More chart improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,19 +34,15 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
protected int em_size = 1;
protected double x_unit_width = 1.0;
protected float bar_width = 0.9f * 2.0f;
protected float bar_width = 2.0f;
public void setBarWidth(float bw){
public void setBarWidth(float bw) {
bar_width = bw;
//protected float bar_width_em = 1;
protected float y_legend_width = 10;
@ -64,13 +60,11 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
* Creates new form Chart
public Chart() {
if ({
if ( == null) {
@ -85,51 +79,47 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
// scrollPane=new JScrollPane();
// scrollPane.setViewportView(this);
// scrollPane.setViewportView(this);
private String [] ctxMenuCompressionText = {
private String[] ctxMenuCompressionText = {
"5 s", "10 s", "15 s", "30 s",
"1 m", "2 m", "5 m", "10 m", "15 m", "30 m",
"1 h", "2 h", "4 h",
"1 d", "2 d"
private Integer[] ctxMenuCompressionValues ={
5*1000, 10*1000, 15*1000, 30*1000,
60*1000, 2*60*1000, 5*60*1000, 10*60*1000, 15*60*1000, 30*60*1000,
1*3600*1000,2*3600*1000, 4*3600*1000,
1*24*3600*1000, 2*24*3600*1000
private Integer[] ctxMenuCompressionValues = {
5 * 1000, 10 * 1000, 15 * 1000, 30 * 1000,
60 * 1000, 2 * 60 * 1000, 5 * 60 * 1000, 10 * 60 * 1000, 15 * 60 * 1000, 30 * 60 * 1000,
1 * 3600 * 1000, 2 * 3600 * 1000, 4 * 3600 * 1000,
1 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000
void initCtxMenu() {
for (int i=0; i<this.ctxMenuCompressionValues.length;i++){
JMenuItem item=new JMenuItem(this.ctxMenuCompressionText[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < this.ctxMenuCompressionValues.length; i++) {
JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(this.ctxMenuCompressionText[i]);
item.addActionListener((java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) -> {
item.addActionListener((java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) -> {
private void ctxMenuCompActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String cmd = evt.getActionCommand();
for (int i=0;i<this.ctxMenuCompressionText.length;i++){
if (this.ctxMenuCompressionText[i].equals(cmd)){
for (int i = 0; i < this.ctxMenuCompressionText.length; i++) {
if (this.ctxMenuCompressionText[i].equals(cmd)) {
System.out.printf("Equality to %s\n", cmd);
System.out.printf("ACtion %s\n",cmd);
System.out.printf("ACtion %s\n", cmd);
//this.setCompression(1000 * 5);
OHLCData data;
public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() {
return this.getPreferredSize();
@ -157,7 +147,7 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
class XLegendDef {
double unit_width = 1;
// double unit_width = 1.5;
int big_tick = 8;
long start;
@ -168,8 +158,7 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
String getAt(int unit) {
int fs = data.getFrameSize();
return Scheduler.formatTimeMillis(0+unit*fs);
return Scheduler.formatTimeMillis(0 + unit * fs);
@ -179,11 +168,16 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
* Draw the one and only one X legend
* @param g Graphics conext to draw
* @param xld Definition
void drawXLegend(Graphics2D g, XLegendDef xld) {
g = (Graphics2D) g.create();
Dimension dim = getSize();
int y = dim.height - em_height * 3;
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
int n;
double x;
for (n = 0, x = 0; x < dim.width; x += em_size * xld.unit_width) {
for (n = 0, x = 0; x < dim.width; x += em_size * x_unit_width) {
if (n % xld.big_tick == 0) {
g.drawLine((int) x, y, (int) x, y + em_size);
@ -239,7 +233,7 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
boolean logs = true;
boolean logs = false;
float getY(float y) {
@ -259,21 +253,11 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
//return c_rect.height - ((float) Math.log((y - c_mm.min) * c_yscaling) * fac);
return c_rect.height - ((y - c_mm.min) * c_yscaling);
return (c_rect.height - ((y - c_mm.min) * c_yscaling)) + c_rect.y;
// return c_rect.height - ((y - c_mm.min) * c_yscaling);
/* private void old_drawItem(Graphics2D g, Rectangle r, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem item, float s, float min) {
if (prev == null) {
prev = item;
g.drawLine(prevx, (int) getYc(prev.close, min, s, r), x, (int) getYc(item.close, min, s, r));
g.drawLine(r.x, r.height + r.y, r.x + r.width, r.height + r.y);
private void drawItem_l(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem item) {
if (prev == null) {
@ -286,7 +270,7 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
g.drawLine(r.x, r.height + r.y, r.x + r.width, r.height + r.y);
private void drawItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) {
private void drawCandleItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) {
if (prev == null) {
prev = i;
@ -294,9 +278,7 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
Graphics2D g = ctx.g;
Rectangle r = ctx.rect;
// g.drawLine(prevx, (int) ctx.getYc(prev.close), x, (int) ctx.getYc(item.close));
// g.drawLine(x,(int)ctx.getYc(i.high),x,(int)ctx.getYc(i.low));
if ( < i.close) {
int xl = (int) (x + ctx.iwidth / 2);
@ -328,38 +310,59 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
// g.drawLine(r.x, r.height + r.y, r.x + r.width, r.height + r.y);
// float getYc(float y) {
// return c_rect.height - ((y - c_mm.min) * scaling);
// }
private void drawBarItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) {
Graphics2D g = ctx.g;
g.drawLine(x, (int) ctx.getYc(0), x, (int) ctx.getYc(i.volume));
Rectangle r = ctx.rect;
enum ChartType {
ChartType ct = ChartType.CANDLESTICK;
private void drawItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) {
switch (ct) {
this.drawCandleItem(ctx, prevx, x, prev, i);
case VOL:
this.drawBarItem(ctx, prevx, x, prev, i);
float c_yscaling;
private void drawYLegend(Graphics2D g) {
private void drawYLegend(RenderCtx ctx) {
// g.setClip(null);
System.out.printf("Drawing legend\n");
Dimension dim0 = this.getSize();
Rectangle dim = g.getClipBounds();
Graphics2D g=ctx.g;
// g.setClip(null);
System.out.printf("Drawing legend\n");
//Dimension dim0 = this.getSize();
Rectangle dim ;
dim = this.clip_bounds;
Dimension rv = this.getSize();
System.out.printf("W: %d,%d\n",rv.width,rv.height );
System.out.printf("W: %d,%d\n", rv.width, rv.height);
int yw = (int) (this.y_legend_width * this.em_size);
g.drawLine(dim.width + dim.x - yw, 0, dim.width + dim.x - yw, dim.height);
System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height);
// float yscale = gdim.height / c_mm.getDiff();
c_yscaling = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff();
// System.out.printf("yscale %f\n", c_yscaling);
@ -372,21 +375,44 @@ System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
g.drawString(String.format("%.2f", y), dim.width + dim.x - yw + em_size * 1.5f, my + c_font_height / 3);
// g.setColor(;
// g.drawLine(0,(int)getYc(c_mm.min), 1000, (int)getYc(c_mm.min));
//g.drawRect(c_rect.x, c_rect.y, c_rect.width, c_rect.height);
// System.out.printf("Size: %d %d\n",gdim.width,gdim.height);
// System.exit(0);
private MinMax c_mm = null;
private Rectangle c_rect;
private int em_height;
private int em_width;
void drawChart(RenderCtx ctx) {
c_yscaling = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff();
// ctx.g.setClip(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height);
// ctx.g.drawRect(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height);
int yw=(int) (this.y_legend_width * this.em_size);
System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
ctx.g.setClip(clip_bounds.x, clip_bounds.y, clip_bounds.width-yw, clip_bounds.height);
// ctx.g.setClip(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width-yw, ctx.rect.height);
OHLCDataItem prev = null;
for (int i = first_bar; i < last_bar && i < data.size(); i++) {
OHLCDataItem di = data.get(i);
int x = (int) (i * em_size * x_unit_width); //em_width;
this.drawItem(ctx, x - em_width, x, prev, di); //, ctx.scaling, data.getMin());
// myi++;
prev = di;
private void draw(Graphics2D g) {
if (data == null) {
@ -401,30 +427,35 @@ System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
c_mm.min /= 1.5; //-= c_mm.min/ 2.0f;
c_mm.max *= 1.2; //+= c_mm.max / 10.0f;
c_mm.min /= 1; //-= c_mm.min/ 2.0f;
c_mm.max *= 1; //+= c_mm.max / 10.0f;
em_height = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
em_width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("M");
OHLCDataItem di0 = data.get(0);
XLegendDef xld = new XLegendDef();
this.drawXLegend(g, xld);
int pwidth = em_width * num_bars;
int pwidth = (int) (em_width*x_unit_width * num_bars);
int phight = 400;
// phight=this.getVisibleRect().height;
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(pwidth, gdim.height));
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, pwidth, gdim.height - 6 * em_width);
int bww = (int) (data.size()*(this.x_unit_width * this.em_size));
int p0 = bww-clip_bounds.width;
if (p0<0)
JViewport vp=(JViewport) this.getParent();
// vp.setViewPosition(new Point(pwidth-400,0));
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, pwidth, gdim.height - 16 * em_width);
c_rect = r;
// Dimension gdim = this.getSize();
// Iterator<OHLCDataItem> it = data.iterator();
@ -433,26 +464,34 @@ System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
RenderCtx ctx = new RenderCtx();
// MinMax mm = data.getMinMax(first_bar, last_bar);
// if(mm==null)
// return ;
c_rect.x = 0;
c_rect.y = 50;
c_rect.height = 100;
ctx.rect = c_rect;
ctx.scaling = (float) r.height / (c_mm.getMax() - c_mm.getMin());
ctx.min = c_mm.getMin();
ctx.g = g;
ctx.iwidth = (bar_width * em_size) * 0.9f; // em_width - em_width / 5f;
ctx.iwidth = (float) ((x_unit_width * em_size) * 0.9f);
//g.setClip(clip_bounds.x, clip_bounds.y, (int)(clip_bounds.width-this.y_legend_width*this.em_size), clip_bounds.height);
for (int i = first_bar; i < last_bar && i < data.size(); i++) {
OHLCDataItem di = data.get(i);
int x = (int) (i * em_size * bar_width); //em_width;
this.drawItem(ctx, x - em_width, x, prev, di); //, ctx.scaling, data.getMin());
this.ct = ChartType.CANDLESTICK;
// myi++;
prev = di;
c_mm = data.getVolMinMax(first_bar, last_bar);
System.out.printf("Volminmax: %f %f\n", c_mm.min, c_mm.max);
c_mm.min = 0f;
c_rect.x = 0;
c_rect.y = 250;
c_rect.height = 50;
ctx.rect = c_rect;
ctx.scaling = (float) r.height / (c_mm.getMax() - c_mm.getMin());
ctx.min = c_mm.getMin();
ctx.g = g;
ctx.iwidth = (float) ((x_unit_width * em_size) * 0.9f);
this.ct = ChartType.VOL;
//System.out.printf("Scaling: %f %f %f %f %f\n",diff,(float)r.height,data.getMin(),data.getMax(),yscaling);
/* while (it.hasNext()) {
OHLCDataItem di =;
@ -467,7 +506,6 @@ System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
private float c_font_height;
@ -477,43 +515,31 @@ System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
// Calculate the number of pixels for 1 em
em_size = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("M");
this.gdim = this.getParent().getSize(gdim);
Object o = this.getParent();
//Object o = this.getParent();
JViewport vp = (JViewport) this.getParent();
Dimension r = vp.getExtentSize();
System.out.printf("Repainting called %d %d %d %d\n", r.width,r.height,clip_bounds.width,clip_bounds.height);
Point vvp = vp.getViewPosition();
this.clip_bounds = vp.getViewRect();
// vp.setViewPosition(new Point(0,0));
// System.out.printf("X:%d %d\n",gdim.width,gdim.height);
first_bar = (int) (clip_bounds.x / (this.bar_width * this.em_size));
last_bar = 1 + (int) ((clip_bounds.x + clip_bounds.width - (this.y_legend_width * em_size)) / (this.bar_width * this.em_size));
first_bar = (int) (clip_bounds.x / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size));
last_bar = 1 + (int) ((clip_bounds.x + clip_bounds.width - (this.y_legend_width * em_size)) / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size));
// int vpwidth=(int) ((last_bar-first_bar)*x_unit_width*em_size);
num_bars=data.size() + (int) (clip_bounds.width / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size))+5;
c_font_height = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
System.out.printf("First %d, last %d\n", first_bar,last_bar);
System.out.printf("First %d, last %d\n", first_bar, last_bar);
draw((Graphics2D) g);
@ -568,8 +594,7 @@ System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
// this.invalidate();
||||, evt.getX(), evt.getY());
@ -585,7 +610,6 @@ System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x,dim.y,dim.width,dim.height);
public void UpdateQuote(Quote q) {
// System.out.print("Quote Received\n");
@ -33,55 +33,76 @@ import java.util.*;
public class OHLCData {
private float max=0;
private float min=0;
private float max = 0;
private float min = 0;
private int frame_size=60000;
int max_size=100;
private int frame_size = 60000;
int max_size = 100;
public OHLCData(){
public OHLCData() {
public OHLCData(int frame_size){
public OHLCData(int frame_size) {
this.frame_size = frame_size;
public float getMax() {
return max;
public float getMin(){
public float getMin() {
return min;
public int size(){
public int size() {
return data.size();
public int getFrameSize(){
public int getFrameSize() {
return this.frame_size;
public MinMax getMinMax(int first, int last){
public MinMax getMinMax(int first, int last) {
if (first>=data.size())
return null;
if (first >= data.size()) {
OHLCDataItem di = data.get(data.size() - 1);
return new MinMax(di.low, di.high);
OHLCDataItem di = data.get(first);
MinMax minmax=new MinMax(di.low,di.high);
MinMax minmax = new MinMax(di.low, di.high);
for (int i=first+1; i<last && i<data.size(); i++){
for (int i = first + 1; i < last && i < data.size(); i++) {
di = data.get(i);
if (di.low<minmax.min){
if (di.low < minmax.min) {
minmax.min = di.low;
if (di.high>minmax.max){
if (di.high > minmax.max) {
minmax.max = di.high;
return minmax;
public MinMax getVolMinMax(int first, int last) {
if (first >= data.size()) {
OHLCDataItem di = data.get(data.size() - 1);
return new MinMax(di.volume, di.volume);
OHLCDataItem di = data.get(first);
MinMax minmax = new MinMax(di.volume, di.volume);
for (int i = first + 1; i < last && i < data.size(); i++) {
di = data.get(i);
if (di.volume < minmax.min) {
minmax.min = di.volume;
if (di.volume > minmax.max) {
minmax.max = di.volume;
return minmax;
@ -96,49 +117,44 @@ public class OHLCData {
public ArrayList<OHLCDataItem> data = new ArrayList<>();
public OHLCDataItem get(int n){
public OHLCDataItem get(int n) {
return data.get(n);
private void updateMinMax(float price){
if (price > max){
private void updateMinMax(float price) {
if (price > max) {
max = price;
if (price < min){
if (price < min) {
min = price;
public Iterator <OHLCDataItem> iterator(){
public Iterator<OHLCDataItem> iterator() {
return data.iterator();
// Start and end of current frame
private long current_frame_end = 0;
private long current_frame_start =0;
private long current_frame_start = 0;
public boolean realTimeAdd(long time, float price, float volume) {
if (time >= current_frame_end) {
if (current_frame_end==0){
if (current_frame_end == 0) {
this.min = price;
this.max = price;
long last_frame_start=current_frame_start;
long last_frame_start = current_frame_start;
current_frame_start = getFrameStart(time);
current_frame_end = current_frame_start + frame_size;
//System.out.printf("TA %d TE %d\n",this.current_frame_start,this.current_frame_end);
data.add(new OHLCDataItem(this.current_frame_start, price, volume));
return true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user