#include "wtp.h" #include "capwap_hash.h" #include "wtp_radio.h" /* */ #define WTP_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_DSSS 1 #define WTP_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_OFDM 2 #define WTP_UPDATE_RATES 3 #define WTP_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION 4 struct wtp_update_configuration_item { int type; struct wtp_radio* radio; }; /* */ static int wtp_radio_configure_phy(struct wtp_radio* radio) { /* Default rate set is all supported rate */ if (radio->radioid != radio->rateset.radioid) { if (radio->radioid != radio->supportedrates.radioid) { return -1; /* Supported rate not set */ } /* */ radio->rateset.radioid = radio->radioid; radio->rateset.ratesetcount = radio->supportedrates.supportedratescount; memcpy(radio->rateset.rateset, radio->supportedrates.supportedrates, CAPWAP_RATESET_MAXLENGTH); /* Update rates */ if (wifi_device_updaterates(radio->radioid)) { return -1; } } /* Check channel radio */ if (radio->radioid != radio->radioinformation.radioid) { return -1; } else if (radio->radioid != radio->radioconfig.radioid) { return -1; } else if ((!radio->directsequencecontrol.radioid && !radio->ofdmcontrol.radioid) || ((radio->directsequencecontrol.radioid == radio->radioid) && (radio->ofdmcontrol.radioid == radio->radioid))) { return -1; /* Only one from DSSS and OFDM can select */ } else if ((radio->radioid == radio->directsequencecontrol.radioid) && !(radio->radioinformation.radiotype & (CAPWAP_RADIO_TYPE_80211B | CAPWAP_RADIO_TYPE_80211G))) { return -1; } else if ((radio->radioid == radio->ofdmcontrol.radioid) && !(radio->radioinformation.radiotype & CAPWAP_RADIO_TYPE_80211A)) { return -1; } return 0; } /* */ static void wtp_radio_destroy_wlan(struct wtp_radio_wlan* wlan) { if (wlan->wlanid && wlan->radio) { if (wlan->state != WTP_RADIO_WLAN_STATE_IDLE) { if (wlan->state == WTP_RADIO_WLAN_STATE_AP) { wifi_wlan_stopap(wlan->radio->radioid, wlan->wlanid); } /* Destroy interface */ wifi_wlan_destroy(wlan->radio->radioid, wlan->wlanid); } } /* Release item */ memset(wlan, 0, sizeof(struct wtp_radio_wlan)); } /* */ unsigned long wtp_radio_acl_item_gethash(const void* key, unsigned long keysize, unsigned long hashsize) { uint8_t* macaddress = (uint8_t*)key; ASSERT(keysize == ETH_ALEN); return ((macaddress[3] ^ macaddress[4] ^ macaddress[5]) >> 2); } /* */ void wtp_radio_init(void) { g_wtp.radios = capwap_array_create(sizeof(struct wtp_radio), 0, 1); g_wtp.defaultaclstations = WTP_RADIO_ACL_STATION_ALLOW; g_wtp.aclstations = capwap_hash_create(WTP_RADIO_ACL_HASH_SIZE, WTP_RADIO_ACL_KEY_SIZE, wtp_radio_acl_item_gethash, NULL, NULL); } /* */ void wtp_radio_close(void) { int i, j; ASSERT(g_wtp.radios != NULL); for (i = 0; i < g_wtp.radios->count; i++) { struct wtp_radio* radio = (struct wtp_radio*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(g_wtp.radios, i); if (radio->antenna.selections) { capwap_array_free(radio->antenna.selections); } if (radio->wlan) { for (j = 0; j < radio->wlan->count; j++) { wtp_radio_destroy_wlan((struct wtp_radio_wlan*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(radio->wlan, j)); } capwap_array_free(radio->wlan); } } capwap_array_resize(g_wtp.radios, 0); } /* */ void wtp_radio_free(void) { ASSERT(g_wtp.radios != NULL); ASSERT(g_wtp.radios->count == 0); if (g_wtp.events) { capwap_free(g_wtp.events); } capwap_array_free(g_wtp.radios); capwap_hash_free(g_wtp.aclstations); } /* */ int wtp_radio_setconfiguration(struct capwap_parsed_packet* packet) { int i; int result = 0; unsigned short binding; struct wtp_radio* radio; struct capwap_array* messageelements; struct capwap_array* updateitems; struct wtp_update_configuration_item* item; ASSERT(packet != NULL); /* */ updateitems = capwap_array_create(sizeof(struct wtp_update_configuration_item), 0, 1); /* */ binding = GET_WBID_HEADER(packet->rxmngpacket->header); if (binding == CAPWAP_WIRELESS_BINDING_IEEE80211) { struct capwap_list_item* search; /* Set radio configuration and invalidate the old values */ search = packet->messages->first; while (search) { struct capwap_message_element_itemlist* messageelement = (struct capwap_message_element_itemlist*)search->item; /* Parsing only IEEE 802.11 message element */ if (IS_80211_MESSAGE_ELEMENTS(messageelement->type)) { switch (messageelement->type) { case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_DIRECTSEQUENCECONTROL: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_directsequencecontrol_element* directsequencecontrol; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { directsequencecontrol = *(struct capwap_80211_directsequencecontrol_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(directsequencecontrol->radioid); if (radio) { memset(&radio->directsequencecontrol, 0, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_directsequencecontrol_element)); memset(&radio->ofdmcontrol, 0, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_ofdmcontrol_element)); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_OFDMCONTROL: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_ofdmcontrol_element* ofdmcontrol; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { ofdmcontrol = *(struct capwap_80211_ofdmcontrol_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(ofdmcontrol->radioid); if (radio) { memset(&radio->directsequencecontrol, 0, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_directsequencecontrol_element)); memset(&radio->ofdmcontrol, 0, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_ofdmcontrol_element)); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_WTPRADIOINFORMATION: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_wtpradioinformation_element* radioinformation; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { radioinformation = *(struct capwap_80211_wtpradioinformation_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(radioinformation->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == radioinformation->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->radioinformation, radioinformation, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_wtpradioinformation_element)); } } } break; } } } /* Next */ search = search->next; } /* Update new values */ search = packet->messages->first; while (search) { struct capwap_message_element_itemlist* messageelement = (struct capwap_message_element_itemlist*)search->item; /* Parsing only IEEE 802.11 message element */ if (IS_80211_MESSAGE_ELEMENTS(messageelement->type)) { switch (messageelement->type) { case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_ANTENNA: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_antenna_element* antenna; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { antenna = *(struct capwap_80211_antenna_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(antenna->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == antenna->radioid)) { capwap_element_80211_antenna_copy(&radio->antenna, antenna); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_MACOPERATION: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_macoperation_element* macoperation; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { macoperation = *(struct capwap_80211_macoperation_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(macoperation->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == macoperation->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->macoperation, macoperation, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_macoperation_element)); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_MULTIDOMAINCAPABILITY: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_multidomaincapability_element* multidomaincapability; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { multidomaincapability = *(struct capwap_80211_multidomaincapability_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(multidomaincapability->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == multidomaincapability->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->multidomaincapability, multidomaincapability, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_multidomaincapability_element)); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_DIRECTSEQUENCECONTROL: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_directsequencecontrol_element* directsequencecontrol; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { directsequencecontrol = *(struct capwap_80211_directsequencecontrol_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(directsequencecontrol->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == directsequencecontrol->radioid)) { if (radio->radioinformation.radiotype & (CAPWAP_RADIO_TYPE_80211B | CAPWAP_RADIO_TYPE_80211G)) { memcpy(&radio->directsequencecontrol, directsequencecontrol, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_directsequencecontrol_element)); /* Pending change radio channel */ item = (struct wtp_update_configuration_item*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(updateitems, updateitems->count); item->type = WTP_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_DSSS; item->radio = radio; } } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_OFDMCONTROL: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_ofdmcontrol_element* ofdmcontrol; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { ofdmcontrol = *(struct capwap_80211_ofdmcontrol_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(ofdmcontrol->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == ofdmcontrol->radioid)) { if (radio->radioinformation.radiotype & CAPWAP_RADIO_TYPE_80211A) { memcpy(&radio->ofdmcontrol, ofdmcontrol, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_ofdmcontrol_element)); /* Pending change radio channel */ item = (struct wtp_update_configuration_item*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(updateitems, updateitems->count); item->type = WTP_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_OFDM; item->radio = radio; } } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_RATESET: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_rateset_element* rateset; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { rateset = *(struct capwap_80211_rateset_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(rateset->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == rateset->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->rateset, rateset, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_rateset_element)); /* Pending change radio rates */ item = (struct wtp_update_configuration_item*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(updateitems, updateitems->count); item->type = WTP_UPDATE_RATES; item->radio = radio; } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_SUPPORTEDRATES: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_supportedrates_element* supportedrates; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { supportedrates = *(struct capwap_80211_supportedrates_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(supportedrates->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == supportedrates->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->supportedrates, supportedrates, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_supportedrates_element)); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_TXPOWER: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_txpower_element* txpower; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { txpower = *(struct capwap_80211_txpower_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(txpower->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == txpower->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->txpower, txpower, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_txpower_element)); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_WTP_QOS: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_wtpqos_element* qos; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { qos = *(struct capwap_80211_wtpqos_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(qos->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == qos->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->qos, qos, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_wtpqos_element)); } } } break; } case CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_WTP_RADIO_CONF: { messageelements = (struct capwap_array*)messageelement->data; if (messageelements && (messageelements->count > 0)) { struct capwap_80211_wtpradioconf_element* radioconfig; for (i = 0; i < messageelements->count; i++) { radioconfig = *(struct capwap_80211_wtpradioconf_element**)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(messageelements, i); radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(radioconfig->radioid); if (radio && (radio->radioid == radioconfig->radioid)) { memcpy(&radio->radioconfig, radioconfig, sizeof(struct capwap_80211_wtpradioconf_element)); /* Pending change radio configuration */ item = (struct wtp_update_configuration_item*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(updateitems, updateitems->count); item->type = WTP_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION; item->radio = radio; } } } break; } } } /* Next */ search = search->next; } } /* Update radio frequency */ for (i = 0; (i < updateitems->count) && !result; i++) { struct wtp_update_configuration_item* item = (struct wtp_update_configuration_item*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(updateitems, i); switch (item->type) { case WTP_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_DSSS: { result = wifi_device_setfrequency(item->radio->radioid, WIFI_BAND_2GHZ, item->radio->radioinformation.radiotype, item->radio->directsequencecontrol.currentchannel); break; } case WTP_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_OFDM: { result = wifi_device_setfrequency(item->radio->radioid, WIFI_BAND_5GHZ, item->radio->radioinformation.radiotype, item->radio->ofdmcontrol.currentchannel); break; } } } /* Update radio configuration */ for (i = 0; (i < updateitems->count) && !result; i++) { struct wtp_update_configuration_item* item = (struct wtp_update_configuration_item*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(updateitems, i); switch (item->type) { case WTP_UPDATE_RATES: { result = wifi_device_updaterates(radio->radioid); break; } case WTP_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION: { struct device_setconfiguration_params params; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(struct device_setconfiguration_params)); params.shortpreamble = ((item->radio->radioconfig.shortpreamble == CAPWAP_WTP_RADIO_CONF_SHORTPREAMBLE_ENABLE) ? 1 : 0); params.maxbssid = item->radio->radioconfig.maxbssid; params.dtimperiod = item->radio->radioconfig.dtimperiod; memcpy(params.bssid, item->radio->radioconfig.bssid, ETH_ALEN); params.beaconperiod = item->radio->radioconfig.beaconperiod; memcpy(params.country, item->radio->radioconfig.country, WIFI_COUNTRY_LENGTH); result = wifi_device_setconfiguration(item->radio->radioid, ¶ms); break; } } } /* */ capwap_array_free(updateitems); return result; } /* */ struct wtp_radio* wtp_radio_create_phy(void) { struct wtp_radio* radio; /* Create disabled radio */ radio = (struct wtp_radio*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(g_wtp.radios, g_wtp.radios->count); radio->radioid = (uint8_t)g_wtp.radios->count; radio->status = WTP_RADIO_DISABLED; /* Init configuration radio */ radio->wlan = capwap_array_create(sizeof(struct wtp_radio_wlan), 0, 1); radio->antenna.selections = capwap_array_create(sizeof(uint8_t), 0, 1); return radio; } /* */ struct wtp_radio* wtp_radio_get_phy(uint8_t radioid) { int i; ASSERT(IS_VALID_RADIOID(radioid)); for (i = 0; i < g_wtp.radios->count; i++) { struct wtp_radio* radio = (struct wtp_radio*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(g_wtp.radios, i); if (radioid == radio->radioid) { return radio; } } return NULL; } /* */ struct wtp_radio_wlan* wtp_radio_get_wlan(struct wtp_radio* radio, uint8_t wlanid) { int i; ASSERT(IS_VALID_WLANID(wlanid)); for (i = 0; i < radio->wlan->count; i++) { struct wtp_radio_wlan* wlan = (struct wtp_radio_wlan*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(radio->wlan, i); if ((wlanid == wlan->wlanid) && (radio == wlan->radio)) { return wlan; } } return NULL; } /* */ void wtp_radio_update_fdevent(void) { int count; /* Retrieve number of File Descriptor Event */ count = wifi_event_getfd(NULL, NULL, 0); if (count < 0) { return; } /* */ if (g_wtp.eventscount != count) { struct pollfd* fds; /* Resize poll */ fds = (struct pollfd*)capwap_alloc(sizeof(struct pollfd) * (g_wtp.fdsnetworkcount + count)); memcpy(fds, g_wtp.fds, sizeof(struct pollfd) * g_wtp.fdsnetworkcount); capwap_free(g_wtp.fds); g_wtp.fds = fds; /* Events Callback */ if (g_wtp.events) { capwap_free(g_wtp.events); } g_wtp.events = (struct wifi_event*)((count > 0) ? capwap_alloc(sizeof(struct wifi_event) * count) : NULL); /* */ g_wtp.eventscount = count; g_wtp.fdstotalcount = g_wtp.fdsnetworkcount + g_wtp.eventscount; } /* Retrieve File Descriptor Event */ if (count > 0) { count = wifi_event_getfd(&g_wtp.fds[g_wtp.fdsnetworkcount], g_wtp.events, g_wtp.eventscount); ASSERT(g_wtp.eventscount == count); } } /* */ uint32_t wtp_radio_create_wlan(struct capwap_parsed_packet* packet, struct capwap_80211_assignbssid_element* bssid) { char wlanname[IFNAMSIZ]; struct wtp_radio* radio; struct wtp_radio_wlan* wlan; struct wifi_wlan_startap_params params; struct capwap_80211_addwlan_element* addwlan; /* Get message elements */ addwlan = (struct capwap_80211_addwlan_element*)capwap_get_message_element_data(packet, CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_ADD_WLAN); if (!addwlan) { return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_FAILURE; } /* Get physical radio */ radio = wtp_radio_get_phy(addwlan->radioid); if (!radio) { return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_FAILURE; } /* Check if virtual interface is already exist */ wlan = wtp_radio_get_wlan(radio, addwlan->wlanid); if (wlan) { return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_FAILURE; } /* Prepare physical interface for create wlan */ if (!radio->wlan->count) { if (wtp_radio_configure_phy(radio)) { return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_FAILURE; } } /* Set virtual interface information */ wlan = (struct wtp_radio_wlan*)capwap_array_get_item_pointer(radio->wlan, radio->wlan->count); wlan->radio = radio; wlan->wlanid = addwlan->wlanid; sprintf(wlanname, "%s%02d.%02d", g_wtp.wlanprefix, (int)addwlan->radioid, (int)addwlan->wlanid); if (wifi_iface_index(wlanname)) { memset(wlan, 0, sizeof(struct wtp_radio_wlan)); return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_FAILURE; } /* Create virtual interface */ if (!wifi_wlan_create(addwlan->radioid, addwlan->wlanid, wlanname, NULL)) { wlan->state = WTP_RADIO_WLAN_STATE_CREATED; } else { wtp_radio_destroy_wlan(wlan); return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_FAILURE; } /* Wlan configuration */ memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(struct wifi_wlan_startap_params)); params.capability = addwlan->capability; params.qos = addwlan->qos; params.authmode = addwlan->authmode; params.macmode = addwlan->macmode; params.tunnelmode = addwlan->tunnelmode; params.ssid_hidden = addwlan->suppressssid; strcpy(params.ssid, (const char*)addwlan->ssid); /* TODO (struct capwap_array*)capwap_get_message_element_data(packet, CAPWAP_ELEMENT_80211_IE) */ /* Start AP */ if (!wifi_wlan_startap(addwlan->radioid, addwlan->wlanid, ¶ms)) { wlan->state = WTP_RADIO_WLAN_STATE_AP; } else { wtp_radio_destroy_wlan(wlan); return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_FAILURE; } /* Update Event File Descriptor */ wtp_radio_update_fdevent(); /* Retrieve macaddress of new device */ bssid->radioid = addwlan->radioid; bssid->wlanid = addwlan->wlanid; wifi_wlan_getbssid(addwlan->radioid, addwlan->wlanid, bssid->bssid); return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_SUCCESS; } /* */ uint32_t wtp_radio_update_wlan(struct capwap_parsed_packet* packet) { /* TODO */ return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_SUCCESS; } /* */ uint32_t wtp_radio_delete_wlan(struct capwap_parsed_packet* packet) { /* TODO */ return CAPWAP_RESULTCODE_SUCCESS; } /* */ int wtp_radio_acl_station(const uint8_t* macaddress) { ASSERT(macaddress != NULL); /* Check if exist ACL for station */ if (capwap_hash_hasitem(g_wtp.aclstations, macaddress)) { return ((g_wtp.defaultaclstations == WTP_RADIO_ACL_STATION_ALLOW) ? WTP_RADIO_ACL_STATION_DENY : WTP_RADIO_ACL_STATION_ALLOW); } /* Default ACL station */ return g_wtp.defaultaclstations; } /* */ void wtp_radio_acl_addstation(const uint8_t* macaddress) { ASSERT(macaddress != NULL); capwap_hash_add(g_wtp.aclstations, macaddress, NULL); } void wtp_radio_acl_deletestation(const uint8_t* macaddress) { ASSERT(macaddress != NULL); capwap_hash_delete(g_wtp.aclstations, macaddress); }