/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 7u83 * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package opensesim.world; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import opensesim.util.idgenerator.IDGenerator; import opensesim.util.idgenerator.LongIDGenerator; import opensesim.util.scheduler.EventListener; import opensesim.util.scheduler.FiringEvent; /** * * @author 7u83 */ class TradingEngine implements TradingAPI { private final Exchange outer; /** * Construct a trading engine for an asset pair * * @param pair The AssetPair object to create the trading engine for * @param outer Outer class - points to an Exchange object thins trading * engine belongs to. */ TradingEngine(AssetPair pair, final Exchange outer) { this.outer = outer; assetpair = pair; reset(); } @Override public AssetPair getAssetPair() { return assetpair; } IDGenerator id_generator = new IDGenerator(); LongIDGenerator quote_id_generator = new LongIDGenerator(); private HashMap> order_books; private SortedSet bidbook, askbook; private SortedSet ul_buy, ul_sell; AssetPair assetpair; TreeSet quote_history; Quote last_quote; protected final void reset() { order_books = new HashMap<>(); // Create an order book for each order type for (Order.Type type : Order.Type.values()) { order_books.put(type, new TreeSet<>()); } // Save order books to variables for quicker access bidbook = order_books.get(Order.Type.BUYLIMIT); askbook = order_books.get(Order.Type.SELLLIMIT); ul_buy = order_books.get(Order.Type.BUY); ul_sell = order_books.get(Order.Type.SELL); quote_history = new TreeSet<>(); last_quote = null; Quote q = new Quote(-1); q.price = 100.0; last_quote = q; // ohlc_data = new HashMap(); } void addQuoteToHistory(Quote q) { /* if (statistics.heigh == null) { statistics.heigh = q.price; } else if (statistics.heigh < q.price) { statistics.heigh = q.price; } if (statistics.low == null) { statistics.low = q.price; } else if (statistics.low > q.price) { statistics.low = q.price; } */ // Stock stock = getDefaultStock(); quote_history.add(q); // stock.updateOHLCData(q); // updateQuoteReceivers(q); } boolean compact_history = false; boolean compact_last = true; private void transferMoneyAndShares(Account src, Account dst, double money, double shares) { // src.money -= money; AssetPack pack; pack = new AssetPack(assetpair.getCurrency(), money); src.sub(pack); dst.add(pack); pack.asset = assetpair.getAsset(); pack.volume = shares; src.add(pack); dst.sub(pack); /* src.addMoney(-money); // dst.money += money; dst.addMoney(money); // src.shares -= shares; src.addShares(-shares); // dst.shares += shares; src.addShares(shares); */ } private void finishTrade(Order b, Order a, double price, double volume) { // Transfer money and shares transferMoneyAndShares(b.account, a.account, volume * price, volume); // Update volume b.volume -= volume; a.volume -= volume; b.cost += price * volume; a.cost += price * volume; removeOrderIfExecuted(a); removeOrderIfExecuted(b); a.account.notfiyListeners(); b.account.notfiyListeners(); } private void removeOrderIfExecuted(Order o) { if (o.volume != 0) { o.status = Order.Status.PARTIALLY_EXECUTED; //o.account.update(o); return; } // o.account.orders.remove(o.id); SortedSet book = order_books.get(o.type); book.remove(book.first()); // o.status = OrderStatus.CLOSED; // o.account.update(o); } /** * */ private void executeOrders() { Quote q = null; double volume_total = 0; double money_total = 0; while (true) { // Match unlimited sell orders against unlimited buy orders while (!ul_sell.isEmpty() && !ul_buy.isEmpty()) { Order a = ul_sell.first(); Order b = ul_buy.first(); Double price = getBestPrice(); if (price == null) { // Threre is no price available, we can't match, we // have to wait until some limited orders come in break; } // calculate volume by best fit double volume = b.volume >= a.volume ? a.volume : b.volume; double avdiff = b.limit - price * volume; b.account.addAvail(assetpair.getCurrency(), avdiff); finishTrade(b, a, price, volume); volume_total += volume; money_total += price * volume; Order.Type type = Order.Type.BUYLIMIT; if (!compact_history) { q = new Quote(quote_id_generator.getNext()); q.price = price; q.volume = volume; q.time = outer.world.currentTimeMillis(); q.type = type; addQuoteToHistory(q); } //this.checkSLOrders(price); } /* while (!ul_buy.isEmpty() && !ask.isEmpty()) { Order a = ask.first(); Order b = ul_buy.first(); double price = a.limit; double volume = b.volume >= a.volume ? a.volume : b.volume; finishTrade(b, a, price, volume); volume_total += volume; money_total += price * volume; this.checkSLOrders(price); } // Match unlimited sell orders against limited buy orders while (!ul_sell.isEmpty() && !bid.isEmpty()) { Order b = bid.first(); Order a = ul_sell.first(); double price = b.limit; double volume = b.volume >= a.volume ? a.volume : b.volume; finishTrade(b, a, price, volume); volume_total += volume; money_total += price * volume; this.checkSLOrders(price); } */ // // Match limited orders against limited orders // if (bidbook.isEmpty() || askbook.isEmpty()) { // no limit orders at all, nothing to do break; } // Get the top orders - each from bidbook and askbook, but // let orders stay in their order books Order b = bidbook.first(); Order a = askbook.first(); if (b.limit < a.limit) { // limits do not match, so there is nothing to do break; } // There is a match. Next we calculate price and volume. // The price is set by the order with lower ID because the // order with lower ID was placed first. Also the order with // the lower id is maker, while the higher ID is the taker. double price; Order.Type type; if (b.id.compareTo(a.id) < 0) { price = b.limit; type = Order.Type.SELL; } else { price = a.limit; type = Order.Type.BUY; } // The volume is calculated by best fit double volume = b.volume >= a.volume ? a.volume : b.volume; // Update available currency for the buyer. // For sellers there is no need to update. double avdiff = b.limit * volume - price * volume; b.account.addAvail(assetpair.getCurrency(), avdiff); // b.account.addMarginAvail(assetpair.getCurrency(), avdiff/b.account.getLeverage()); finishTrade(b, a, price, volume); if (!compact_history) { q = new Quote(quote_id_generator.getNext()); q.price = price; q.volume = volume; q.time = outer.world.currentTimeMillis(); q.type = type; addQuoteToHistory(q); } volume_total += volume; money_total += price * volume; // statistics.trades++; // this.checkSLOrders(price); } if (volume_total == 0) { return; } Quote qc; qc = new Quote(quote_id_generator.getNext()); qc.price = money_total / volume_total; qc.volume = volume_total; qc.time = outer.world.currentTimeMillis(); if (compact_history) { addQuoteToHistory(qc); } if (compact_last) { last_quote = qc; } else { last_quote = q; } } public Double getBestPrice() { Order b; Order a; // Get first limited orders from bid and ask, // assign null if no order is present b = !bidbook.isEmpty() ? bidbook.first() : null; a = !askbook.isEmpty() ? askbook.first() : null; // If there is neither bid nor ask and also no last quote // we can't return a price if (last_quote == null && b == null && a == null) { return null; } // Both limited bid and ask are present if (a != null && b != null) { // if there is no last quote, we calculate the prpice // from bid and ask by simply averaging the limits if (last_quote == null) { return (bidbook.first().limit + askbook.first().limit) / 2.0; } // Last quote is below bid, so the best price is the // current bid if (last_quote.price < b.limit) { return b.limit; } // Last price is grater ask, so return the current ask if (last_quote.price > a.limit) { return a.limit; } // Last price is somewhere between bid and ask, // we return the last price return last_quote.price; } // There is no limited ask, but limited bid if (a != null) { // retrun last quote if present or lower than ask, // otherwise return the current ask if (last_quote == null) { return a.limit; } if (last_quote.price > a.limit) { return a.limit; } return last_quote.price; } // No bid, but ask is present // Same as a !=null like before but reversed if (b != null) { if (last_quote == null) { return b.limit; } if (last_quote.price < b.limit) { return b.limit; } return last_quote.price; } // Both bid and ask are not present, return last quote. // The case that last_quote is null can never happen here. return last_quote.price; } @Override public Order createOrder(Account account, Order.Type type, double volume, double limit) { Order o; synchronized (account) { // Round volume double v = assetpair.getAsset().roundToDecimals(volume); // Order volume must be grater than 0.0. if (v <= 0.0) { return null; } // Round currency (limit) double l = assetpair.getCurrency().roundToDecimals(limit); double order_limit; switch (type) { case BUYLIMIT: { // verfify available currency for a buy limit order AbstractAsset currency = this.assetpair.getCurrency(); Double avail = account.getMargin(assetpair.getCurrency()); // return if not enough money is available if (avail < v * l) { // return null; } // reduce the available money // account.assets_avail.put(currency, avail - v * l); account.addAvail(currency, -(v * l)); //account.addMarginAvail(currency, -((v * l)/account.getLeverage())); order_limit = l; break; } case BUY: { // For an unlimited by order there is nothing to check // other than currency is > 0.0 AbstractAsset currency = this.assetpair.getCurrency(); Double avail = account.getAvail(currency); if (avail <= 0.0) { return null; } // All available monney is assigned to this unlimited order account.assets_avail.put(currency, 0.0); // we "mis"use order_limit to memorize occupied ammount \ // of currency order_limit = avail; break; } case SELLLIMIT: case SELL: { // verfiy sell limit AbstractAsset asset = this.assetpair.getAsset(); Double avail = account.getAvail(asset); if (avail < v) { // not enough items of asset (shares) available // return null; } account.assets_avail.put(asset, avail - v); order_limit = l; break; } default: return null; } o = new Order(this, account, type, v, order_limit); //System.out.printf("The new Order has: volume: %f limit: %f\n", o.getVolume(), o.getLimit()); synchronized (this) { order_books.get(o.type).add(o); } } executeOrders(); // last_quote.price = 200; for (FiringEvent e : book_listener) { e.fire(); } return o; } HashSet book_listener = new HashSet<>(); @Override public void addOrderBookListener(EventListener listener) { book_listener.add(new FiringEvent(listener)); } @Override public Set getOrderBook(Order.Type type) { switch (type) { case BUYLIMIT: case BUY: return Collections.unmodifiableSet(bidbook); case SELLLIMIT: case SELL: return Collections.unmodifiableSet(askbook); } return null; } @Override public Set getBidBook() { return getOrderBook(Order.Type.BUYLIMIT ); } @Override public Set getAskBook() { return getOrderBook(Order.Type.SELL ); } @Override public Set getQuoteHistory() { return Collections .unmodifiableSet(quote_history ); } }