package sesim; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import sesim.Order.OrderStatus; import sesim.Order.OrderType; /** * * @author tube */ public class Exchange extends Thread { private class iAccount implements Comparable { protected double id; protected double shares; protected double money; @Override public int compareTo(Object a) { iAccount account = (iAccount) a; return - < 0 ? -1 : 1; } iAccount(double money, double shares) { NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID_LOCKER.lock(); id = (Math.random() + (next_account_id++)); NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID_LOCKER.unlock(); } } private static int next_account_id; private static final Locker NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID_LOCKER = new Locker(); TreeSet accounts; double createAccount(double money, double shares) { iAccount a = new iAccount(money, shares); accounts.add(a); return; } /** * Histrory of quotes */ public TreeSet quoteHistory = new TreeSet<>(); /** * Constructor */ public Exchange() { this.ask = new TreeSet<>(); = new TreeSet<>(); this.qrlist = new ArrayList<>(); } class BidBook extends TreeSet{ TreeSet t = new TreeSet(); boolean hallo(){ t.comparator(); return true; } } /** * * @return */ public static long getCurrentTimeSeconds() { long ct = System.currentTimeMillis(); return ct / 1000; } public SortedSet getQuoteHistory(long start) { Quote s = new Quote(); s.time = start * 1000; = 0; TreeSet result = new TreeSet<>(); result.addAll(this.quoteHistory.tailSet(s)); return result; } /* public SortedSet getQuoteHistory(int seconds) { Quote last = quoteHistory.last(); return this.getQuoteHistory(seconds, last.time); } */ // Class to describe an executed order // QuoteReceiver has to be implemented by objects that wants // to receive quote updates public interface QuoteReceiver { void UpdateQuote(Quote q); } /** * Bookreceiver Interface */ public interface BookReceiver { void UpdateOrderBook(); } final private ArrayList ask_bookreceivers = new ArrayList<>(); final private ArrayList bid_bookreceivers = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList selectBookReceiver(OrderType t) { switch (t) { case ask: return ask_bookreceivers; case bid: return bid_bookreceivers; } return null; } public void addBookReceiver(OrderType t, BookReceiver br) { ArrayList bookreceivers; bookreceivers = selectBookReceiver(t); bookreceivers.add(br); } void updateBookReceivers(OrderType t) { ArrayList bookreceivers; bookreceivers = selectBookReceiver(t); Iterator i = bookreceivers.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) {; } try { sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("I was Interrupted"); } } // Here we store the list of quote receivers private final ArrayList qrlist; /** * * @param qr */ public void addQuoteReceiver(QuoteReceiver qr) { qrlist.add(qr); } // send updated quotes to all quote receivers private void updateQuoteReceivers(Quote q) { Iterator i = qrlist.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) {; } } // long time = 0; double theprice = 12.9; long orderid = 1; double lastprice = 100.0; long lastsvolume; public TreeSet bid; public TreeSet ask; private Locker tradelock = new Locker(); /* private final Semaphore available = new Semaphore(1, true); private void Lock() { try { available.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException s) { System.out.println("Interrupted\n"); } } private void Unlock() { available.release(); } */ private TreeSet selectOrderBook(OrderType t) { switch (t) { case bid: return; case ask: return this.ask; } return null; } public ArrayList getOrderBook(OrderType t, int depth) { TreeSet book = selectOrderBook(t); if (book == null) { return null; } ArrayList ret = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator it = book.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < depth && it.hasNext(); i++) { Order o; o =; ret.add(o); //System.out.print("Order" + o.limit); //System.out.println(); } return ret; } public void print_current() { Order b; Order a; //String bid; if (bid.isEmpty()) { b = new BuyOrder(); b.limit = -1; b.volume = 0; } else { b = bid.first(); } if (ask.isEmpty()) { a = new SellOrder(); a.limit = -1; a.volume = 0; } else { a = ask.first(); }"BID: %s(%s) LAST: %.2f(%d) ASK: %s(%s)\n", b.format_limit(), b.format_volume(), lastprice, lastsvolume, a.format_limit(), a.format_volume()) ); } public void transferMoney(Account src, Account dst, double money) { -= money; += money; } protected void transferMoneyAndShares(Account src, Account dst, double money, long shares) { -= money; += money; src.shares -= shares; dst.shares += shares; } /** * * @param o */ public void cancelOrder(Order o) { tradelock.lock(); TreeSet book = this.selectOrderBook(o.type); book.remove(o); this.updateBookReceivers(o.type); o.account.pending.remove(o); o.status = OrderStatus.canceled; tradelock.unlock(); } /** * Transfer shares from one account to another account * * @param src source account * @param dst destination account * @param volumen number of shares * @param price price */ protected void transferShares(Account src, Account dst, long volume, double price) { dst.shares += volume; src.shares -= volume; -= price * volume; += price * volume; } long nextQuoteId = 0; /** * */ protected void executeOrders() { while (!bid.isEmpty() && !ask.isEmpty()) { Order b = bid.first(); Order a = ask.first(); if (b.limit < a.limit) { // no match, nothing to do return; } // There is a match, calculate price and volume double price = < ? b.limit : a.limit; long volume = b.volume >= a.volume ? a.volume : b.volume; transferMoneyAndShares(b.account, a.account, volume * price, -volume); if (a.volume == 0) { // This order is fully executed, remove a.account.orderpending = false; a.status = OrderStatus.executed; a.account.pending.remove(a); ask.pollFirst(); this.updateBookReceivers(OrderType.ask); continue; } if (b.volume == 0) { // This order is fully executed, remove b.account.orderpending = false; b.status = OrderStatus.executed; b.account.pending.remove(b); bid.pollFirst(); this.updateBookReceivers(; continue; } if (b.limit >= a.limit) { price = < ? b.limit : a.limit; /* if ( < { price = b.limit; } else { price = a.limit; } */ if (b.volume >= a.volume) { volume = a.volume; } else { volume = b.volume; } transferShares(a.account, b.account, volume, price); // b.account.Buy(a.account, volume, price); b.volume -= volume; a.volume -= volume; lastprice = price; lastsvolume = volume; Quote q = new Quote(); q.volume = volume; q.price = price; q.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); q.ask = a.limit; = b.limit; = nextQuoteId++; this.updateQuoteReceivers(q); this.updateBookReceivers(; this.updateBookReceivers(OrderType.ask); quoteHistory.add(q); continue; } return; } } private void executeOrdersX() { while (!bid.isEmpty() && !ask.isEmpty()) { Order b = bid.first(); Order a = ask.first(); if (b.limit < a.limit) { // no match, nothing to do return; } if (a.volume == 0) { // This order is fully executed, remove a.account.orderpending = false; a.status = OrderStatus.executed; a.account.pending.remove(a); ask.pollFirst(); this.updateBookReceivers(OrderType.ask); continue; } if (b.volume == 0) { // This order is fully executed, remove b.account.orderpending = false; b.status = OrderStatus.executed; b.account.pending.remove(b); bid.pollFirst(); this.updateBookReceivers(; continue; } if (b.limit >= a.limit) { double price; price = < ? b.limit : a.limit; /* if ( < { price = b.limit; } else { price = a.limit; } */ long volume; if (b.volume >= a.volume) { volume = a.volume; } else { volume = b.volume; } transferShares(a.account, b.account, volume, price); // b.account.Buy(a.account, volume, price); b.volume -= volume; a.volume -= volume; lastprice = price; lastsvolume = volume; Quote q = new Quote(); q.volume = volume; q.price = price; q.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); q.ask = a.limit; = b.limit; = nextQuoteId++; this.updateQuoteReceivers(q); this.updateBookReceivers(; this.updateBookReceivers(OrderType.ask); /* System.out.print( "Executed: " + q.price + " / " + q.volume + "\n" ); */ quoteHistory.add(q); continue; } return; } } public void ExecuteOrder(BuyOrder o) { // SellOrder op = ask.peek(); } private boolean InitOrder(Order o) { double moneyNeeded = o.volume * o.limit; return true; } // Add an order to the orderbook private boolean addOrder(Order o) { boolean ret = false; switch (o.type) { case bid: // System.out.print("Exchange adding bid order \n"); ret = bid.add(o); break; case ask: // System.out.print("Exchange adding ask order \n"); ret = ask.add(o); break; } if (ret) { this.updateBookReceivers(o.type); } return ret; } public Order SendOrder(Order o) { boolean rc = InitOrder(o); if (!rc) { return null; } tradelock.lock(); o.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); = orderid++; addOrder(o); o.account.pending.add(o); executeOrders(); tradelock.unlock(); return o; } /* public void SendOrder(BuyOrder o) { //System.out.println("EX Buyorder"); Lock(); o.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); = orderid++; bid.add(o); Unlock(); Lock(); // executeOrders(); Unlock(); } */ /* * public void SendOrder(Order o){ * * * if ( o.getClass() == BuyOrder.class){ bid.add((BuyOrder)o); } * * if ( o.getClass() == SellOrder.class){ ask.add((SellOrder)o); } * * } */ public double getlastprice() { /* * SellOrder so = new SellOrder(); so.limit=1000.0; so.volume=500; * SendOrder(so); * * BuyOrder bo = new BuyOrder(); bo.limit=1001.0; bo.volume=300; * SendOrder(bo); */ return lastprice; } /* public double sendOrder(Account o) { return 0.7; } */ /** * */ @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { sleep(1500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("I was Interrupted"); } print_current(); } } }