/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package chart; import sesim.OHLCDataItem; import sesim.OHLCData; import java.awt.*; import sesim.Exchange.*; import sesim.Quote; import gui.Globals; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JViewport; import javax.swing.Scrollable; import sesim.MinMax; import sesim.Scheduler; /** * * @author 7u83 <7u83@mail.ru> */ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollable { private int em_height; private int em_width; protected double x_legend_height = 6; protected double x_unit_width = 1.0; /** * width of y legend in em */ protected float yl_width = 10; protected int num_bars = 4000; protected Rectangle clip_bounds = new Rectangle(); private int first_bar, last_bar; public final void initChart() { // data = new OHLCData(60000*30); //data = new OHLCData(60000*30); //data = Globals.se.getOHLCdata(60000 * 30); this.setCompression(10000); } /** * Creates new form Chart */ public Chart() { if (Globals.se == null) { return; } initComponents(); initChart(); // initCtxMenu(); //setCompression(60000); if (Globals.se == null) { return; } Globals.se.addQuoteReceiver(this); // scrollPane=new JScrollPane(); // scrollPane.setViewportView(this); } OHLCData data; @Override public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() { return this.getPreferredSize(); } @Override public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction) { return 1; } @Override public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction) { return 100; } @Override public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() { return false; } @Override public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() { return false; } class XLegendDef { //int big_tick = 10; // long start; XLegendDef() { } String getAt(int unit) { int fs = data.getFrameSize(); return Scheduler.formatTimeMillis(0 + unit * fs); } } protected void setXLegendHeight(int h) { this.x_legend_height = h; } /** * Text Color of X-legend */ protected Color xl_color = null; /** * Background color of X-legend */ protected Color xl_bgcolor = null; /** * Height of X-legend */ protected int xl_height; /** * Draw the one and only one X legend * * @param g Graphics conext to draw * @param xld Definition */ void drawXLegend(Graphics2D g, XLegendDef xld) { // Caluclate with of y legend in pixels int yl_width_p = (int) (yl_width * em_width); g.setClip(clip_bounds.x, clip_bounds.y, clip_bounds.width - yl_width_p, clip_bounds.height); int y = clip_bounds.height - em_height * xl_height; // Set background color if (this.xl_bgcolor != null) { Color cur = g.getColor(); g.setColor(xl_bgcolor); g.fillRect(clip_bounds.x, y, clip_bounds.width, em_height * xl_height); g.drawRect(clip_bounds.y, y, clip_bounds.width, em_height * xl_height); g.setColor(cur); } Dimension dim = getSize(); int n; double x; long big_tick = 1; double btl, xxx; do { big_tick++; btl = em_width * big_tick * x_unit_width; xxx = 7 * em_width; } while (btl < xxx); for (n = 0, x = 0; x < dim.width; x += em_width * x_unit_width) { if (n % big_tick == 1) { g.drawLine((int) x, y, (int) x, y + em_width); String text; text = xld.getAt(n); int swidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(text); g.drawString(text, (int) x - swidth / 2, y + em_height * 2); } else { g.drawLine((int) x, y, (int) x, y + em_width / 2); } if (n % big_tick == 0) { } n += 1; } } class RenderCtx { Rectangle rect; float scaling; float min; Graphics2D g; float iwidth; float getY(float y) { float ys = rect.height / c_mm.getDiff(); if (c_mm.isLog()) { return rect.height + rect.y - ((float) Math.log(y) - c_mm.getMin()) * ys; } return (rect.height - ((y - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling)) + rect.y; } } boolean logs = false; float getY0(float y) { float ys = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff(); // ys = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff(); if (c_mm.isLog()) { // c_mm.setLog(true); // ys = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff(); // return (c_rect.height - (((float)Math.log(y) - c_mm.getMin()) * ys)) + c_rect.y; return c_rect.height + c_rect.y - ((float) Math.log(y) - c_mm.getMin()) * ys; /* float m = c_mm.getMax() / c_mm.getMin(); float fac = (float) c_rect.height / (float) Math.log(m); float fmin = c_rect.height - ((float) Math.log((y / c_mm.getMin())) * fac); return fmin; */ //return c_rect.height - ((float) Math.log((y - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling) * fac); } return (c_rect.height - ((y - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling)) + c_rect.y; // return c_rect.height - ((y - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling); } double getValAtY(float y) { float val = 0; // y = (c_rect.height - ((val - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling)) + c_rect.y; // y-c_rect.y = c_rect.height - ((val - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling) // y-c_rect.y-c_rect.height = - ((val - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling) // -(y-c_rect.y-c_rect.heigh) = (val - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling // (-(y-c_rect.y-c_rect.heigh))/c_yscaling = (val - c_mm.getMin()) if (c_mm.isLog()) { float ys = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff(); //val = return c_rect.height + c_rect.y - ((float)Math.log(y) - c_mm.getMin()) * ys; // val + ((float)Math.log(y) - c_mm.getMin()) * ys = c_rect.height + c_rect.y // val/ys + ((float)Math.log(y) - c_mm.getMin()) = (c_rect.height + c_rect.y)/ys // val/ys + ((float)Math.log(y) = (c_rect.height + c_rect.y)/ys + c_mm.getMin()) //return (-(Math.exp(y)-c_rect.y-c_rect.height))/ys+c_mm.getMin(); return Math.exp((c_rect.height + c_rect.y) / ys + c_mm.getMin() - y / ys); } return (-(y - c_rect.y - c_rect.height)) / c_yscaling + c_mm.getMin(); // return (y+c_rect.y-c_rect.height)/c_yscaling+c_mm.getMin(); } private void drawCandleItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) { Graphics2D g = ctx.g; Rectangle r = ctx.rect; if (i.open < i.close) { int xl = (int) (x + ctx.iwidth / 2); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawLine(xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.close), xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.high)); g.drawLine(xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.low), xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.open)); float w = ctx.iwidth; float h = (int) (ctx.getY(i.open) - ctx.getY(i.close)); g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.fillRect((int) (x), (int) ctx.getY(i.close), (int) w, (int) h); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawRect((int) (x), (int) ctx.getY(i.close), (int) w, (int) h); } else { int xl = (int) (x + ctx.iwidth / 2); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawLine(xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.high), xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.close)); g.drawLine(xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.open), xl, (int) ctx.getY(i.low)); float w = ctx.iwidth; float h = (int) (ctx.getY(i.close) - ctx.getY(i.open)); g.fillRect((int) (x), (int) ctx.getY(i.open), (int) w, (int) h); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawRect((int) (x), (int) ctx.getY(i.open), (int) w, (int) h); } } private void drawBarItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) { Graphics2D g = ctx.g; g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawLine(x, (int) ctx.getY(0), x, (int) ctx.getY(i.volume)); Rectangle r = ctx.rect; } /** * Char types */ protected enum ChartType { CANDLESTICK, BAR, VOL, } ChartType ct = ChartType.CANDLESTICK; private void drawItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) { switch (ct) { case CANDLESTICK: this.drawCandleItem(ctx, prevx, x, prev, i); break; case VOL: this.drawBarItem(ctx, prevx, x, prev, i); break; } } float c_yscaling; private void drawYLegend(RenderCtx ctx) { Graphics2D g = ctx.g; Rectangle dim; dim = this.clip_bounds; // Dimension rv = this.getSize(); int yw = (int) (this.yl_width * this.em_width); g.drawLine(dim.width + dim.x - yw, 0, dim.width + dim.x - yw, dim.height); float y1 = ctx.getY(c_mm.getMin(false)); float y2 = ctx.getY(c_mm.getMax(false)); float ydiff = y1 - y2; // System.out.printf("%s y1: %f, y2: %f, diff %f\n", Boolean.toString(c_mm.isLog()), y1, y2, ydiff); for (int yp = (int) y2; yp < y1; yp += em_width * 5) { g.drawLine(dim.width + dim.x - yw, yp, dim.width + dim.x - yw + em_width, yp); double v1 = getValAtY(yp); g.drawString(String.format("%.2f", v1), dim.width + dim.x - yw + em_width * 1.5f, yp + c_font_height / 3); } // c_yscaling = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff(); //System.out.printf("Step: %f\n",step); double v1, v2; v1 = getValAtY(y1); v2 = getValAtY(y2); // System.out.printf("v1 %f, v2 %f\n", v1, v2); /* for (float y = c_mm.getMin(); y < c_mm.getMax(); y += step) { int my = (int) getY(y); //c_rect.height - (int) ((y - c_mm.getMin()) * c_yscaling); g.drawLine(dim.width + dim.x - yw, my, dim.width + dim.x - yw + em_width, my); g.drawString(String.format("%.2f", y), dim.width + dim.x - yw + em_width * 1.5f, my + c_font_height / 3); } */ } private MinMax c_mm = null; private Rectangle c_rect; void drawChart(RenderCtx ctx) { c_yscaling = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff(); ctx.g.setClip(null); // ctx.g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); // ctx.g.setClip(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height); // ctx.g.drawRect(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height); this.drawYLegend(ctx); /// ctx.g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); int yw = (int) (this.yl_width * this.em_width); ctx.g.setClip(clip_bounds.x, clip_bounds.y, clip_bounds.width - yw, clip_bounds.height); // ctx.g.setClip(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width-yw, ctx.rect.height); OHLCDataItem prev = null; for (int i = first_bar; i < last_bar && i < data.size(); i++) { OHLCDataItem di = data.get(i); int x = (int) (i * em_width * x_unit_width); //em_width; this.drawItem(ctx, x - em_width, x, prev, di); //, ctx.scaling, data.getMin()); // myi++; prev = di; } } boolean autoScroll = true; int lastvpos = 0; class ChartDef { float height; ChartType type; OHLCData data; Color bgcolor = null; } ArrayList charts = new ArrayList<>(); void addChart(ChartDef d) { charts.add(d); } void setupCharts() { charts = new ArrayList<>(); ChartDef main = new ChartDef(); main.height = 0.8f; main.type = ChartType.CANDLESTICK; main.data = this.data; //main.bgcolor =Color.WHITE; addChart(main); ChartDef vol = new ChartDef(); vol.height = 0.2f; vol.type = ChartType.VOL; vol.data = this.data; // vol.bgcolor = Color.GRAY; addChart(vol); } void drawAll(Graphics2D g) { int pwidth = (int) (em_width * x_unit_width * (num_bars + 1)) + clip_bounds.width; this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(pwidth, gdim.height)); this.revalidate(); int h1 = 0; int loops = 0; for (ChartDef d : charts) { switch (d.type) { case VOL: c_mm = d.data.getVolMinMax(first_bar, last_bar); c_mm.setMin(0); break; default: c_mm = d.data.getMinMax(first_bar, last_bar); } int cheight = gdim.height - (xl_height * 2) * em_width; cheight = clip_bounds.height - xl_height * em_width; int my = clip_bounds.height - em_height * xl_height; g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.drawRect(clip_bounds.x, clip_bounds.y, clip_bounds.width, my); int h = (int) (my * d.height); c_rect = new Rectangle(0, h1, pwidth, h); g.draw(c_rect); RenderCtx ctx = new RenderCtx(); ctx.rect = c_rect; ctx.scaling = (float) c_rect.height / (c_mm.getMax() - c_mm.getMin()); ctx.min = c_mm.getMin(); ctx.g = g; ctx.iwidth = (float) ((x_unit_width * em_width) * 0.9f); this.ct = d.type; logs = false; c_mm.setLog(false); if (d.bgcolor != null) { Color cur = g.getColor(); ctx.g.setColor(d.bgcolor); ctx.g.fillRect(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height); ctx.g.drawRect(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height); ctx.g.setColor(cur); } drawChart(ctx); h1 = h1 + h; } } private void draw(Graphics2D g) { if (data == null) { return; } if (data.size() == 0) { return; } // g.setColor(Color.RED); // g.drawRect(0,0,gdim.width,gdim.height); this.setupCharts(); num_bars = data.size(); // c_mm = data.getMinMax(first_bar, last_bar); // if (c_mm == null) { // return; // } em_height = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); em_width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("M"); XLegendDef xld = new XLegendDef(); this.drawXLegend(g, xld); drawAll(g); } Dimension gdim; private void draw2(Graphics2D g) { if (data == null) { return; } if (data.size() == 0) { return; } num_bars = data.size(); c_mm = data.getMinMax(first_bar, last_bar); if (c_mm == null) { return; } em_height = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); em_width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("M"); XLegendDef xld = new XLegendDef(); this.drawXLegend(g, xld); int pwidth = (int) (em_width * x_unit_width * (num_bars + 1)) + clip_bounds.width; // int phight = 400; // phight=this.getVisibleRect().height; this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(pwidth, gdim.height)); this.revalidate(); int bww = (int) (data.size() * (this.x_unit_width * this.em_width)); int p0 = pwidth - clip_bounds.width - (clip_bounds.width - (int) (13 * em_width)); if (p0 < 0) { p0 = 0; } JViewport vp = (JViewport) this.getParent(); Point pp = vp.getViewPosition(); Point cp = vp.getViewPosition(); if (autoScroll && this.lastvpos != cp.x) { autoScroll = false; } if (!autoScroll && cp.x >= p0) { autoScroll = true; } if (autoScroll) { vp.setViewPosition(new Point(p0, 0)); lastvpos = p0; } int cheight = gdim.height - 6 * em_width; int h = (int) (cheight * 0.8); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, pwidth, h); c_rect = r; RenderCtx ctx = new RenderCtx(); // c_rect.x = 0; // c_rect.y = 50; // c_rect.height = ; ctx.rect = c_rect; ctx.scaling = (float) r.height / (c_mm.getMax() - c_mm.getMin()); ctx.min = c_mm.getMin(); ctx.g = g; ctx.iwidth = (float) ((x_unit_width * em_width) * 0.9f); this.ct = ChartType.CANDLESTICK; logs = true; c_mm.setLog(true); drawChart(ctx); c_mm = data.getVolMinMax(first_bar, last_bar); // c_mm.min = 0f; c_mm.setMin(0); int h1 = h + em_width; h = (int) (cheight * 0.2); r = new Rectangle(0, h1, pwidth, h); c_rect = r; // c_rect.x = 0; // c_rect.y = 250; // c_rect.height = 50; ctx.rect = c_rect; ctx.scaling = (float) r.height / (c_mm.getMax() - c_mm.getMin()); ctx.min = c_mm.getMin(); ctx.g = g; ctx.iwidth = (float) ((x_unit_width * em_width) * 0.9f); logs = false; c_mm.setLog(false); this.ct = ChartType.VOL; drawChart(ctx); } private float c_font_height; @Override public final void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (Globals.se == null) { return; } super.paintComponent(g); // Calculate the number of pixels for 1 em em_width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("M"); this.gdim = this.getParent().getSize(gdim); this.getParent().setPreferredSize(gdim); //Object o = this.getParent(); JViewport vp = (JViewport) this.getParent(); //this.clip_bounds=g.getClipBounds(); this.clip_bounds = vp.getViewRect(); first_bar = (int) (clip_bounds.x / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_width)); last_bar = 1 + (int) ((clip_bounds.x + clip_bounds.width - (this.yl_width * em_width)) / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_width)); // num_bars = data.size(); // + (int) (clip_bounds.width / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_width))+5; // num_bars=1; c_font_height = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); draw((Graphics2D) g); } /** * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always * regenerated by the Form Editor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // //GEN-BEGIN:initComponents private void initComponents() { ctxMenu = new javax.swing.JPopupMenu(); compMenu = new javax.swing.JMenu(); jCheckBoxMenuItem1 = new javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem(); compMenu.setText("Compression"); ctxMenu.add(compMenu); jCheckBoxMenuItem1.setMnemonic('l'); jCheckBoxMenuItem1.setSelected(true); jCheckBoxMenuItem1.setText("Log Scale"); jCheckBoxMenuItem1.setToolTipText(""); jCheckBoxMenuItem1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jCheckBoxMenuItem1ActionPerformed(evt); } }); ctxMenu.add(jCheckBoxMenuItem1); setBackground(java.awt.Color.white); setBorder(null); setOpaque(false); setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(300, 300)); setRequestFocusEnabled(false); javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(this); this.setLayout(layout); layout.setHorizontalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 589, Short.MAX_VALUE) ); layout.setVerticalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 300, Short.MAX_VALUE) ); }// //GEN-END:initComponents private void jCheckBoxMenuItem1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jCheckBoxMenuItem1ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: }//GEN-LAST:event_jCheckBoxMenuItem1ActionPerformed protected void setCompression(int timeFrame) { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { data = Globals.se.getOHLCdata(timeFrame); invalidate(); repaint(); }); } @Override public void UpdateQuote(Quote q) { // System.out.print("Quote Received\n"); // this.realTimeAdd(q.time, (float) q.price, (float)q.volume); // data.realTimeAdd(q.time, (float) q.price, (float) q.volume); // this.invalidate(); this.repaint(); } // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables private javax.swing.JMenu compMenu; private javax.swing.JPopupMenu ctxMenu; private javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem jCheckBoxMenuItem1; // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables }