prototyping of reciprocal and log functions

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Wang 2019-10-02 02:52:08 -04:00
parent 6eb48de844
commit acc9c4821f
4 changed files with 200 additions and 0 deletions

src/decn/proto/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

src/decn/proto/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
all: div ln
div: div_mfp.cpp
g++ -Wall div_mfp.cpp -o div -lgmp
ln: ln_mfp.cpp
g++ -Wall ln_mfp.cpp -o ln -lmpfr

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
//prototype for reciprocal function for division based on newton-raphson iteration
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gmp.h>
static const int BSIZE = 200;
char buf[BSIZE];
char pbuf[BSIZE];
static const int PRECISION = 1000;
int main(void){
static const int MULT = 1000;
for (int x = 1 * MULT; x < 10 * MULT; x++){
//build number
sprintf(pbuf, "%d", x);
//copy with decimal point
if (pbuf[0]){
buf[0] = pbuf[0];
} else {
buf[0] = '0';
buf[1] = '.';
int b_i = 2;
for (int pb_i = 1; pbuf[pb_i] != '\0' && b_i < BSIZE; b_i++, pb_i++){
buf[b_i] = pbuf[pb_i];
//null terminate
if (b_i < BSIZE){
buf[b_i] = '\0';
} else {
buf[BSIZE-1] = '\0';
//build mpf
mpf_t x_mpf, accum, recip, actual;
static const int CALC_PRECISION = 18;
mpf_init2(x_mpf, CALC_PRECISION); //copy of original x
mpf_init2(accum, CALC_PRECISION); //working register
mpf_init2(recip, CALC_PRECISION); //current estimate of reciprocal
mpf_init2(actual, PRECISION); //truth value for 1/x
mpf_set_str(x_mpf, buf, 10);
mpf_set(actual, x_mpf);
mpf_ui_div(actual, 1, actual); //actual = 1/x
//get estimate
if (x <= 2.0 * MULT) {
sprintf(buf, "%de%d", 50, -2);
} else if (x < 3.3 * MULT) {
sprintf(buf, "%de%d", 30, -2);
} else if (x <= 5.0 * MULT) {
sprintf(buf, "%de%d", 20, -2);
} else {
sprintf(buf, "%de%d", 1, -1);
mpf_set_str(recip, buf, 10); //recip = estimate
mpf_set(accum, recip); //accum = estimate
//do division
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ //fixed number of iterations
mpf_mul(accum, accum, x_mpf); //accum *= x;
mpf_neg(accum, accum); //accum *= -1;
mpf_add_ui(accum, accum, 1); //accum += 1;
mpf_mul(accum, accum, recip); //accum *= recip;
mpf_add(accum, accum, recip);//accum += recip;
//recip = recip + (1 - recip*x)*recip;
mpf_set(recip, accum); //recip = accum;
//calculate error
mpf_t calc, diff;
mpf_init2(calc, PRECISION);
mpf_init2(diff, PRECISION);
int cmp;
mpf_set(calc, accum); //calc = accum
mpf_reldiff(diff, actual, calc); //diff = (actual - calc)/actual
cmp = mpf_cmp_d(diff, 4.5e-20);
mp_exp_t exponent;
mpf_get_str(pbuf, &exponent, 10, 20, accum);
mpf_get_str(buf, &exponent, 10, 20, diff);
//add decimal point
char tmp = buf[1];
buf[1] = '.';
for (int i = 2; i <= 5; i++){
char tmp2 = buf[i];
buf[i] = tmp;
tmp = tmp2;
buf[6] = '\0';
//print if out of tolerance
if (cmp > 0){
printf("%5d: %20s, %s(%ld)\n",
x, pbuf, buf, exponent);
return 0;

src/decn/proto/ln_mfp.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
//prototype for natural log function based on HP Journal article
// "Personal Calculator Algorithms IV: Logarithmic Functions"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp>
using namespace boost::multiprecision;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
static const int BSIZE = 200;
char buf[BSIZE];
char pbuf[BSIZE];
static const int NUM_A_ARR = 10;
mpfr_float a_arr[NUM_A_ARR];
mpfr_float ln_a_arr[NUM_A_ARR];
static const unsigned int CALC_PRECISION = 18;
int main(void){
cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(CALC_PRECISION);
//initiallize a_arr and ln_a_arr
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_A_ARR; i++){
// a[i] = (1 + 10^-i)
mpfr_float a(-i, CALC_PRECISION);
a = pow(10, a);
a_arr[i] = a + 1;
ln_a_arr[i] = log(a_arr[i]);
cout << i << endl;
cout << " a:" << a_arr[i] << endl;
cout << " ln(a):" << ln_a_arr[i] << endl;
// a_arr[i].assign(a_arr1000[i], CALC_PRECISION);
// ln_a_arr[i].assign(ln_a_arr1000[i], CALC_PRECISION);
cout << endl << endl ;
//loop through values to test
for (mpfr_float x(0.0001, CALC_PRECISION); x < 1.0; x += 0.015625){
//build mpf values
mpfr_float A(x, CALC_PRECISION);
mpfr_float b_j(1.0 - A, CALC_PRECISION); //initial b_0 = 1 - A
mpfr_float accum(b_j, CALC_PRECISION);
mpfr_float_1000 actual;
actual = log(A);
int num_times[NUM_A_ARR];
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_A_ARR; j++){
if (j != 0){
b_j *= 10.0;
accum = b_j;
int k_j = 0;
while (accum > 0){
b_j = accum;
accum *= a_arr[j];
accum -= 1.0;
num_times[j] = k_j - 1;
// printf(" %d: num_times: %d, ", j, num_times[j]);
// cout << b_j << endl;
//build final value
accum = b_j; //remainder
accum *= pow(10.0, -(NUM_A_ARR - 1)); //scale remainder
// cout << "remainder: " << accum << endl;
for (int j = NUM_A_ARR - 1; j >= 0; j--){ //sum in reverse order
for (int k = 0; k < num_times[j]; k++){
accum += ln_a_arr[j];
accum = -accum;
mpfr_float_1000 calc, diff;
calc = accum;
diff = (actual - calc)/actual;
if (diff > 5e-17){
cout << x << ": ";
cout << std::setprecision(18) << accum << ", ";
cout << diff << endl;
return 0;