trim value mean for next round"""
calib_data = response[2:]
challenge_data = packet[2:]
calib_len = response[1]
for i in range(calib_len - 1):
count_a, count_b = struct.unpack(">HH", calib_data[2*i:2*i+4])
trim_a, trim_b, trim_range = struct.unpack(">BxBB", challenge_data[2*i:2*i+4])
if ((count_a <= target_count and count_b >= target_count) or
(count_b <= target_count and count_a >= target_count)):
m = (trim_b - trim_a) / (count_b - count_a)
n = trim_a - m * count_a
target_trim = round(m * target_count + n)
return (target_trim, trim_range)
return None
def choose_trim(self, packet, response, target_count):
"""Choose best trim for given target count from challenge
calib_data = response[2:]
challenge_data = packet[2:]
calib_len = response[1]
best = None
best_count = sys.maxsize
for i in range(calib_len):
count, = struct.unpack(">H", calib_data[2*i:2*i+2])
trim_adj, trim_range = struct.unpack(">BB", challenge_data[2*i:2*i+2])
if abs(count - target_count) < best_count:
best_count = abs(count - target_count)
best = (trim_adj, trim_range), count
return best
def handshake(self):
"""Do the handshake. Somewhat similar to early STC15."""
# determine target counters
user_speed = self.trim_frequency
if user_speed <= 0: user_speed = self.mcu_clock_hz
program_speed = 22118400
target_user_count = round(user_speed / (self.baud_handshake/2))
target_prog_count = round(program_speed / (self.baud_handshake/2))
# calibration, round 1
print("Trimming frequency: ", end="")
packet = bytes([0x00])
packet += struct.pack(">B", 12)
packet += bytes([0x00, 0xc0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xc0])
packet += bytes([0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff, 0x80])
packet += bytes([0x00, 0x40, 0x80, 0x40, 0xff, 0x40])
packet += bytes([0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00])
self.ser.write(bytes([0x92, 0x92, 0x92, 0x92]))
response = self.read_packet()
if response[0] != 0x00:
raise StcProtocolException("incorrect magic in handshake packet")
# select ranges and trim values
user_trim = self.choose_range(packet, response, target_user_count)
prog_trim = self.choose_range(packet, response, target_prog_count)
if user_trim == None or prog_trim == None:
raise StcProtocolException("frequency trimming unsuccessful")
# calibration, round 2
packet = bytes([0x00])
packet += struct.pack(">B", 12)
for i in range(user_trim[0] - 3, user_trim[0] + 3):
packet += bytes([i & 0xff, user_trim[1]])
for i in range(prog_trim[0] - 3, prog_trim[0] + 3):
packet += bytes([i & 0xff, prog_trim[1]])
self.ser.write(bytes([0x92, 0x92, 0x92, 0x92]))
response = self.read_packet()
if response[0] != 0x00:
raise StcProtocolException("incorrect magic in handshake packet")
# select final values
user_trim, user_count = self.choose_trim(packet, response, target_user_count)
prog_trim, prog_count = self.choose_trim(packet, response, target_prog_count)
self.trim_value = user_trim
self.trim_frequency = round(user_count * (self.baud_handshake / 2))
print("%.03f MHz" % (self.trim_frequency / 1E6))
# switch to programming frequency
print("Switching to %d baud: " % self.baud_transfer, end="")
packet = bytes([0x01])
packet += bytes(prog_trim)
packet += struct.pack(">H", int(65535 - program_speed / self.baud_transfer))
packet += struct.pack(">H", int(65535 - (program_speed / self.baud_transfer) * 1.5))
packet += bytes([0x83])
response = self.read_packet()
if response[0] != 0x01:
raise StcProtocolException("incorrect magic in handshake packet")
self.ser.baudrate = self.baud_transfer
# test/prepare
packet = bytes([0x05])
if self.bsl_version >= 0x72:
packet += bytes([0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0xa5])
response = self.read_packet()
if response[0] != 0x05:
raise StcProtocolException("incorrect magic in handshake packet")
def erase_flash(self, erase_size, flash_size):
"""Erase the MCU's flash memory.
Erase the flash memory with a block-erase command.
Note that this protocol always seems to erase everything.
# XXX: how does partial erase work?
print("Erasing flash: ", end="")
packet = bytes([0x03, 0x00])
if self.bsl_version >= 0x72:
packet += bytes([0x00, 0x5a, 0xa5])
response = self.read_packet()
if response[0] != 0x03:
raise StcProtocolException("incorrect magic in handshake packet")
if len(response) >= 8:
self.uid = response[1:8]
def program_flash(self, data):
"""Program the MCU's flash memory."""
print("Writing %d bytes: " % len(data), end="")
for i in range(0, len(data), self.PROGRAM_BLOCKSIZE):
packet = bytes([0x22]) if i == 0 else bytes([0x02])
packet += struct.pack(">H", i)
if self.bsl_version >= 0x72:
packet += bytes([0x5a, 0xa5])
packet += data[i:i+self.PROGRAM_BLOCKSIZE]
while len(packet) < self.PROGRAM_BLOCKSIZE + 3: packet += b"\x00"
response = self.read_packet()
if response[0] != 0x02 or response[1] != 0x54:
raise StcProtocolException("incorrect magic in write packet")
print(".", end="")
print(" done")
def program_options(self):
print("Setting options: ", end="")
msr = self.options.get_msr()
packet = bytes([0x04, 0x00, 0x00])
if self.bsl_version >= 0x72:
packet += bytes([0x5a, 0xa5])
packet += bytes([0xff] * 23)
packet += bytes([(self.trim_frequency >> 24) & 0xff,
(self.trim_frequency >> 16) & 0xff,
(self.trim_frequency >> 8) & 0xff,
(self.trim_frequency >> 0) & 0xff,
packet += bytes([msr[3]])
packet += bytes([0xff] * 27)
packet += bytes([self.trim_value[0], self.trim_value[1] + 0x3f])
packet += msr[0:3]
response = self.read_packet()
if response[0] != 0x04 or response[1] != 0x54:
raise StcProtocolException("incorrect magic in option packet")
print("Target UID: %s" % Utils.hexstr(self.uid))
class StcGal:
"""STC ISP flash tool frontend"""
@ -2442,9 +2791,13 @@ class StcGal:
self.protocol = Stc12AProtocol(opts.port, opts.handshake, opts.baud)
elif opts.protocol == "stc12":
self.protocol = Stc12Protocol(opts.port, opts.handshake, opts.baud)
elif opts.protocol == "stc15":
self.protocol = Stc15Protocol(opts.port, opts.handshake, opts.baud,
round(opts.trim * 1000))
self.protocol = Stc15XProtocol(opts.port, opts.handshake, opts.baud,
round(opts.trim * 1000))
self.protocol.debug = opts.debug
def emit_options(self, options):
@ -2536,10 +2889,10 @@ class StcGal:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# check arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="STC MCU ISP flash tool")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="stcgal - an STC MCU ISP flash tool")
parser.add_argument("code_binary", help="code segment binary file to flash", type=argparse.FileType("rb"), nargs='?')
parser.add_argument("eeprom_binary", help="eeprom segment binary file to flash", type=argparse.FileType("rb"), nargs='?')
parser.add_argument("-P", "--protocol", help="protocol version", choices=["stc89", "stc12a", "stc12", "stc15"], default="stc12")
parser.add_argument("-P", "--protocol", help="protocol version", choices=["stc89", "stc12a", "stc12", "stc15", "stc15x"], default="stc12")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="serial port device", default="/dev/ttyUSB0")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--baud", help="transfer baud rate (default: 19200)", type=BaudType(), default=19200)
parser.add_argument("-l", "--handshake", help="handshake baud rate (default: 2400)", type=BaudType(), default=2400)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user