Chart has now volume chart working

This commit is contained in:
7u83 2017-02-19 15:04:07 +01:00
parent 6ba4f1896c
commit 6719f9a7f5
2 changed files with 92 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
<Property name="requestFocusEnabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
<EventHandler event="mouseWheelMoved" listener="java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener" parameters="java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent" handler="formMouseWheelMoved"/>
<EventHandler event="mousePressed" listener="java.awt.event.MouseListener" parameters="java.awt.event.MouseEvent" handler="formMousePressed"/>

View File

@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
private void drawBarItem(RenderCtx ctx, int prevx, int x, OHLCDataItem prev, OHLCDataItem i) {
Graphics2D g = ctx.g;
g.drawLine(x, (int) ctx.getYc(0), x, (int) ctx.getYc(i.volume));
Rectangle r = ctx.rect;
@ -345,23 +345,23 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
private void drawYLegend(RenderCtx ctx) {
Graphics2D g=ctx.g;
Graphics2D g = ctx.g;
// g.setClip(null);
System.out.printf("Drawing legend\n");
// System.out.printf("Drawing legend\n");
//Dimension dim0 = this.getSize();
Rectangle dim ;
Rectangle dim;
dim = this.clip_bounds;
Dimension rv = this.getSize();
System.out.printf("W: %d,%d\n", rv.width, rv.height);
//System.out.printf("W: %d,%d\n", rv.width, rv.height);
int yw = (int) (this.y_legend_width * this.em_size);
// g.setColor(Color.BLUE);
g.drawLine(dim.width + dim.x - yw, 0, dim.width + dim.x - yw, dim.height);
System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height);
// g.setColor(Color.YELLOW);
//System.out.printf("Dim: %d %d %d %d\n", dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height);
c_yscaling = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff();
@ -388,16 +388,15 @@ public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel implements QuoteReceiver, Scrollab
c_yscaling = c_rect.height / c_mm.getDiff();
// ctx.g.setClip(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height);
// ctx.g.drawRect(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height);
// ctx.g.setColor(Color.ORANGE);
// ctx.g.setClip(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height);
// ctx.g.drawRect(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width, ctx.rect.height);
int yw=(int) (this.y_legend_width * this.em_size);
System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
ctx.g.setClip(clip_bounds.x, clip_bounds.y, clip_bounds.width-yw, clip_bounds.height);
/// ctx.g.setColor(Color.ORANGE);
int yw = (int) (this.y_legend_width * this.em_size);
ctx.g.setClip(clip_bounds.x, clip_bounds.y, clip_bounds.width - yw, clip_bounds.height);
// ctx.g.setClip(ctx.rect.x, ctx.rect.y, ctx.rect.width-yw, ctx.rect.height);
OHLCDataItem prev = null;
@ -413,6 +412,9 @@ System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
boolean autoScroll = true;
int lastvpos = 0;
private void draw(Graphics2D g) {
if (data == null) {
@ -436,37 +438,49 @@ System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
XLegendDef xld = new XLegendDef();
this.drawXLegend(g, xld);
int pwidth = (int) (em_width*x_unit_width * num_bars);
int phight = 400;
int pwidth = (int) (em_width * x_unit_width * (num_bars + 1)) + clip_bounds.width;
// int phight = 400;
// phight=this.getVisibleRect().height;
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(pwidth, gdim.height));
int bww = (int) (data.size()*(this.x_unit_width * this.em_size));
int p0 = bww-clip_bounds.width;
if (p0<0)
JViewport vp=(JViewport) this.getParent();
// vp.setViewPosition(new Point(pwidth-400,0));
int bww = (int) (data.size() * (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size));
int p0 = pwidth - clip_bounds.width - (clip_bounds.width - (int) (13 * em_size));
if (p0 < 0) {
p0 = 0;
JViewport vp = (JViewport) this.getParent();
Point pp = vp.getViewPosition();
// System.out.printf("View Pos: %d %d\n", pp.x,pp.y);
// System.out.printf("Calc Pos: %d pw:%d\n", p0,pwidth);
Point cp = vp.getViewPosition();
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, pwidth, gdim.height - 16 * em_width);
if (autoScroll && this.lastvpos != cp.x) {
autoScroll = false;
if (!autoScroll && cp.x >= p0) {
autoScroll = true;
if (autoScroll) {
vp.setViewPosition(new Point(p0, 0));
lastvpos = p0;
int cheight = gdim.height - 6 * em_width;
int h = (int) (cheight * 0.8);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, pwidth, h);
c_rect = r;
// Dimension gdim = this.getSize();
// Iterator<OHLCDataItem> it = data.iterator();
OHLCDataItem prev = null;
// int myi = 0;
RenderCtx ctx = new RenderCtx();
c_rect.x = 0;
c_rect.y = 50;
c_rect.height = 100;
// c_rect.x = 0;
// c_rect.y = 50;
// c_rect.height = ;
ctx.rect = c_rect;
ctx.scaling = (float) r.height / (c_mm.getMax() - c_mm.getMin());
ctx.min = c_mm.getMin();
@ -478,12 +492,18 @@ System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
c_mm = data.getVolMinMax(first_bar, last_bar);
System.out.printf("Volminmax: %f %f\n", c_mm.min, c_mm.max);
//System.out.printf("Volminmax: %f %f\n", c_mm.min, c_mm.max);
c_mm.min = 0f;
c_rect.x = 0;
c_rect.y = 250;
c_rect.height = 50;
int h1 = h + em_width;
h = (int) (cheight * 0.2);
r = new Rectangle(0, h1, pwidth, h);
c_rect = r;
// c_rect.x = 0;
// c_rect.y = 250;
// c_rect.height = 50;
ctx.rect = c_rect;
ctx.scaling = (float) r.height / (c_mm.getMax() - c_mm.getMin());
ctx.min = c_mm.getMin();
@ -492,18 +512,7 @@ System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
this.ct = ChartType.VOL;
//System.out.printf("Scaling: %f %f %f %f %f\n",diff,(float)r.height,data.getMin(),data.getMax(),yscaling);
/* while (it.hasNext()) {
OHLCDataItem di =;
int x = myi * em_width;
this.drawItem(ctx, x - em_width, x, prev, di); //, ctx.scaling, data.getMin());
prev = di;
private float c_font_height;
@ -523,24 +532,18 @@ System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
this.clip_bounds = vp.getViewRect();
// vp.setViewPosition(new Point(0,0));
// vp.setViewPosition(new Point(0,0));
// System.out.printf("X:%d %d\n",gdim.width,gdim.height);
first_bar = (int) (clip_bounds.x / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size));
last_bar = 1 + (int) ((clip_bounds.x + clip_bounds.width - (this.y_legend_width * em_size)) / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size));
// int vpwidth=(int) ((last_bar-first_bar)*x_unit_width*em_size);
num_bars=data.size() + (int) (clip_bounds.width / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size))+5;
num_bars = data.size(); // + (int) (clip_bounds.width / (this.x_unit_width * this.em_size))+5;
c_font_height = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
System.out.printf("First %d, last %d\n", first_bar, last_bar);
// System.out.printf("First %d, last %d\n", first_bar, last_bar);
draw((Graphics2D) g);
@ -570,6 +573,11 @@ System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(300, 300));
addMouseWheelListener(new java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener() {
public void mouseWheelMoved(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent evt) {
addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
@ -604,6 +612,25 @@ System.out.printf("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw %d",yw) ;
private void formMouseWheelMoved(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_formMouseWheelMoved
System.out.printf("Wheel %f\n", evt.getPreciseWheelRotation());
double n = evt.getPreciseWheelRotation()*(-1.0);
System.out.printf("My n %f\n",n);
if (n < 0) {
if (this.x_unit_width > 0.3) {
this.x_unit_width += 0.1 * n;
} else {
this.x_unit_width += 0.1 * n;
void setCompression(int timeFrame) {
data =;